Friday, March 18, 2011

Do the Russians Have Secret exercises?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

The current issue of Denis Reno's
Olympic Lifting Newsletter has an
article about the training program
used by the Norwegian National coaches
to train their lifters.

It's based on a program presented
by the former head coach of the Russian
weightlifting team, who shared it at
a special seminar for the Norwegians
back in 1977. (It's an old program that
has been around for a long time, and has
produced good results for many lifters.

It was a four year program, with every
workout outlined in detail (exercises,
sets, reps, and weights). (Which made
it a really long article.)

A couple of interesting things jumped
out when you looked at the program. One
of them ties right into yesterday's
message about THE BASIC SIX.

There were no "secret" exercises.

Let me repeat that.

There were no secret exercises.

I know, because I studied the entire
article very carefully, and looked at
every single workout over the four year

Every workout was based on the standard
movements that weightlifters around the
world perform. There were no "secret
Russian exercises."

The only exercises in the entire four
year program were:

1. Back squats

2. Front squats

3. Full Cleans (i.e. Squat Cleans)

4. Full Snatches (i.e., Squat Snatches)

5. Power cleans

6. Power snatches

7. The Clean and Jerk (Squat Clean and
Split Jerk)

8. Power Jerks from the rack

9. Jerks from the rack

10. Snatch pulls

11. Clean pulls

And that was it. Nothing else. Just those
11 exercises.

Now, I know that most of you aren't training
to be Olympic weightlifters, and that's fine.

The point is, some men who spent their entire
lives studying and teaching heavy lifting at the
highest international level got their best results
by using just a small number of exercises.

And that's exactly the same as what I teach here
at Dino Headquarters.

It's exactly what I was saying in yesterday's
email message.

Yes, I KNOW there are thousands of exercises out

But I also know that you'll get best results if
you pick a small number of them and work them
really hard.

For example:

1. Back squats or front squats

2. Deadlifts or Trap Bar Deadlifts

3. Bent-over Rowing or Pull-ups

4. Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell or
Incline Press (barbell or dumbbell)

5. Standing Presses

That's FIVE exercises. But work them really hard
over the next couple of years -- along with some
neck, gut and grip work -- and you'll become a

Remember, it's not about QUANTITY. It's all about

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

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