Thursday, October 11, 2018

One More Reason

That's me doing partial push presses with 440 pounds - back in the original Dinosaur Dungeon, more than 20 years ago. Those heavy partials built tons of bone strength.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In case you needed it, here's one more
reason to make Bone Strength Training
a priority in your workouts.

John Wood has mentioned it in several
recent emails that you may already have
seen - but it's very important for all of us,
so I want to follow up on it a bit.

Anyhow, here it is - one more reason to
do Bone Strength Training:

Increasing your bone mass may very
well increase your testosterone levels.

Let me repeat that.

If you do specialized training to increase
the density, strength and thickness of
your bones . . .

. . . which I refer to as Bone Strength
Training, using the term coined by John
Wood in his revolutionary Bone Strength
Project . . .

. . . then the increases in bone mass may
very well lead to increases in your body's
production of male hormones.

I use the term "may' because the research
is relatively new.

But so far, it looks like this:

1. Your bones contain a special "messenger"
protein that sends signals to other cells
and organs throughout your body.

2. In men, this includes the testes.

3. The signal from the messenger protein
is very simple: "Switch on!"

4. "Switch on!" means "Make more

5. In other words, "Start flooding this man's
body with as much testosterone as possible!"

And that makes it look like increased bone
mass may lead to increased testosterone

Which in turn leads to increased strength
and muscle mass.

As well as plenty of other good things -
especially for older Dinos.

It's not exactly the Fountain of Youth,
but it's pretty darn close.

How's that from a bonus from doing some
specialized work to build your bones?

So how do you do it?

Well, that's easy.

John and I have covered bone building
workouts in a number of our respective
books and courses - including these:

John Wood's Bone Strength Project

This is issue no. 2 of the Train Hard
Bulletin - available in PDF format -
and it details John's unique approach
to Bone Strength Training.

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

This is a no. 2 in a new series of special
training courses. It's available in PDF -
and the PDF is printable, so you can
print and save it if that's how you
like to do your reading.

Course No. 2 covers heavy partials in
detail - and includes an excellent
workout that will help build tons of
bone strength - as well as plenty
of tendon, ligament and muscle

Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of
Strength and Development

Every page of Dinosaur Training oozes
strength and power - and everything in
the book will help you build strong bones.
Chapters 10, 11, 16 and 17 are especially
good for Bone Strength Training.

Dinosaur Training is available in a hard-
copy edition only. Order it from my website,
using the above link. For the Kindle edition,
use the Kindle links at the end of this post.

The Dinosaur Strength Training
Archive, Vol. 1

The Dinosaur Strength Training Archive
is a collection of my articles from the
original Dinosaur Files newsletter, which
I launched in 1997.

Chapters 1 and 2 cover old-school training
methods that are very effective for Bone
Strength Training. In fact, the workout in
chapter 2 is kind of hard to beat.

This little monster is available in your choice
of hard-copy or Kindle edition. The above
photo shows the cover of the Kindle edition.

So there you have it - four great resources
for Bone Strength Training - with all of its
enormous benefits.

Of course, you could skip the Bone Strength
Training and stick to the light stuff - or the
muscle pumping stuff - or the endless hours
of cardio that so many people do - and just
forget all about strong bones.

Or you could give it a try and see how it

My very strong recommendation is to give
it a try - because if it works (and I think it
will), then you've done something truly
important for your strength, health and

And you've also learned a very important
key to lifelong strength and health.

And seriously - what do you have to lose?

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these:

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit: