Monday, March 21, 2016

Effective Leg Training Alternatives for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes and then we'll talk training.

1. The March Dinosaur Files

Is running late because my layout and design
guy has been sick - but it should be ready in a
couple of days. I'll send an email when the
little monster is available. Sorry for the delay!

2. The Dinosaur Book Sale

We're having a big book and magazine sale
here at Dino Headquarters. If you missed it,
check out these links to see what's available:

We have lots more great old books, courses
and magazines coming, so keep checking
the new lists as we post them at the
Dinosaur Training Blog.

Also, we're going to go ahead and start
putting some of the items on eBay. I'll
send an email when we launch the eBay

3. A Leg Training Question

One of our Dinos asked about leg training

Due to a chronic low back problem, he can't
do back squats or deadlifts. So he's been doing
front squats and glute-ham extensions for his
legs and back.

He wondered if that was enough for balanced
strength gains, and whether he should do split
squats, as well.

So here are some thoughts:

1. I assume our Dino has had his back and spine
checked out by a medical professional and has
the green light for training. If not, that should
be step no. 1.

2. Many Dinos (particularly older Dinos) have
had to find substitutes for the back squat
and/or the deadlift. In fact, we've been
covering the issue in a series of articles
in the Dinosaur Files newsletter. The Jan,
Feb and March issues discuss this in detail,
and offer tons of exercises and from your
fellow dinosaurs. I urge everyone to read
them. You won't find this information
anywhere else.

3. Front squats and back extensions build
plenty of strength and muscle. Personally,
I now prefer front squats to back squats,
and use them almost exclusively in my

4. I would NOT do split style squats. They
are not necessary if you are doing front
squats, and they may aggravate any back
problems. They also can be hard on the

a. If tight hip flexors are causing or
contributing to low back pain, then
split squats are probably going to
be very difficult to do.

5. Front squats work best with low reps
because you need to maintain proper
balance and perfect form. If you start
to round your back or lean forward,
you take the work off your legs - and
you put your spine in a compromised
position. I would stick to five reps or

6. Back extensions work best at 8 to
10 reps. Avoid an excessive arch.

7. If your back is hurting, don't try to
pile on the weight, train to failure or
do high volume workouts. Your primary
goal should be to stay active and strong
while your body heals.

I hope that helps, and I wish our Dino
a very speedy recovery and a strong

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab the December, January
and February issues of the Dinosaur Files

February 2016 Dinosaur Files

January 2016 Dinosaur Files

December 2015 Dinosaur Files

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If you can't do squats,
find another exercise you CAN do. There's always a
way to keep on training." -- Brooks Kubik
