Wednesday, March 20, 2019

As Promised - The March Dino Files!

New York gym owner and world famous strongman Sig Klein poses with some of his favorite old-school iron. Like Klein himself, these beautiful weights came from Germany - Prof. Attila, Sandow's trainer, brought them to New York!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As promised this morning, here's the link
to grab your copy of the March 2019 issue
of The Dinosaur Files strength training

March 2019 Dinosaur Files

The little monster has plenty of great
training tips and workout ideas - and
features two killer articles:

1. A 48-year old Dino's detailed report
on how he trains to be stronger than
ever in his late 40's by using training
methods developed by John Davis and
Doug Hepburn.


2. A detailed review of Sig Klein's
training philosophy for older men -
with a detailed review of one of Sig
Klein's actual workouts after he
passed the "40 candles on the
birthday cake" mark.

Good stuff - fast and fun reading -
in a downloadable and printable
PDF format.

Here's the link again:

March 2019 Dinosaur Files

Happy reading - and be sure to let
me know how you like this month's

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik