Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Here It Is - The Sept-Oct Issue of The Dinosaur Files!

That's World and Olympic Champion Paul Anderson finishing a heavy military press. If Anderson were alive today, I like to think that he'd be reading The Dinosaur Files strength training journal.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We just released the Sept-Oct 2018 issue
of The Dinosaur Files strength training

It's another big issue - 12 pages - with tons
of training tips, exercises and workouts -
including a very challenging program that
uses a special combination of exercises
performed with a strongman yoke. (It's
real man-making stuff - so if you try it
and end up sore as heck, don't say I
didn't warn you - because I just did!)

You can grab the Sept-Oct Dino Files right
here in a downloadable and printable PDF -
with immediate electronic delivery:


Happy reading - and enjoy!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik