Thursday, March 31, 2016

Take Peek Inside the March Dinosaur Files!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Many of you have asked me to list the
Table of Contents for this month's issue
of the Dinosaur Files - so here it is:

Hail to the Dinosaurs!
by Brooks Kubik

My monthly editorial. This one talks about
old-school powerhouse William Boone.

Mesozoic Mail

Letters from the Dinos. The one about the
pre-workout that failed will make you stop
and think.

Jurassic Jottings
by Brooks Kubik

Short nuggets about strongmen old and new.
Good stuff - and totally unlike anything you'll
see anywhere else. Trudi particularly liked the
story of the legendary "Iron Tenor." (Me, I
liked the ones about John Davis and Norb

Bob Hoffman's Best Dumbbell Training

by Brooks Kubik

This one goes all the way back to 1934.
It's pretty interesting - and well worth
trying. And get this - it was reported in
Strength and health magazine, and then
it appears to have been forgotten. I've
never seen it discussed anywhere else.
I was glad to be able to bring it back for
the Dinos.

The Hard Work and Heavy Iron
by Paul Hanks

Hint - it's not the Selfie Generation.

The Road Less Travelled
by Allan Roth

You don't find many people who train the
way we do - but somehow, that just adds
to the fun!

Heavy Squats Healed My Knee Injury!
by Dalton Hartley

Note: Rugby player blows out his knee,
doctor says no more anything, rugby
player starts doing squats, squats heal
his knee injury. Impressive stuff - straight
from the trenches.

Training Ideas from a 43-Year Old Dino
by Christian Lombardo

Training ideas straight from the Iron Mines.
More real world stuff - and more stuff that
really works.

Things I've Seen and Learned Over
the Years
by Bob Tabaka

This one covers all sorts of things, from
Casey Viator's workouts in DeLand Florida
to old-school advice from John Grimek and
Clyde Emrich.

Minimalism at Its Best
By John Granhill

Home gym training with minimal equipment.
John has some favorite exercises he wants
you to try.

Safe and Effective Lower Body Training for
Older Dinos - No One Size Fits All! (Part 3)
by Brooks Kubik

This continues our series, and it's got a
ton of great info. I cover my own lower body
training as a 59-year old weightlifter, and I
also talk about three very important topics
that relate to lower body strength and health
as we grow older: stretching, cardio and
uni-lateral exercises. Do they help or hurt
older Dinos? You'll definitely want to read
this one - and yes, it could end up saving
your knees and hips.

Note: If you missed parts 1 and 2 of the series,
grab the January and February issues of the
Dino Files.

The Wrap-Up
by Brooks Kubik

Some thoughts about losing a friend and
longtime Dino - and about something
important that I want all of you to do.

So there you have it. Tons of real world,
no-nonsense training information, with
plenty of tips, advice and suggestions
from your fellow Dinosaurs.

Go here to grab your copy:

And please let me know how you like this
month's issue, and what we can do to make
the Dino Files even better for you!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Real World Training Advice

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Where do you go for training advice?

In the old days, everyone got training
advice from the magazines of the day -
Strength and Health, IronMan, Muscular
Development after it came out in the
60's, and from the 1940s on, various
magazines published by Joe Weider.

Some of the advice in the magazines
was good, and some of it wasn't.

You also had various books and courses
to read.

Again, some were good, and some were
not so good.

Today, we're buried in an information
explosion. There's a ton of information
out there. Some of it is good, and some
of it is not. And a lot of it is downright
ridiculous - crazy - ineffective - and in
many cases, downright dangerous.

In addition, most of it is written for young
guys or gals who for whatever reason
have all the time in the world to train.

So you see the every day training
programs, the two, three and four
workouts, and the programs that
include every exercise under the
sun and every piece of equipment
ever invented.

It may or may not be the best way for
younger folks to train - but it sure as
heck isn't going to work for older

Particularly if they're holding a job
(or two jobs), raising a family, and
all of that stuff.

Older trainees who live and work in
the real world need a much different

You also don't see much in the way of
training advice for those of us with dings
and dents. That's unfortunate, because
most of us over the age of 40 have dings
and dents of one sort or another.

Again, if you live and work in the real
world, you need to make adjustments
and work around the dings and dents.

Similarly, you don't see much about how
to train to make your life better and more
enjoyable. Most of what you see is about
how "the champions" train. No one seems
to be interested in how a 50 or 60 year old
guy or gal with a job, mortgage and family
is doing it.

But in the real world, that's the kind of
thing that really happens - and it's the
kind of training information that's most

When you look for training information,
look for that: the real-world stuff about
real people who live full and complete
lives but still find time and energy to
train - and who use their training to
add strength, health and happiness
to every minute of their lives.

I call it real world training. It's what
I write about. It's also the only thing
I read about.

Yes, there's plenty of other stuff out
there - but it's not for me.

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. The March issue of The Dinosaur Files
is getting rave reviews. Go here to grab the
little monster:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Live, work and
train in the real world - and get your training
advice from people who do the same." -- Brooks


Here Are Some Great Bodyweight Training Courses!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Our big book, course and magazine sale is continuing - and I just found something in an old box in the back corner of the office - and I think you'll like it, especially if you're a fan of bodyweight training.

I have a limited number of copies of four special courses that I did back in 2006. Each course gives you an all-bodyweight specialization program that includes 10 different workouts. The workouts feature different exercises covered in my book, Dinosaur Bodyweight Training.

Each course is a 14-page booklet.

The four courses are as follows:

1. Building Dinosaur Arms

2. Building Dinosaur Shoulders

3. Building a Dinosaur Neck and Back

4. Building a Dinosaur Chest

$10.00 plus shipping and handling for each course or all four courses for $20.00 plus shipping and handling.

UPDATE: We only have ONE full set remaining. After it is sold, we'll offer sets of the three remaining courses for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. These sets will include Dinosaur Arms, Dinosaur Shoulders and Dinosaur Neck and Back. 


As I said, I have a very limited number of these courses. Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate shipping and handling charge for the item(s) you purchase.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The March Dinosaur Files has Landed!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

The March issue of the Dinosaur Files
monthly newsletter is here, and it's
another great issue.

And it's got one of the coolest cover
photos you'll ever see.

Go here to grab the little monster:

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Monday, March 28, 2016

Rare Books, Courses and Magazines for Dinos (List No. 6)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, here are some items you might want to grab right now.

All of these items come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.


Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate shipping and handling charge for the item(s) you purchase.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:


1.  Steve Justa's Original Barrel Lifting Course

This is Steve Justa's ORIGINAL barrel lifting course. It's long out of print and extremely rare.

This is a four page photo-copy of four loose pages. The first page has four photos. The next three pages are all text.

This is rough, not pretty, unedited, with plenty of misspellings and grammatical errors, and it's about 50 million years behind what any skinny kid with an I-Phone and some apps can put together in five or ten minutes - but it's a VERY hardcore strength training course.

$ 20.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

2. Muscular Arms and Shoulders

By Harry B. Paschall. A how-to-do-it Bosco book.

A 48-page booklet with many photos and Bosco drawings to illustrate the different exercises. Includes three complete arm training workouts.

Modern reprint edition by William F. Hinbern; copyright 1976. (The original was published in 1953.)
(Bill Hinbern has published a later edition with a blue cover; this is his FIRST reprint edition with a green cover.)

$10.00 plus shipping and handling

3. The High Protein Way to Better Nutrition

By Bob Hoffman. Hard copy. 256 pages. Published in 1953. Good condition with some yellowing and spotting on some interior pages.

This is a revised edition of Bob Hoffman's book, Better Nutrition for the Strength and Health Seeker, originally published in 1940.

$25.00 plus shipping and handling

NOTE: The next four items are very rare and hard to find.

4. Big Arms (Italian language edition)

This is an original (not a photocopy) of the Italian language edition of my Big Arms course. I wrote the course in 1993. Stuart McRobert published the English language edition, and Sandro Ciccarelli published the Italian language edition. Cover art by Stephen Wedan. Good condition with a little wear on the front cover and the interior cover page.

Note: I repeat - just to be clear - this is an Italian-language edition.

This is a 16-page course that includes several progressively more difficult arm-building courses, and has been very popular with readers around the world.

Extremely rare, and a real collector's item.

There is currently a copy available on eBay for $75.00. There's also a copy of the English language edition on Amazon for $479.35. You can grab it now for a lot less - and remember, it comes to you right from my personal collection.

$50.00 plus shipping and handling.

5. Big Bench (Italian language edition)

This is an original (not a photocopy) of the Italian language edition of my Big Bench course. I wrote the course in 1993. Stuart McRobert published the English language edition, and Sandro Ciccarelli published the Italian language edition. Cover art by Stephen Wedan. Good condition.

Note: I repeat - just to be clear - this is an Italian-language edition.

This is a 16-page course that includes several progressively more difficult bench press courses, and has been very popular with readers around the world.

Extremely rare, and a real collector's item. I just searched eBay and Amazon and didn't see any available copies of wither the English language edition or the Italian language edition.

If any other copies are ever available, they'll probably go for big bucks. There is currently a copy of the Italian language edition of the Big Arms course available on eBay for $75.00. There's also a copy of the English language edition of that course on Amazon for $479.35. You can grab the Italian language edition of Big Bench right now for a lot less - and remember, it comes to you right from my personal collection.

$50.00 plus shipping and handling.

6.  Big Arms (English language edition)

This is an original (not a photocopy) of the English language edition of my Big Arms course. I wrote the course in 1993. Stuart McRobert edited and published the course. Cover art by Stephen Wedan.

Good condition.

This is a 16-page course that includes several progressively more difficult arm-building courses, and has been very popular with readers around the world.

Extremely rare, and a real collector's item.

There is currently a copy available on Amazon for $479.35. You can grab it now for a lot less - and remember, it comes to you right from my personal collection.

$100.00 plus shipping and handling

7. Russian Language Autobiography of Yuri Vlasov

By Yuri Vlasov. Hard copy. Russian language edition. 600 pages. Over 40 pages of photos.

Note: Just to be clear - this book is written in Russian.I don't read Russian, and I can't even translate the correct title.

Yuri Vlasov was Russia's answer to Paul Anderson, and ushered in a long era of Soviet dominance in the Heavyweight class in Olympic weightlifting. Vlasov won four World Championships, and Olympic gold medal in 1960 (where he set three World records) and a silver medal at the 1964 Olympics. He set a total of 34 World records during his career.

This book is remarkable for the photos alone - many of which I've never seen in English language books or magazines. Even if you don't read Russian, the photos alone are worth the price!

 $50.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

 8. Molding a Mighty Grip

By George F. Jowett. The ORIGINAL 32-page booklet published in 1930 by The Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. Includes a photo of George F. Jowett and many drawings of different exercises.

A very good grip-training course featuring a variety of exercises for home gym training - including keg and barrel lifting, which was one of George F. Jowett's favorite ways to train the grip!

NOTE: This is an original copy of Jowett's course, not a photo-copy or a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition. Several names of famous lifters are underlined in the text.

NOTE: I also have a 1938 edition of this course. The content is identical, it's just printed on thinner paper, with a thinner cover, and does not include a photo of George F. Jowett. The 1938 edition is in good condition with slight wear on the cover. The price is the same for the 1930 and 1938 editions.  Please specify which edition you prefer - but remember, I only have one of each, and it's strictly first come, first served.

The 1930 edition also includes two original postcards to order "The Thrill of Being Strong" from the Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. The 1930 edition does not contain these postcards.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: The 1930 edition is SOLD.  The 1938 edition is still available.

9. Molding Mighty Legs
By George F. Jowett. The ORIGINAL 32-page booklet published in 1930 by The Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. Includes a photo of George F. Jowett and many drawings of different exercises.

This is an old-school bodyweight training course for home training, but it also includes a homemade leg press machine and instructions on how to use it. I wouldn't use the homemade leg press unit for anything heavy, but it's an interesting concept.

The course includes a detailed review of the anatomy of the legs and hips, with related drawings.

NOTE: This is an original copy of Jowett's course, not a photo-copy or a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition, and includes two original postcards to order "The Thrill of Being Strong" from the Jowett Institute of Physical Culture.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling

10. Molding A Mighty Back
By George F. Jowett. The ORIGINAL 32-page booklet published in 1930 by The Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. Includes many drawings of different exercises, as well as drawings of the back and shoulder muscles.

An old-school course for home training. Features bodyweight exercises and light dumbbell movements. (George F. Jowett was a huge fan of dumbbell training, and preferred dumbbells to barbells for most exercises.)

This course includes exercises that work the back, side and shoulder muscles. One of the featured movements is the Saxon Side Bend. It also includes the bent press.

NOTE: This is an original copy of Jowett's course, not a photo-copy or a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition aside from some yellowing and spotting on several interior pages.   

$20.00 plus shipping and handling

11. Molding a Mighty Chest

By George F. Jowett. The ORIGINAL 32-page booklet published by The Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. (The exact publication date is not listed.) Includes many drawings of different exercises.

An old-school course for home training. Features bodyweight exercises and light dumbbell movements for the chest, back and shoulders. (George F. Jowett was a big fan of dumbbell training, and preferred dumbbells to barbells for most exercises.)

NOTE: This is an original copy of Jowett's course, not a photo-copy or a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition, with some underlining in the text and several yellowed spots on interior pages. One page has the words "Jap wrestlers" written next to a discussion of the Great Gama, Amhd Bux and other famous Indian wrestlers touring England and defeating the great European wrestling champions.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling

12.  Molding a Mighty Arm

By George F. Jowett. The ORIGINAL 29-page booklet published by The Jowett Institute of Physical Culture. (The exact publication date is not listed.) Includes a photo of George F. Jowett and many drawings of different exercises.

An old-school course for home training. Features bodyweight exercises and light dumbbell movements for the arms, chest, back and shoulders. (George F. Jowett was a big fan of dumbbell training, and preferred dumbbells to barbells for most exercises.)

NOTE: This is an original copy of Jowett's course, not a photo-copy or a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition. It also includes two postcards to order "The Thrill of being Strong" from the Jowett Institute of Physical Culture.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling


13. The 5 x 2 Trap Bar Deadlift Workout

By John Wood.  A 4 page special report. Good condition, aside from a small ink stain on the first page. Copyright 2008.

This is a basic, no-nonsense, but very effective deadlift workout.

Don't let the brevity fool you. This is big medicine.

Highly recommended!

$10.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

14. Iron Man Barbell Course No. 1

By Peary Rader. Modern reprint edition by William F. Hinbern. 36 pages, with many terrific photos. Very good condition.

This is an outstanding barbell course. Originally published in 1955, and updated in 1960, the course is a complete guide to old-school srtength training and bodybuilding.

A very good course - and worth every penny!

Price:$15.00 plus shipping and handling

15. Bosco's Strength Notebook

By Hasrry B. Paschall. Vol. 1, No. 2. 30 pages, with many photos.

This is a photocopy of the original strength training notebook. The original was signed by Harry B. Paschall, so it includes a photo-copy of the author's signature. Includes Bosco drawings and photos. Good condition and very readable.

Harry Paschall was one of the all-time best writers in the history of the Iron Game, and his Strength Notebook series (there were three of them) was absolutely wonderful.

Includes articles on gaining muscular bodyweight, weightlifting technique made easy, the bent press, workouts for the working man, and much more.

An excellent booklet. fast, fun and informative.

$10.00 plus shipping and handling

That's it for now, but keep an eye out for our nest list of special sale items - we have plenty of other great books, magazines and courses for you!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We also have back issues of Strength and Health magazine. Go here to see the first list of Strength and Health magazines for sale:

These include some full sets of all 12 issues for several years in the 1930s and 1940s, and include many of my favorite articles. If you've read my Legacy of Iron books, you were reading about this exact period.

If you're interested in single issues from those years, holler. We have plenty of miscellaneous single issues, as well. 


Friday, March 25, 2016

The Dinosaur Training Book, Course and Magazine Sale (List No. 5)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, here are some items you might want to grab right now.

All of these items come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.


Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate s&h charge for the item(s) you purchadse.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:


1. Milo Magazine (6 issues)

Vol. 1, No. 2.

Vol. 1, No. 4

Vol. 2, No. 1

Vol;. , No. 2

Vol. 2, No. 3

Vol. 3, No. 4

All in good condition.

If you're a serious trainee, you know about Milo. These are some of the very first issues - and they're as relevant today as when they were first published more than 20 years ago.

 $50.00 plus s&h for all six issues

2. Building Body Power

An old-school body-weight training course by the famous strongman, movie star and stunt man, Joe Bonomo. Many photos. Missing the front cover - but otherwise in good condition, and very readable.

Features a variety of old-school physique stars demonstrating various exercises, including David Asnis,  "Chick" Deutsch, Barton Horvath, Tony Sansone, Bert Goodrich, Kimon Voyages, Terry Robinson, Simon Kornblum, Sig Klein, and Charlie Shaffer.

$10.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

3. Iron Claws

By Michael H. Brown

An outstanding grip development course - combined with a bench press course featuring some really interesting training ideas and special power rack equipment.

Did I say "bench press course"?

It's actually a course to develop a 1,000 pound bench press!

Very few people know it, but this course helped put thick handled barbells and dumbbells on the map. 

Originally published in 1974. This is a modern reprint edition published by William F. Hinbern.

8 1/2 x 11, 20 pages, good condition.

$10.0 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

4. The Formulator Ultimate Forearm Training System: High Performance Instructional Course Vol. 1

By John Wood and Functional Hand Strength.  8 1/2 x 11, 48 pages. Published in 2006. Very good condition.

This is a detailed guide to one of the most innovative and effective forearm builders ever invented.

Very informative, with tons of great training tips.

Note: John Wood wrote this terrific course at a time when he was carrying the Formulator in his product line. He no longer carries it, and I don't know if the manufacturer is still in business.  However, you may be able to find The Formulator on eBay or elsewhere. That said, this is a very interesting course.

Of course, if you already HAVE the Formulator but you don't have this course, then you need the course asap!

$10.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

5.  Cinderella Man

Hard-cover. Written by Jeremy Schaap. Published in 2005. I purchased this $24.00 when new. I've read the book once or twice; otherwise, it's been on one of my bookshelves, so it's in excellent condition.

The movie, Cinderella Man, was based on this book.

Read the book, watch the movie, and be inspired to do some serious training. 

 $15.00 plus shipping and handling

6. International All-Round Weightlifting Association  Offical Rulebook

Contains detailed descriptions of how to perform a wide-variety of lifts contested in the International All-Round Weightlifting Association. Includes numerous photos.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling.

7. Strongman: The Doug Hepburn Story

By Tom Thurston. Paperback. 295 pages. Many terrific photos. Good condition.

An amazing, inspiring and informative biography of the Canadian Hercules, Doug Hepburn.

Well written, thoroughly researched, and a true tribute to a great champion.

Includes a thorough review of Doug Hepburn's training methods and workouts.

Highly recommended.

$20.00 plus shipping and handling

Status: Sold

8. Strength and Health magazine

Our choice of three issue from the 1930's or 1940's.

Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling

9. Secret Bulgarian Training for Seoul '88

A Catalyst Athletics DVD. Good condition.

You'll see some truly amazing lifting on this DVD. You'll also be amazed at how "low tech" and basic the Bulgarian training facility was.

A must have for weightlifters and weightlifting fans.

$10.00 plus shipping and handling


10. Bodybuilding: An Illustrated History

By David Webster. A large, hard-cover book. 156 pages. Many terrific photos of bodybuildersold and new.

This is a library edition purchased from a library book sale. It is missing pages137-138 and 147-148.

Includes the original dust jacket, which is slightly worn and has some tears at the top.

Forget about the blemishes. This is a terrific book, and it gives you one of the most detailed looks at the history of bodybuilding that you'll ever see. It's very rare and hard to find - but here's your chance to grab it!

$30.00 plus shipping and handling

11. Hardgainer magazine

Some of the early issues of Stuart Mcrobert's Hardgainer magazine from the late 1980's and early 1990's are almost impossible to find. Not many copies were printed, and very few owners will part their issues.

Sure, you can finds photocopies here and there - but the ORIGINAL issues are as rare as hen's teeth - or, to paraphrase John McCallum, as rare as honest measurements.

But here's a complete set of the first six issues - from my personal library - not copies, but original issues. Good condition.

Now, I know the price looks high at first blush - but remember, these are originals - they're from my personal library - and they're only $20.00 each. If I put them on eBay and started an auction, they'd probably go for much more.

 $120 plus shipping and handling

12. Hardgainer magazine 

See my earlier comments.

Here's a complete set of all six issues of year two of Hardgainer magazine. Good condition.

$120 plus shipping and handling.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Important Updates for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I need to keep this short because we have
a ton of other things going on today.

But I wanted to give you a a couple of quick

1. Strength and Health Magazine

I'm having a big book, course and magazine
sale. and that includes some rare issues of
Strength and Health magazine from the 30's
and 40s. Go here to see what's available:

2. Physical Culture Radio

We had a great show yesterday - go here
to listen to the download:

3. The Mystery Man

We have a winner - and I'll tell you  who it
is - and who the Mystery Man is - early next

We had a ton of good guesses, and lots of
feedback - so thanks to everyone who gave
it a try!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Name the Mystery Man!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let's change things up and do something
a little different today.

We're going to have a little contest.

The winner gets a free copy of Legacy
of Iron.

So here's the contest.

Name the Mystery Man based on the
weights he used in his very first workout.

He was 17 years old and he weighed 165

He began his workout with standing barbell

He used a whopping 40 pounds.

To put that in perspective, I was pressing
40 pounds at age 11 - weighing all of 86

Or consider this.

A standard Olympic barbell weighs 45

So that 40 pound press was less than
the weight of an unloaded Olympic bar!

He then did floor presses with a barbell.

He used 60 pounds on this one.

That's an Olympic barbell with a 5 and
a 2 1/2 on each side.

Next, he did curls with 40 pounds.

After that, he hit some straight arm
pullovers with 30 pounds.

He finished up with some barbell
triceps push-aways behind the legs
(which I guess are similar to dumbbell
triceps kickbacks).

Not sure what he used on that one.
Probably 25 or 30 pounds.

That was it.

No leg work.

No back work.

And some pretty light weights.

In fact, some VERY light weights.

It wasn't much of a workout - and it gave
no hint of the strength and muscle mass
that he would one day develop.

And yet, he became an Iron Game legend.

Can you guess his name?

Send your answer to Dino Headquarters
with an email using the subject line:

Mystery Man

One guess per reader, and the first reader
with the right answer wins the book.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you're asking yourself, "What's this
Legacy of Iron book?" go here for the

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You can't control
where you start, but where you finish is up to
you." -- Brooks Kubik


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Strength Training Books and Courses for Sale (List 4)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, here are some items you might want to grab right now.

All of these items come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.


Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate s&h charge for the item(s) you purchadse.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:


1. Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport

By  Y. V. Verkhoshansky. Spiral bound. 200 pages. Translated by Andrew Charniga, Jr. 1986 edition. Very good condition.

One of the classic Soviet sports science textbooks.

If you like science instead of bubble gum, you'll like this.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


2. Naim Suleymanoglu  - The Pocket Hercules

By Yazan Enver Turkeleri. Translated by Erdogan Gulari. Edited by Lou Demarco and Andrew Charniga, Jr.  Published by Sportivny Press. Coopyright 204. Spiral bound, 138 pages, many photos. Very good condition.

A thrilling biography of the three-time Olympic Gold Medal Winner.

Includes detailed information about his training programs.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


3. Progressive Resistance Exercise: Technic and Medical Application

By Thomas L. DeLorme, B.S., M.D. and Arthur L. Watkins, A.B. M.D.  A modern reprint edition of the classic text from 1951. Published by William F. Hinbern. 245 pages, with many photos and illustrations.

This is a ground-breaking book that helped make progressive strength training a regular part of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy.

Includes fascinating drawings of special equipment designed or used by the authors.

Gym owner Vince Gironda based his 10/8/6 program on this book.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


4. The Snatch, The Clean and Jerk

By R.A. Roman and M.S. Shakirzyanov.  Translated by Andrew Charniga, Jr. Published by Andrew Charniga, Jr. Copyright 1982. Good condition.

Another classic Soviet weightlifting textbook. Includes detailed analysis of Soviet weightlifting champions, including Alexseyev, Bonk, Rigert, Plachkov, Zhabotinsky, Rigert and others.

The concluding chapter on "Perfecting technique with the Aid of 'Special Instruction' and Without Visual Control" is enormously valuable - and in my opinion, well worth the price of the book.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling.


5. A Complete Guide to Effective Barbell Training

By Bradley J. Steiner. A modern reprint edition published by William F. Hinbern. Contains numerous photos. Very good condition.

This is a modern reprint edition of Bradley J. Steiner's classic book, which was originally published in 1974. It was prepared with special permission of the author, and includes a special introduction to the reprint edition by the author.

This is one of my favorite training books. I have a copy of the original edition, and I must have read it 100 times or more when I was in my teens and twenties.

Highly recommended.

Let me repeat that. Highly. Recommended.

PRICE: $19.95 plus shipping and handling


6. Lengthen Your Spine, Lengthen Your Life

By Dave Woynarowski, M.D. Copyright 2006. Spiral bound. 175 pages. Many photos. Good condition.

A detailed presentation of stretching, flexibility and mobility exercises for improved health and fitness.

Particularly valuable for those of us who sit at a desk or in front of a computer all day long.

Price: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


7. Spartan Health Regime: The Hard-Core Diet, Training and Lifestyle Program for Elite Health and Fitness Fanatics

By Anthony Bova.  Limited Collectors 1st edition No. 964. Published in 1997. Signed by the author.

139 page course packaged in a three-ring binder. Numerous photos.

Includes issues no. 5 and 10 of The Spartan Letter (the author's newsletter).

Fair to good condition. The cover is a bit worn and shows some dust stains, and some of the pages are a bit bent or wrinkled. But still - it's a signed 1st edition.

 Price: $50.00 plus shipping and handling.



By Stuart McRobert. Softcover. Oct. 1993 edition. Cover art by Stephen Wedan. Good condition with slight wear and some staining on the front and back cover. Very readable. 232 pages.

A detailed review of bodybuilding methods for gentically tyopical, drug-free trainees.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling

9. Milo magazine

October 1996 (Vol. 4, No. 3).

Good condition, aside from someone having circled my article in the Table of Contents.

PRICE: $10.00 plus shipping and handling.

10. Milo magazine

July 1996 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

Good condition, aside from someone having circled my article in the Table of Contents.

 PRICE: $10.00 plus shipping and handling.

11. Nautilus Training Principles: Bulletin No. 1

By Arthur Jones. This is my original copy purchased from Arthur Jones and his fledgling nautilus company way back in 1970. Good condition aside from some slight wear and tear on the cover. 113 pages. Very readable.

My name is on the front and back covers, and someone's name or phone number appears to be marked out in the upper left hand corner of the front cover. I think I lent the book to one of my coaches and he wrote something that I later marked out.

This is the book that started the Nautilus Revolution and transformed strength training and bodybuilding in the 1970s.

PRICE: $40.00 plus shipping and handling

12.   Nautilus Training Principles: Bulletin No. 1

By Arthur Jones. This is a duplicate copy of the original. (Not a photo-copy, but another original.) I have had it for many years.  Good condition aside from some slight wear and tear (and some slight staining) on the cover. 113 pages. Very readable.

This is the book that started the Nautilus Revolution and transformed strength training and bodybuilding in the 1970s.

PRICE: $40.00 plus shipping and handling

13. Nautilus Training Principles: Bulletin No. 2

By Arthur Jones. Good condition aside from some slight wear and tear on the cover, and some spotting on several interior pages.  127 pages, with several photos.

This is my original copy purchased from Arthur Jones and the Nautilus company in 1971.

