Monday, September 24, 2018

How to Stay Up to Date with Everything at Dinosaur Training Headquarters!

If Reg Park were alive today, I like to think that he'd be a member of the Strength Secrets and Dinosaur Training Facebook groups - and that he'd be reading each and every issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter as it comes out - and perhaps even writing articles for The Dinosaur Files!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

You may wish to bookmark this Blog post,
because it has a lot of important links and
important info for you.

I've been getting a lot of questions from
readers along the lines of:

"Let me know when you release Gray Hair
and Black Iron on Kindle!"

(Note: I also get the same question about
every book we have that is not yet available
in Kindle format.)

"How is your training going?"

"How is your diet going - what are you eating -
how is it working for you?"

"What are you lifting now?"

"Are you still squatting?"

"How do you feel now that you are in the 60-
plus crowd - have you changed how you train?"
"Where are you training now?"

"Are you still doing OL training or are you doing
other things?"

"What do you think about John Wood's Bone
Strength Project?"

"Do you ever do Bone Strength training?"

"Let me know when the next issue of The
Dinosaur Files comes out."

"Can you share some photos of your home

"Are you still selling duplicate copies of old
books and magazines? Do you have anything
left in stock?"

(Note: yes, we do - and we'll be selling them
beginning next week - so be on the lookout
for more updates!)

"Do you have any old issues of Peary Rader's
IronMan magazine or Bob Hoffman's Strength
and Health for sale?"

(Note - yes, we do - pls email me if you're

"Have you and Trudi moved to the Pacific
Northwest yet?"

(Note: not yet - but that's why I'm selling all
of my duplicate books and magazines - I can't
take them with me when we move.)

All of these questions are different - but all of
them are also similar.

They're all asking for updates and reports on
what's going on at Dino Headquarters.

Of course, you can find the answers to these
and many similar questions in the usual places -
as well as some new ones. We do an awful lot
to try to keep you updated and informed.

For example . . .

1. My Daily Emails.

I always send one or two (or three) emails every
day. If you don't get an email for a day or two,
you may have dropped off the email list. That
happens sometimes, and we never know why.

I blame cyber gremlins. There's no other

If several days ever pass and you don't get an
email, you probably dropped off the list. If that
happens, go to the Dinosaur Training website
and sign back up for the emails.

If you have any problems or questions, shoot
me an email.

Also - if you change email addresses, be sure
to sign back up so we send your emails to your
new email address - or send me an email and
ask me to update your email in the mailing
system we use.).

2. The Dinosaur Training Blog.

As a back-up, I post all of my daily emails at
the Dinosaur Training Blog.

You can link to the Blog through the drop-
down menu on the landing page of my web-
site. Or just Google for it - it's easy to find.

If you miss an email, go to the Blog and read
it there:

BTW, the Blog posts have photos you won't
see in my emails - so it's fun to check them
out from time to time.

3. Friend Me on Facebook.

Friend me on Facebook, and follow me there.
I post links to the Dinosaur Training Blog on
Facebook, and share lots of other interesting

But note - Facebook has changed its algorithm,
and you won't see my posts unless you look
for and interact with them - meaning that
you hit LIKE and SHARE and that you add

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg is NOT a

4. Join the Strength Secrets and
Brooks Kubik - Dinosaur Training
Facebook Groups.

John Wood has created a special PRIVATE
Facebook group called Strength Secrets.

I'm a member - and I post there regularly -
so you can find me (and many of your fellow
Dinos) by joining the group.

Go here to apply for membership - and tell
John I sent you:

Given the new Facebook algorithm (and
remember, MZ is NOT a Dinosaur), this
is much better than just friending me
on Facebook. (In other words, do both.)

Following John's lead, Bill Hinbern and
I are moderating a similar Facebook
Group (also a PRIVATE group) called
Dinosaur Training - Brooks Kubik.

Go here to apply for membership:

5. Follow Me on Instagram.

I post tons of fun photos on Instagram:

6. Let Amazon Keep You Updated.

If you buy one of my Kindle books, Amazon
will send you update emails as we release
new books in the Kindle bookstore.

That's yet another way to stay on top of
things - although it only works if you read
Kindle books.

Which reminds me - Here's a link to
all of my books on Kindle - there are
25 of them right now, with many more
to come:

And of course, it works even better if you
browse around on my Kindle pages, look
for anything you might not already have,
and (most of all) if you post reviews for
my Kindle books.

7. Read The Dinosaur Files!

I do a lot of special updates and reports in
The Dinosaur Files newsletter. I figure that
the Dinos who pay for the newsletter (not
that each issue costs very much) are entitled
to get the latest and most detailed updates
on what we're doing here - including new
workouts, new equipment, and new training

Go here for the two most recent issues:

July-August Dinosaur Files

May-June Dinosaur Files

You can grab earlier issues here:

And If All Else Fails . . .

Send me an email!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik