Thursday, February 16, 2012

We Have a Winner!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Breaking news -- and a request for some
very important feedback, so please read
through to the end of the email, and pls
shoot in a response!

On the news front . . .


About 10,000 bajillion of you got the
right answer -- and a BUNCH of you got
the wrong answer.

Wrong answers included:

Sergio Oliva (2 guesses)

Reg Park (three guesses)

Marvin Eder

Maurice Jones

Chuck Sipes (3 guesses)

Note: The Thought for the Day fooled people --
sorry about that. Not intentional.

Steve Reeves (3 guesses)

Brooks Kubik (1 guess -- I am flattered)

Don Howorth

Arthur Saxon

Norb Schemansky

Bill Pearl

Dave Draper

Pat Casey

But the RIGHT ANSWER was JOHN GRIMEK -- and the
WINNER of the contest was Paul Valpreda, who gets
a free mini-poster (8 1/1 x 11) of John Grimek.

And that leads me to another question for the

It's been a long time since I did a course in
the History's Strongest Men and How They Trained
series -- so would you like to see me cover
John Grimek's life and lifting -- and how he

If that's something you'd like to see, shoot me
an email ASAP.

And here's the deal.

It's 2:32 in the afternoon as I type these words.
If enough of you are interested -- if enough of
you -- let's say an even 100 Dinos -- shoot me an
email between now and 9:00 tomorrow morning -- then
I'll go ahead and do it. And not only that, I'll
move it right up to the top of the DO IT NOW pile.

So (1) Yes, it was Grimek, (2) Congratulations to
Paul Valpreda, and (3) If you want me to do a new
training course that covers John Grimek's life and
lifting -- then send in an email, and do it PRONTO!

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you missed course no 1 in the History's
Strongest Men and How They Trained series, grab
it now -- and if you missed my other two courses,
Dinosaur Arm Training and The Dinosaur Military
Press and Shoulder Power Course, you might as well
grab them as well -- you'll save BIG on s&h:

P.S. 2. On an unrelated note, this has been the Dino
Training best seller of the year so far:

P.S. 3. Thanks to everyone who submitted a guess in
the Mystery Man contest!