Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Experiment

After more than half a century of serious training, there are still plenty of exciting new things to try - and new ideas to test drive.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I trained last night, and I tried something
new and different.

Not radical new and different - it wasn't
anything like one-legged bunny hops
on a stability ball.

It involved a barbell.

Plenty of plates.

And a power rack.

That's not any kind of revolutionary new
equipment - it's all tried and true - and
many of you already have them or have
access to them.

And I didn't do anything fancy as far
as exercises go.

I did a simple back squat - using a Dave
Draper Top Squat.

But I did something different than ever
before - meaning that it's something
I've never done in over 50 years of
Iron Slinging.

It was an experiment - and it seemed
to work pretty well.

I'll try it with a different exercise the
next time I train - and if it seems to
work, I'll try it with some other move-
ments and see how it goes.

I think it will work pretty well, but I'll
need to put it to the test by training
on it for a reasonable period of time.

After all, that's really the only way to
test anything in the Iron Game.

You try it - for a reasonable period of
time - you see if it works - and you
go from there.

If it passes the test-drive and gets the
official Dinosaur Seal of Approval, I'll
write it up and share it with you.

I've been training for a very long time
now, and I've always been interested
in new and different ways to build
strength and muscle.

Not crazy stuff - but different tweaks
on things that are tried and true and

Many of our Dinos - perhaps most of
them - do similar experiments. And
frankly, those are the experiments
that keep the Iron  Game moving

It's barbell, basement, lifter - and an

"What would happen if I . . . ?"


"I wonder if this would work?"

It keeps the Iron Game going - and
when we join forces and share our
findings, some really good things
can happen. (Which, by the way, is
one of the reasons I publish The
Dinosaur Files newsletter.)

It also - and this is very important -
helps keep our motivation high.
It gives us something a little bit
different to do - which helps keep
our workouts fun, interesting and

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the
next workout - and looking forward
to the second lap of the test drive!

As always, thanks for reading, and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you're looking for something
new and different - and very effective
for strength and muscle building - try
the program at pages 141 to 143 of
Strength, Muscle and Power:


P.S. 2. If you're interested in trying
some very interesting things your
fellow Dinos are doing, grab the
May-June issue of The Dinosaur
Files newsletter:


P.S. 3. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF




P.S. 4. Thought for the Day

"The Iron Game was built by a long
line of men who asked "What would
happen if I tried . . . ?" 

- Brooks Kubik