Saturday, August 4, 2018

How to Know if You're Over-Training

Fun times in the outdoor training area at Dino Headquarters. I love training, but I'm always careful not to over-do things - because over-training is a direct highway to Nogainsville.
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note and then we'll talk
iron - as in, how to know if you're

1. Two Copies Left.

We have TWO copies of Strength,
Muscle and Power left.I'm not doing
a new printing any time soon - and
perhaps not ever - so this is it.

If you want a copy, grab it here -
and do it now, because it's first
come, first served, and then
they're gone:

Strength, Muscle and Power

2. How to Know if You're

I received an email from Sean C., one
of our newer Dinos. He began training
Dino style two years ago, around age
42, and he's made really good progress.

For example, he started with the empty
bar on 20-rep squats, and now he's up
to bodyweight -- which means he's three
or four times stronger than when he
began training.

Sean asked the following question:

"The balance between intensity and
avoiding over-training seems difficult
to figure out.

Going all-out for 60 to 90 minutes,
lifting heavy, concentrating, staying
focused and intense seems to conflict
with not doing too much.

How does one know where to draw the

That's a good question, and one that I
get at least once a week -- so I thought
it would be a good idea to share my
answer with everyone.

First of all, I think anyone can handle
two or three weekly workouts using a
divided workout program and an
abbreviated training schedule without
running the risk of over-training.

And I think that training for 45 to 90
minutes will work fine -- although for
many Dinos, 45 to 60 minutes is better.

Ninety minutes is a very long workout
if you're pushing hard and staying in
the zone the entire time. Some can
do it - others cannot.

Remember, when I give a range (such
as 45 to 90 minutes for a workout),
that does NOT mean that the upper
end of the range is better.

It's a bell curve. Some people do better
at the lower end of the curve, and some
do better at the upper end -- but most
do best right in the middle.

A 45 minute workout might be best for
20 percent of us -- a 90 minute workout
might be best for another 20 percent --
and a 60 minute workout might be best
for the remaining 60 percent.

I also think that focus, concentration,
and mental intensity are vital to your
training success. You need to use these
tools in every workout. They allow you
to make good gains with a relatively
small amount of training.

Training for 45 minutes with full focus
and deep concentration is far better
than training for three hours of mind-
less, willy-nilly, haphazard work.

To find your own best range of how
long to train, then ask yourself three

1. Am I making measurable progress,
i.e., increasing what I can do in my

2. Am I enjoying my workouts and
having fun when I train?

3. Do I look forward to my workouts?

If the answer to all three questions is
"Yes!" then you're doing just what you
need to be doing -- so keep on doing it.

If the answer is "No," you need to make
changes -- which probably means to lower
your volume or intensity, or to use the
simple cycling systems I outline in Gray
Hair and Black Iron and in Dinosaur
Training Secrets, Vol. 1 and 3. 

In Sean's case, he's making very good
progress, and he enjoys his training --
and he looks forward to each and every
workout. So he should keep on doing
exactly what he's doing.

As always, thanks for reading, and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab Gray Hair and

P.S. 2. All three of my Dinosaur Training
Secrets courses are available in your
choice of hard-copy, Kindle e-book,
or PDF with immediate electronic
delivery. You can find the links for
the format of your choice right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"If it works, keep on doing it." 

-- Brooks Kubik

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: