Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Save Your Life Neck Training Workout - And More!

The Save Your Life Neck Workout is a must-read for anyone interested in wrestling, bjj, grappling or any other combat sport - and it's pretty darn important for everyone else, as well. By the way, that's World Champion Lou Thesz applying the toe hold in the above photo - and he did a heck of a lot of neck training over the years.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Are you reading the new Dinosaur
monthly newsletter?

I hope so, because every issue is a
goldmine of information.

It's 8 to 12 pages per issue - a fast,
fun read - available in PDF format
with immediate electronic delivery -
and it's printable, so you can print
each issue and save it in your
strength training and muscle
building collection.

And if you don't have a printer, just
talk to your local Kinko's or other
printing center. You can email The
Dino Files to them, and they can
print it for you for a nominal charge -
and it will be ready by the time you
walk into the shop.

We started this format with the Oct,
2017 issue - and it seems to work
pretty well. It saves a ton on postage,
especially for our overseas Dinos.

We've had great feedback on each
issue - and that's not surprising,
because each issue is loaded with
valuable training tips and workouts.

For example . . .

The October 2017 issue includes:

1. a stonelifting workout that you
can do on its own or once a week
in combination with barbell and
dumbbell workouts; and

2. a 3-day per week workout used
with great success by a 58-year
old Dinosaur

The November 2017 issue covers:

1. one-hand barbell lifts,

2. Bone Strength Training,

3. outdoor training,

4. a six-exercise, total-body HIT

5. a sled-pulling and tire flipping
workout; and

6. The Save Your Life Neck
Training Workout

By the way, people often ask me about
strength training for wrestling, bjj and
martial arts - and The Save Your Life
Neck Training Workout is a pretty
good place to start.

The December 2017 issue features
a very effective six-day per week
workout that you can modify to
do your choice of:

1 exercise per workout

2 exercises per workout


3 exercises per workout

This has been one of our most
popular workouts - and one of
our most popular issues.

The January 2018 issue covers:

1. Bone density and celiac disease,

2. Cold weather workouts,

3. Lower back rehab,

4. Handstand pushup progressions,

5. A kettlebell workout, and

6. A special mass-building program
for Dinos (which is a little bit different
than most of my suggested workouts -
but very effective and lots of fun)

The February 2018 issue includes:

1. Training for older Dinos,

2. A three-day per week program,

3. A flexible daily training program
with complete training schedules for
both indoor and outdoor training -
giving you more than a dozen
workouts to try.

As you can see, we pack tons of great
info into each issue - and all of it is
practical and effective. In the words
of my good friend, Mike Thompson,
it's "the real thing."

You can grab the Oct, Nov, Dec and
Jan issues right here:

And you can grab the February 2018
issue right here:

I'll send links to other issues of The
Dinosaur Files in a separate email -
because this one is plenty long

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you want a subscription to The
Dinosaur Files, we can make it happen.
I can even do hard-copy subscriptions for
those of you here in the USA. Just shoot
me an email and ask for the details.