Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another Way to Measure Progress as You Grow Older

John Grimek was healthy and strong for pretty much his entire life - and he lived a very long life. We have much to learn from the old-timers about healthy and successful aging.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I changed doctors seven years ago,
and when I did, I collected a full set
of medical records from my first doc.

I'd been seeing him since I was 28 or
29 - and I changed docs at age 54 -
so there were a ton of records.

Anyhow, the other day Trudi had an

"You should go through all your old
medical records - and then get new
labs and blood work done - and com-
pare where you are now - at age 60 -
to where you were at age 30, 40 and
50. That would be good information."

"You could share it with the Dinos,"
she added. "They'd like to see it."

That's a good idea, so I'm going to
go ahead and do it.

My birthday is in September - I'll be
turning 61 - so I may wait until then
to get the labs and blood work.

That way I can compare age 29, 30
and so on to age 61 - a full 32 years

In the meantime, I'm following a very
healthy diet - and training hard - doing
a lot of new things, that I'll be sharing
with you in the future - and working on
being as strong, healthy, fit and well-
conditioned as possible as I head into
my 60s.

I don't compete against other people
any more. I compete against myself.

My goal is to be stronger, leaner, fitter,
healthier and better conditioned at age
61 than I was at age 30 - or age 40 -
or age 50.

In fact, I plan to kick the you know what
out of the younger version of Brooks.

Not that the younger version was a bad
guy - or in bad shape - but the goal is
to always keep on improving - and the
more ways to measure improvement,
the better.

If you're  a younger Dino, get some
labs and blood work - and save the
results - and compare them to where
you are in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years.

The docs used to say that weight
training would kill us. Let's all work
together to prove them wrong!

As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron has
tons of workouts and training tips
for trainees. If you don't already
have a copy, do yourself a big favor
and grab it today:


2.  My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF




P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: 

"Stay strong, stay young."

 -- Brooks Kubik