Together with Bulletin No. 1, this book had a profound impact on strength training and bodybuilding in the 1970s.

PRICE: $40.00 plus shipping and handling

14. Nautilus Training Principles: Bulletin No. 2

By Arthur Jones. Good condition aside from some slight wear and tear on the cover. 127 pages, with several photos.

This is my second copy, which I have had for many years.

Together with Bulletin No. 1, this book had a profound impact on strength training and bodybuilding in the 1970s.

PRICE: $40.00 plus shipping and handling

15. The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power!

This is a photocopy of the original edition of Tony Ditillo's book, given to me by a friend many years ago. It is spiral bound. It is in fair condition, with some highlighting (mine) on several of the interior pages. The back cover is slightly stained.

This is a through review of old-school strength and bulk training as practiced in the 1960's and 1970s. It focuses on basic exercises, powerlifting style workouts and (the author's favorite) power rack training.

Not pretty, but very readable, and packed with great training advice.

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


We also have old issues of Strength and Health magazine:

Go here to see what's available:

That's it for today. We'll be posting more lists of available books, courses and magazines later in the week.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


A Word of Warning from Doug Hepburn!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I was looking at a copy of Hepburn's Law
the other day. It's an old training course
that we offered in our Big Book Sale here
at Dino Headquarters.

There was a chapter about injuries and how
to prevent them.

And Doug Hepburn gave this advice:

"Don't do dangerous and foolish lifts."

A line drawing on the opposite page shows
a trainee doing a heavy deadlift while standing
on a low platform or riser so the lift begins with
the bar almost touching the toes.

Now, some people swear by riser deadlifts.
They used to be part of the Swedish Deadlifting
Program back in the late 60s and early 70s -
and they worked great for some people.

And long before that, John Grimek did heavy
stiff legged deadlifts while standing on a box
or bench so he could lower the bar all the way
down to his toes.

And today, riser snatch pulls and clean pulls
are popular among many Olympic weightlifters.

So don't send me hate mail about riser dead-
lifts. That's not the point - although if you ever
DO try riser deadlifts, be sure you have the
flexibility and proportions to do them with a
flat back. They work for some people but
not for others.

Instead, focus on Hepburn's basic message.

Far too many trainees hurt themselves by
doing dangerous and foolish lifts. It's so
common now that it's a Facebook meme.
I often joke about it by referring to "squats
on roller skates."

But you really do see people doing squats
on stability balls - with a barbell on their

Which is something that looks impressive
(or perhaps insane), and thus, garners a
lot of traffic on social media.

But remember, all it takes is one slight
twist and you can blow out a knee or an
ankle - and that can make effective training
impossible for a very long time. Perhaps

So why do it?

Why even try it?

Why not knuckle down to some serious back
squats or front squats - performed in perfect
form - with a good series of progressively
heavier warm-up sets before your work set
or work sets?

It's not as cool looking as squats on a stability
ball, and it won't get you a million likes on
Facebook, but it will build strength and muscle
as fast, effectively and as safely as possible.

And remember this - if Doug Hepburn saw
you training your squats (or any other basic
exercise) that way, he'd give you a big
thumbs up!

And a thumbs up from Doug Hepburn is
worth a thousand likes on Facebook.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron covers common
sense strength training and muscle building
for older Dinos - and teaches you how to
build your body up rather than tearing it

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train for
results, not for social media." -- Brooks


Monday, March 21, 2016

Effective Leg Training Alternatives for Dinos!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes and then we'll talk training.

1. The March Dinosaur Files

Is running late because my layout and design
guy has been sick - but it should be ready in a
couple of days. I'll send an email when the
little monster is available. Sorry for the delay!

2. The Dinosaur Book Sale

We're having a big book and magazine sale
here at Dino Headquarters. If you missed it,
check out these links to see what's available:

We have lots more great old books, courses
and magazines coming, so keep checking
the new lists as we post them at the
Dinosaur Training Blog.

Also, we're going to go ahead and start
putting some of the items on eBay. I'll
send an email when we launch the eBay

3. A Leg Training Question

One of our Dinos asked about leg training

Due to a chronic low back problem, he can't
do back squats or deadlifts. So he's been doing
front squats and glute-ham extensions for his
legs and back.

He wondered if that was enough for balanced
strength gains, and whether he should do split
squats, as well.

So here are some thoughts:

1. I assume our Dino has had his back and spine
checked out by a medical professional and has
the green light for training. If not, that should
be step no. 1.

2. Many Dinos (particularly older Dinos) have
had to find substitutes for the back squat
and/or the deadlift. In fact, we've been
covering the issue in a series of articles
in the Dinosaur Files newsletter. The Jan,
Feb and March issues discuss this in detail,
and offer tons of exercises and from your
fellow dinosaurs. I urge everyone to read
them. You won't find this information
anywhere else.

3. Front squats and back extensions build
plenty of strength and muscle. Personally,
I now prefer front squats to back squats,
and use them almost exclusively in my

4. I would NOT do split style squats. They
are not necessary if you are doing front
squats, and they may aggravate any back
problems. They also can be hard on the

a. If tight hip flexors are causing or
contributing to low back pain, then
split squats are probably going to
be very difficult to do.

5. Front squats work best with low reps
because you need to maintain proper
balance and perfect form. If you start
to round your back or lean forward,
you take the work off your legs - and
you put your spine in a compromised
position. I would stick to five reps or

6. Back extensions work best at 8 to
10 reps. Avoid an excessive arch.

7. If your back is hurting, don't try to
pile on the weight, train to failure or
do high volume workouts. Your primary
goal should be to stay active and strong
while your body heals.

I hope that helps, and I wish our Dino
a very speedy recovery and a strong

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab the December, January
and February issues of the Dinosaur Files

February 2016 Dinosaur Files

January 2016 Dinosaur Files

December 2015 Dinosaur Files

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If you can't do squats,
find another exercise you CAN do. There's always a
way to keep on training." -- Brooks Kubik


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Old and New Books and Courses for Sale at Dinosaur Headquarters! (List No. 3)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, here are some items you might want to grab right now.

All of these items come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.


Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate s&h charge for the item(s) you purchadse.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:


1. The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet

By Robb Wolf. Foreword by Loren Cordain, Ph.D. Hard copy. Published in 2010. 319 pages, with drawings and photos. In good condition.

A detailed, but easy to read discussion of ancestral diets and stone age nutrition for modern man. One of my favorite books on the so-called "Paleo Diet."

Original retail price was $24.95. 

Price: $14.95 plus shipping and handling. 


2. The Production of Muscular Bulk

By Michael J. Salvatti. Hard copy. Copyright 1965. Second edition. 107 pages, with several black and white photos. Good condition.

This is an original copy published by Iron Man Industries (the publishing company owned and operated by Peary Rader, the founder and editor of Iron Man magazine).

A detailed review of old-school methods of aagaining muscular bodyweight as fast as possible. Includes details on the X-Plus drink, and covers the dietary programs of Paul Anderson, Doug Hepburn, Vern Bickel, Armand Grant, Bruce randall and the author himself.

Also reviews various training sytems to build maximum muscular bulk, including the conventional isotonic exercise system, the blitz system, the isometric contraction system, and the famous "Rest Pause" system developed by Charles Ross.

Price: $25.00 plus shipping and handling.


3. Muscle Control or Body Development by Will-Power

By Maxick. This is a modern reprint edition of the original course published in 1911. It was published in 1992 by William F. Hinbern. Bill has since done a second edition of the course. This is Bill's first edition.

8 1/2 x 11, 44 pages, with over 50 photographs. Excellent condition.

A great addition to your strength and health library.

Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.


4. IronMind: Stronger Minds, Stronger Bodies

By Randall J. Strossen. Ph.D. Soft cover. 182 pages. Published in 1994. Good condition.

A detailed analysis of the mental aspects of peak performance in weightlifting, strength training, muscle building and life.

A whopping 60 chapters. Fast, fun and informative. Highly recommended.

Price: $12.95 plus shipping and handling


5.  Relax Into Stretch

By Pavel Tsatsouline. 138 pages with many photos. Second edition, 2001. Good condition.

This is a detailed guide to stretching and flexibility training for martial artists, athletes and strength trainers.

Change stiff and tight to strong and supple.

Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.


6. Weightlifting Programming: A Coach's Guide

By Bob Takano. Published by catalyst Athletics. 2012 edition. 247 pages. Good condition, with yellow highlighting on some pages.

A very good book from a long-time, experienced coach and teacher. Presents complicated and technical informationin an easy to understand, practical format.

Cut through the Internet BS and piles of misinformation about programming for Olympic weightlifters, and get a detailed review of training programs that really work.  

Highly recommended.

Price: $14.95 plus shipping and handling


7. The Warrior Diet

By Ori Hofmekler. Softcover. 2007 edition. 278 pages. Includes photos.  Good condition.

A very popular approach to diet and nutrition for strength athletes and martial artists.

Price: $12.95 plus shipping and handling


8. The Rader Master Bodybuilding and Weight Gaining System

By Peary Rader, the founder of Iron Man magazine, and it's editor and publisher for 50 years. A 48 page booklet with many photos.

This is my personal copy, purchased when I was in high school more than 40 years ago. I've probably read it a dozen times. It is an original copy as sold by Peary Rader and Iron Man Industries, not a modern reprint edition. It is in good condition, with slight yellowing on the first and last inside pages (apparently caused by contact with the cover of the booklet, which is yellow). I'm selling it now because I have another copy, and someone may enjoy having my personal copy from the Dinosaur Training Research Library.

This booklet gives you a detailed course in Peary Rader's breathing squat program for rapid gains in strength and muscle mass. It also covers a variety of specialization programs, including some very effective Dino-style abbreviated programs.  Many believe it's one of the best all-around courses ever written.

And don't forget - Peary Rader gained almost 100 pounds of muscle in two years on the breathing squat program that he outlines in this course!

 Price: $30.00


9. The Development of Physical Strength

By Anthony Ditillo.  Paperback. 140 pages. This is a copy of the original edition published in 1982 by Iron Man Publishing Company. Good condition aside from a small bend or crease on the bottom right hand corner of the book.

This is the second book that collects Anthony Ditillo's old Iron Man articles (many of which also have appeared in Milo). Many of the training programs and workouts in this book were inspired by Ditillo's friend and training partner, a former Bulgarian weightlifter named Dezso Ban.

A very interesting guide to strength and power training as practiced in the 1970s and 1980s.

I purchased this book many years ago (when I was in high school or college) and have had it ever since. 

Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.


10. The Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia

By John Jesse. 10th printing, 1986. 416 pages with many drawings and photos, including some terrific photos of old-time strongmen and wrestlers. Good condition aside from a bit of wear on the front and back cover.

Covers bodyweight training, homemade weight equipment, training with gymnastics equipment, barbell and dumbbell training, isometric training sandbag training, flexibility exercises, special grip exercises for wrestlers, neck exercises fro wrestlers, aerobic conditioning, diet and nutrition, and much more.

An incredibly detailed, comprehensive review of training methods for wrestlers - but of great value to all strength trainers, all athletes and all martial artists.

Highly recommended.

Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling.


11.  The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results

By Ellington Darden, Ph.D. paperback. 309 pages, with many photos. Published in 2006. Good condition, with a little wear and tear on the front and back cover.

