Thursday, September 8, 2011

Questions and Answers about the New Dinosaur Training DVD

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As promised, here are some of the most common
questions I've been getting about my new DVD,
GOING STRONG AT 54! -- and my answers:

Q. How long has it been since you did a DVD?

A. I did a series of them that covered body-
weight training in 2005 -- and a series that
covered heavy iron back in 1997 through 1999.
So it's been awhile. I have a lot more gray
hair now.

Q. Can you cover your entire weekly training,
not just one workout?

A. Well, I can't shoot a week in one session --
but I'm actually going to combine two workouts
so you get a really good idea of what I'm doing

Q. Is this a "how to do it" DVD or just a heavy
DVD? Are you going to teaching anything?

A. I'm going to demonstrate over a dozen different
lifts and exercises, and teach you how to do them.

Then I'm going to show you how I use my chosen
exercises in an actual workout. And as noted
above, I'll combine two workouts.

The idea is to show you what really works for a
54 year old Dino. Not just exercises, but work-
load, intensity, how heavy to go -- things like

Q. What kind of equipment will you be using?

A. Barbells.

Q. Will you be using dumbbells or demonstrating
any dumbbell exercises?

A. Not on this DVD. I covered dumbbells in detail

Q. Will you try to set a PR?

A. I'll go as heavy as my body says to go tomorrow.

Q. Do you do all Olympic lifting now?

A. Yes.

Q. Why?

It's fun, it's enjoyable, and it's a challenge -- and
at age 54, and being a grandfather, I can do what I feel
like doing when I train. And besides, I write about old
school champions like John Grimek, Steve Stanko and John
Davis -- and they all did OL work -- and it helps my
writing to do the same thing.

OL also has some important benefits for older lifters:

a. OL builds strength and power.

b. OL lets you specialize on the legs, hips and back.

c. OL helps you maintain good balance and coordination.

d. OL helps you with your flexibility.

e. OL is great for bone density and bone strength.

f. OL has unique cardiovascular benefits (even with low
rep training).

g. OL burns a ton of calories.

h. OL is hard work, but very relaxing.

i. Everyone your own age thinks your crazy -- and your kids
pretend they don't know you -- and there's a jillion million
young guys out there who can't do what you're doing, which
is always lots of fun.

Q. What if I don't want to do Olympic lifting?

That's fine. But you'll probably still enjoy the DVD, and
if you're over the age of 35, the basic principles about
training for older lifters will apply to you regardless of
what exercises and lifts you choose to perform.

And that covers the most common questions that I've been

Wish me luck for tomorrow! It's gonna be a lot of work!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can reserve your copy of GOING STRONG AT 54! right
here at Dinosaur Headquarters: