Thursday, April 7, 2011

Name the Mystery Man -- and the Gym Where he Trained!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I dropped a bombshell announcement yesterday

If you missed it, head over to the Dinosaur
Training Blog and take a look.

The bottom line -- there's a big new book
coming, and it covers the life, lifting and
training of one of the very strongest men
who ever lived. A World and Olympic weightlifting
champion and World and Olympic record holder.

I've not only researched the heck out of it, but
I've interviewed his friends, training partners
and teammates. So it is going to give you THE
REAL STORY.And that goes for his training program
as well. His former training partner, now 94 years
of age, wrote it down more than 70 years ago. He
gave it to me when I interviewed him for the book.

I haven't revealed the name of the champion. There's
a reason for that.

We're having a little contest to see if anyone can

1. The Champion's name,


2. The old-school gym he trained for several years --
where they had no heat other than an old wood-burning
stove and had to keep a barbell in front of the stove
so it wasn't ice cold when they grabbed it. They used
the barbell for their warm-ups, and then moved on to the
other, ice-cold barbells.

The first reader with the right answer to BOTH questions
gets a free Dino Training t-shirt.

One guess per reader, and we close the contest at 2:00
EST today.

So far, some of you have guessed the name of the lifter,
but no one has guessed the name of the gym.

So take a stab at it and see what happens.

In other news, the April issue of The Dinosaur Files has
been mailed, so let me know when you get it and what you
think. And remember, if you subscribe to the Dinosaur
Files newsletter, you need to resubscribe right away.

Use the following page for renewals:

If you missed the first year of the Dinosaur Files, you
can grab the entire set of back issues (12 20-page issues)
right here:

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day. If
you train today (as I will), make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Remember -- try to guess the name of the lifting champion
AND the old school gym where he trained. It's a toughie -- I
didn't know this until I interviewed several of his friends
and training partners!

P.S. 2 If you subscribe to the Dinosaur Files, don't forget to
renew your subscription!