Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Something New From Dinosaur Training Headquarters!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

If you're reading this message, you're
a serious lifter -- and more than likely,
a true student of Iron Game history.

And probably, on more than occasion,
you've read about one of the great
strongmen or lifting champions of the
past, and asked yourself


You've probably also wondered what it
was like "back in the day" -- back in
the era I call "The Golden Age of

So here's a question for you.

Would you want to read a detailed biography
of one of the greatest lifting champions
who ever lived?

A man who won World Championships.

A man who won Olympic gold medals.

A man who set World and Olympic records.

A man who did it the old-fashioned way.

No drugs, no supplements, and no coach.

No fancy equipment, and nothing high tech.

He did some of his best training in a little
gym where the only heat in the winter-time
was an old wood-burning stove. In the winter,
it was so cold that they kept one old barbell
in front of the stove so it stayed warm. When
you started your workout, you got to warm up
with that bar. After that, you had to use the
cold bars.

Would you like to read a biography that includes
information gathered from interviews with that
man's teammates on World and Olympic teams?

Would you like to learn EXACTLY how the man
trained -- as told to me by his former training
partner, now 94 years of age (and looking 20
years younger).

Would you like to see the piece of paper
lying immediately to my left side as I type these

It's from that 94 year old man -- the champion's
former training partner.

It's a small, yellowed note card.

It has the champion's EXACT 8-week pre-contest
training program on it.

He wrote it down while the champion dictated it
to him while they were having dinner together one
day more than 70 years ago.

And how about this -- would you like to see
unpublished photographs of the champion? Photos
that no one has ever seen?

What if all of that priceless information ended
up in a great big book -- and you can find it
right here at Dinosaur Headquarters?

Is that something you might be interested in?

Well, stay tuned -- because there's going to be
a very special announcement coming.

Be looking for it.

This one is going to be very, very special.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Can you guess who I'm writing about? The first
person to guess the name of the lifter AND the name
of the gym where they kept the barbell in front of
the old wood-burning stove gets a free Dinosaur
Training t-shirt.

One guess per reader, and the offer is open for the
next 24 hours only.