Monday, September 24, 2018

Things that Work - and Things that Don't

It was over 20 years ago that I did I did this 302 pound push press with a Christmas Tree barbell back in the original Dinosaur Dungeon - note the small plates, collars and chain added at the end to get over 300 pounds. Hard work and heavy iron worked then, and they work now - and they always will.

 Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick questions and then we'll talk
iron - as in, things that work, and things
that don't.

1. Do You Have . . . .

a copy of my John Grimek training

If not, you're missing a good one. It
covers Grimek's life - his bodybuilding
and weightlifting championships - and
how he trained to become the best built
man in the world.

And by the way - how Grimek trained to
win the top bodybuilding contests of his
era will surprise the heck out of you.

As in - floor you.

Anyhow, if you missed it the first time
around, you can grab it right here:



2. My Heavy Partials Course

My new course on heavy partials is
selling like hotcakes - and readers are loving
it - and getting get results.

One Dino added 25 pounds to his bench
press after just two weeks on the partials

Two weeks - 25 pounds - that's pretty

Go here to grab a copy:

Dinosaur Strength and Power Course
No. 2 - Heavy Partials

3. Things that Work - and Things that

I was making oatmeal for breakfast this
morning, and decided to add some berries
to the oatmeal.

Berries are good for you. Lots of antioxidants
and phytochemicals. The ones in dark colored
berries are especially good for your eyes - and
being extremely nearsighted, as well as having
glaucoma, I like things that are good for my
eyes. They need all the help they can get.

We didn't have any fresh berries, so I grabbed
a bag of frozen blueberries from the freezer.

It was a new bag - unopened.

A so-called "resealable" bag.

It said so right there on the package - in big,
bold letters.

I followed the "how to open" instructions to
the letter, cutting  along the dotted line with
a pair of scissors.

I opened the bag, poured some berries into
the oatmeal, and resealed the bag.

Or rather, I thought it did.

I set the bag on the counter - and it promptly
tipped over, spilling blueberries all over the

It was then that I realized that "resealable"
bags almost never work - even when you
follow the instructions to the letter.

There are plenty of other things that don't
work - or don't work very well. Not even
when you follow the instructions. Any of
us could probably start a list of them right
now - and it would be a pretty long list.

But other things work all the time - as long
as you follow the instructions - and as long
as you have good instructions.

Barbells, dumbbells, Trap Bars, thick bars,
kettlebells, squat stands, and power racks
work pretty darn well.

In fact, if you use them correctly, your
success is pretty much guaranteed.

It is impossible to use barbells, dumbbells,
and similar strength training tools without
increasing your strength, building muscle,
and improving your physical condition

You couldn't do it if you tried.

As I type this, I don't think very highly of
those "resealable" bags for frozen fruits
and veggies.

But I do think highly of barbells, dumbbells
and all the related training tools - and I
always will.

Because I like things that work.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. if you train today, make it a
good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Chalk and Sweat will teach you how to
train with maximum effectiveness - and it
includes 50 different workouts:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF Books and Courses

Kindle Books and Courses

P.S. 4. Thought for the Day:

"The plate-loading barbell is the best
strength training and muscle building
tool ever invented."

-- Brooks Kubik

Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books

For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit: