Thursday, September 8, 2011

Questions and Answers about Dinosaur Arm Training!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We have two new products coming out -- the
DINOSAUR ARM TRAINING course and my new DVD,
GOING STRONG AT 54! -- and I've been getting
a ton of questions about them. So let me try
to respond to the most common questions,
beginning with questions about the arm training
course. (I'll cover questions about the new DVD
later today.):

Q. Does the new arm training course include
exercises for the entire body, or is it just
a course in arm specialization?

A. I would NEVER write a course that deals in
nothing but how to train arms or any other
body-part. Your body is a unit, and you need to
train it that way. So, yes, the new course
gives you a complete workout (several of them)
that works the entire body AND allows you to do
the right amount of extra work for the arms.

Q. I heard your interview about great feats of
arm strength on SuperHuman Radio, and you talked
about old-time strongmen who lifted heavy rocks
and barrels. Does your new course use barbell
and dumbbell exercises or is it strictly rocks
and barrels?

A. I also covered many great feats that involved
barbells and dumbbells -- including thick handled
barbells and dumbbells -- as well as some terrific
chinning feats by Eugene Sandow. But in answer to
your question, the course includes barbell and
dumbbell exercises. I tried to write it so that
anyone should have the equipment to do the

Q. I didn't think Dinosaurs did arm exercises.
Aren't they just for bodybuilders and pretty boys?

A. Only if you consider men like John Grimek,
John Davis, Reg Park and Doug Hepburn to be
pretty boys.

Oh, and don't forget -- the last American lifter
to win a gold medal in the Olympic Games was
Chuck Vinci -- who also happens to be one of
only TWO American lifters to win TWO Olympic
gold medals (the others being John Davis --
see my new book on him -- and Tommy Kono).

Why do I mention Chuck Vinci?

Because the year before he won his first Olympic
gold medal, he performed a letter perfect STRICT
curl with 155 pounds -- at a bodyweight of 123

That's a STRICT curl -- not a cheat curl, but
a STRICT curl -- with 32 pounds over his

You can try it sometime, but trust me -- pretty
boys can't curl 32 pounds over their own

Q. Is this another one of those "muscle pumping"
courses for the arms?

A. Not hardly. It teaches you how to build DINO
style arms - meaning arms that are big, thick,
strong and powerful.

Q. When will the course be ready?

A. We're doing a pre-publication special right
now. The course will ship on or before September

Q. What if I order the arm course AND the new

A. In that case, I'll ship them to you in one
package. You'll only pay shipping and handling
for the arm course, so you'll save some wampum.

That covers the most common questions on the arm
course. I'll cover questions about the DVD later

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can order DINOSAUR ARM TRAINING here:

P.S. 2. Go here to order GOING STRONG AT 54!

P.S. 3. My other books and courses are here: