Friday, December 8, 2017

12 Keys to Strength and Muscle Mass! (Part 3)

Bernie Baron shows what old-school, drug-free strength and muscle looks like in this classic photo from the early 1940's.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk

1. Dinosaur File Subscriptions

If you'd like a one year, 12-issue subscription
to the new monthly Dinosaur Files, shoot me
an email.

You can purchase a subscription for PDF or (if
you are in the USA) hard-copy.

If you prefer to grab each issue as it comes
out, that's fine, too. Go here to grab the Oct
and Nov issues:

I'm finishing up the Dec issue, and it will be
ready soon.

2. The Bone Strength Project

We've been getting off the chart reviews
for John Wood's Bone Strength Project.

You can find the complete program right
here in issue no. 4 of The Train Hard

This is a very unique and very effective
program - as John proved with a series
of DEXA scans over a period of several
years while he was on the program.

3. Twelve Keys to Strength and
Muscle Mass (Part 3)

Here's part 3 in what has turned into a
mini-course on building strength and
muscle mass. This is tip no. 5. If you
missed parts 1 and 2, you can find
them right here at the Dinosaur
Training Blog:

By the way, I post every email on the
Blog - so if you ever miss an email, go
to the Blog to find it. You can access
the Blog from the drop-down/menu
bar on the landing page of my web-

5. Special advice for beginners.

If you're a beginner, you should expect
to make rapid progress in strength and
muscle building.

That's because your body has so much
untapped potential.

You can easily gain 20 to 40 pounds of
solid muscle in your first year of training -
along with enormous increases in strength.

You may very likely double, triple or even
quadruple your over-all strength compared
to where you are when you begin training.

And here's the important thing.

You don't have to train super hard, super
long or super anything to get good results
as a beginner.

You don't need over the top insanity training.

You don't need monster mass mega muscle

You don't need Bulgarian training (or Russian,
Chinese, Mongolian, Himalayan, Hawaiian,
or any other kind of super training).

Heck, you don't even need the super-duper,
multi-angular, maxi-rep, muscle confusion,
bomb, blast, and blitz program touted by
the guys doing the funky exercises on all
the social media channels.

You also don't need supplements. (With
just a few exceptions, they're an utter
and complete waste of money).

You don't need a special diet, and you
don't need to guzzle milk by the gallon -
or eat six meals a day - or set your alarm
clock so you wake up and scarf more
food at 3:00 in the morning.

And you sure as heck don't need

You just need to train.

You need to start light and easy, learn how
to do the exercises, develop a good sense
of the rhythm of a workout, and then very
slowly and gradually start to add weight to
the bar and inch your way up the ladder of

You don't need any special equipment. You
can do it with bodyweight training, or with
basic barbell and dumbbell training.

For the former, all you need is a place to
train and something to use to do pull-ups.

For the latter, all you need is a barbell. If
you have squat stands, that's great - and
if you have a pair of adjustable dumbbells,
that's even better. And a power rack (NOT a
Smith machine) is an absolute gift from the
Iron Gods.

By the way, you can get all the equipment
you need from Craig's List or any local
source of second-hand stuff. People are
always selling old weight equipment.

For details on your workouts as a beginner,
grab Chalk and Sweat - or, if you prefer body-
weight training, grab Dinosaur Bodyweight

Chalk and Sweat

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vols. 1, 2
3 are also very good for beginners.

You can grab them in hard-copy, PDF or
Kindle. See the links on my website. We
even have it set-up to grab all 3 with one
order if you opt for PDF or Kindle.

Remember, start light and easy - and
don't try to rush things. You don't have
to FORCE growth as a beginner - you
just COAX it.

It comes naturally - and faster than you
would imagine.

More to follow  . . .

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My other books and courses -
and links to all of my e-books on Kindle
- are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:

"Start light and easy, learn how to
train, and gradually train harder and
heavier. You'll be amazed at how well
it works for you."

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: