Saturday, March 19, 2011

News and Updates from Dinosaur Training!

ail to the Dinosaurs!

A couple of quick notes for Dinos:

1. Dinosaur Back Training

I'll be interviewed on Superhuman Radio this
coming Tuesday, March 22 at 12:00 noon EST.


If you miss the live broadcast, be sure catch
the download and listen to it later on.

You can find log onto the live broadcast or
grab the download here at the Superhuman Radio

2. Dinosaur Gardening

I'll be doing a second interview on Superhuman Radio
on Tuesday, March 29 -- also at 12:00 noon EST.

This one will be about Dinosaur Gardening -- as in,
why a backyard or container veggie garden is one of
your number one weapon sin the battle for strength
and health.

And not only WHY -- but HOW TO DO IT quickly and

And let me note right now -- this is not your typical
gardening course.

It's more about strength training for veggies --
combined with plenty of high powered nutrition for

I'll even tell you about my secret GET BIG DRINK for
growing Dino-sized vegetables. And the best part is,
you make it at home and it costs you zippo. (You don't
drink it -- your plants do.)

I also make homemade protein powder, vitamin/mineral
powders, and metabolic optimizers for my veggies. And
I'll tell you exactly how I do it.

In addition -- I buy supplements for them -- and I'll
tell you all about it on the show.

Why do I do this? Because it's the only way to make
sure that your veggies are as healthy as possible,
and as nutritious as possible. (Not to mention, as
tasty as possible.) -- and for anyone who'd like high
quality, locally grown, organic vegetables at low, low
prices. Because you can't beat the price if you grow
it yourself.

Fun stuff -- and very good information for health-
conscious Dinos.

3. Dino Files renewals

If you subscribe to the Dinosaur Files newsletter, it's
time to renew your subscription. Here's the special order
page for RENEWALS:

4. The April Dino Files.

I'm putting the April issue of The Dinosaur Files together,
and as always, I need photos from readers. So don't be
shy -- send them in!

5. New Book Coming!

You know, it's been a long time since I put another new
book out there for you. I launched Chalk and Sweat all the
way back in December -- and volume 5 in the Legacy of Iron
series back in January -- and it's been very quiet since

Nothing in February -- nothing in March -- gee, what's up?

Maybe the Dino Guy has gone on vacation -- or maybe he's been
pounding the keyboard 24/7, working like a madman on a big new
book that you are going to love.

A big new book unlike anything you've ever seen before -- with
many, many pages -- and photos -- and a killer cover -- and an
introduction by Bill Hinbern.

Yes, that may indeed be what I've been working on.

And I may even have finished the manuscript a couple of days
ago and shot it off to my layout and design team -- and that would
mean that it's being formatted for printing even as I type this.

All of which means, you might be seeing something new and exciting
in about six or eight weeks, depending on how fast we can get the
little monster finalized and how fast the printer can get it
into the production line.

Or maybe I've just been on vacation for a few months. What
do you think?

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day. If you train
today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Remember -- Tuesday at 12:00 noon EST -- SuperHuman Radio --
be there or download it later on! March 22 and March 29. You'll
want to be sure to catch these broadcasts!