Sunday, March 17, 2019

Yes, We're Alive and Well - and Busy as Ever!

A classic shot from the original Dinosaur Dungeon - finishing a one-hand swing with 151 pounds. Fun times from more than 20 years ago!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I've not been posting on the Blog this year, and several
of you have asked if I'm okay - and if I'm still running
the Dinosaur Training business and selling my books
and courses.

The answer is -

1. Yes, I'm alive and well (but thanks for asking).

2. Yes, I'm still running the Dinosaur Business - and
blasting our new books and courses all the time (along
with new monthly issues of The Dinosaur Files newsletter).

3. I am sending emails several times a day to my email
list, but not doing any Blog updates for right now.

In other words, we are very much in business - and plan
to be so for a very long time.

Pls sign up for my daily emails at the Dinosaur Training
site -

For right now, that's the best way to stay in touch with all
things Dino.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik