Friday, February 17, 2012

An Important Message for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Well, you fooled me.

When I asked if you'd be interested in a
new course covering John Grimek's life and
lifting -- and how he trained -- I thought
a number of Dinos would say, "Yes, I'd like
to see it!"

I was wrong.

It's more like every Dino out there!

I was flooded with emails from Dinos who want
to see a John Grimek course. I mean, flooded.
And the emails are still coming in. My in-box
hasn't been this busy since I don't know when.

So here's what I'm going to do:

1. I'm going to push everything else off to the
side and work on the new course.

2. Trudi is in charge of monitoring and feeding
me. I get short breaks every hour to stretch my
legs, and I get 30 mins for lunch and dinner.
Otherwise, I'm under strict orders to "Work like
heck!" until I get it finished. (Her words, not
mine -- she's trying to help you guys!)

3. Sometime next week, you're going to see a
special sales page for the new course. As always,
we're going to do a pre-publication special. That
helps me a great deal, because I know in advance
how many copies of the course to order from the
printer, and I don't have to guess and end up with
too few or too many.

3A. Everyone who orders during the pre-publication
special gets a bonus when we fill the orders.

3B. I may do something extra-special -- a double
bonus for everyone who reserves their copy of the
course on the day we launch it. So be sure to check
for an email about the new course -- and when you
see it, take immediate action to get the double

3C. If you prefer to send a ck or money order, that's
fine, but be sure to send an email letting me know
that you plan to do so -- and I'll count your order
as "received" when I get the email.

3D. As always, if you want me to autograph your
course, just ask! There's no charge for autographs.
All you need to do is include a request in the
Special Instructions section of the on-line order
form. And let me know who to sign it to (James,
or Jim, Mike or Michael, etc.).

4. I'm not sure exactly when the course will be
ready, but as noted above (see point no. 2) I'm
going to be working fast and furious -- and when
I'm in fast and furious mode, things happen.

4A. "Things happen" means -- it won't be very
long. I type with two fingers, but I type fast!

5. In the meantime, if you're interested in
John Grimek, Steve Stanko, Bob Hoffman and the
other York champions from the 1930's and 1940's,
I cover them in the LEGACY OF IRON books -- and
you can find them at Dino Headquarters. Legacy of
Iron is no. 1 in the series -- Clouds of War
(which features John Grimek on the cover) is
no. 2 -- The 1,000 Pound Total is no. 3 --
York Goes to War! is no. 4 -- and Barbells in
the Pacific (which also features Grimek on the
cover) is no. 5. You can find them here:

6. You also can learn about John Grimek's favorite
leg specialization program in CHALK AND SWEAT:

7. In closing, let me say THANK YOU to everyone who
stepped up and shot in a response and said, "Please
do a course on John Grimek and his training!" Your
support, feedback and enthusiasm is overwhelming --
and I really, REALLY appreciate it!

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day.
If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My other books and courses are right here --
along with The Dinosaur Files newsletter, Dinosaur
Training DVD's, and Dinosaur t-shirts, sweatshirts,
muscle shirts and hoodies:

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "If you're going to do
something, do it right. That applies to training as
much as anything else in life." -- Brooks Kubik