Thias is a detailed guide to "High Intensity" bodybuilding and strength training by Ellington Darden, one of the leading proponents of this style of training. The front cover quotes Dr. Darden's mission statement:

"Most trainees don't want that bloated, drug-induced look of a modern pro bodybuilder. They'd much rather have that chiseled, athletic look of the Golden-Age Mr. Americas - such as Steve Reeves, Boyer Coe and Casey Viator. I've taken those lost techniques of the masters - added today's science - and created the new bodybuilding for old-school results."

This book sold for $39.99 new. You can have it for a bit less than that.

Price: $30.00 plus shipping and handling. 


12. Body-Building and Self-Defense

By Myles Callum. paperback. 141 pages with many photos. 8th printing, 1969. From the University of montreal Library. Good condition with a slight bend on the back cover, a small library card glued to the gront cover, and a library slip glued to the first interior page (a blank page facing the title page).

When I was a kid, this book was one of the very few weight training books you could find at the public library - and I must have read it dozens of times. It's an excellent guide to weight training and muscle building for beginners, and also includes a course in basic self-defense training.

Highly recommended. especially for beginners or teenagers.

 Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling. 


NOTE: Also Available -- Strength and Health Magazine!

We also have some complete 12-issue sets of Strength and health magazine from the 1930s and 1940s. Go here to see what is currently available:


We have many more old books and courses - and many more old magazines - and we'll be offering them during the coming week. To stay up to date on what's available, be sure to sign up for my daily emails at the Dinosaur Training website:

Also, continue to check the Dinosaur Training Blog for updates about other books, courses and magazines for sale.

Thanks, and I hope you see something you like!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Strength Training Books, Magazines and Courses for Sale (List No. 2)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, here are some items you might want to grab right now.

All of these items come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.


Everything is first come, first served.  So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

In addition, please let me know whether you use PayPal. If you use PayPal, we can send you a payment request that includes the appropriate s&h charge for the item(s) you purchadse.

If you prefer to pay by check or credit card, please let me know. We will contact you by email to let you know how to pay by either of these options. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.  

My email is:


1. Olympic Weightlifting for Sports

By Greg Everett. 106 pages, with many photos. 2012 edition. Paperback. A gently used copy in good condition.

A great little guide to using the Olympic lifts to train athletes - or in teaching yourself how to perform the lifts.  Although it is aimed at coaches and athletes, it is perfect for anyone who wants to learn the lifts safely and effectively.

PRICE: $9.95 plus shipping and handling


2. Gotch: An American Hero

By Mike Chapman. Paperback. 279 pages. Published in 1999. Soft cover. Good condition.

An historical novel telling the life story or the man many believe to have been the greatest professional wrestler of all time. (Remember, Gotch beat George Hackenschmidt not once, but twice, during the prime of Hack's career.)

A very good book about an outstanding athlete - written by one of the nation's top wrestling historians.

PRICE: $9.95 plus shipping and handling.


3. That's Muscle Control

By Ed Jubinville. 1988 edition.  107 pages, with over 70 photos.  Soft cover. Good condition.  Over 70 photos.

Born in 1921, Ed Jubinville was one of the legendary masters of the lost art of muscle control, and thrilled thousands with his world famous muscle control act. Now, you may be asking "What's muscle control?" Ed Jubinville described it as "the ability tto control the voluntary muscles of your body . . . through total concentration." In other words, it's a perfect way to train and develop the mind-muscle link.

It's also what John Grimek, the immortal Monarch of Muscledom, used in his legendary posing routines. 

Good stuff - right out of the Golden Age of Physical Culture.

By the way, I spoke with Ed Jibinville a few times before he passed away. What a wonderful man he was - and what a huge fan of the Iron Game!

PRICE: $30.00 plus shipping and handling


4. The Strongest Man in History: Louis Cyr

By Ben Weider (yes, Ben Weider - Joe Weider's brother). Paperback. 104 pages, plus 8 full page photos. Published in 1976. Fair condition, with small pencil marks on the front cover and on the final page of the Appendix - but very readable.

A fascinating biography of one of the strongest men who ever lived, from his birth in a small village in Canada to his rise to world-wide acclaim as the Strongest Man in  the World. Includes detailed accounts of his greatest matches with other legendary strongmen, and to his world tour where he met and defeated all challengers.

If you enjoy reading about old-school strongmen and rugged feats of strength and power, you'll love this book.

PRICE: $12.95 plus shipping and handling


 5. Weight Training for Athletes

By Bob Hoffman. Photography by Robert L. Hasse. Hardcover. Published in 1961. 216 pages, with numerous black and white photographs, including many photographs of weightlifter Bill March. Fair condition but very readable.

A basic introduction to weight training for athletes, featuring a wide variety of exercises with barbells, dumbbells, iron boots, swing bells, and pulleys. Includes a basic training program and specialized training programs for 37 different sports.

When I was a kid, this was one of the few books on weight training that was available at the public library - so I probably read it a hundred times. If you're my age, you probably did the same.

 PRICE: $30.00 plus shipping and handling.


 6. Muscle Beach: Where the Best Bodies in the World Started a Fitness Revolution

By Marla Matzer Rose. Published in 2001. Softbound. 160 pages, with many black and white photos.
Good condition.

This is a detailed and very interesting account of the men and women who made Muscle Beach the legendary Mecca of bodybuilding in the 1940s and 1950s.  Well-researched and well-written, it's a time machine that can take you back to the sun, sand and surf of California in the 1940s - when John Grimek was the King of Bodybuilding and when Muscle Beach was the most fascinating place in the entire world.

PRICE: $12.95 plus shipping and handling.


7. Bones of Iron: Collected Articles on the Life of the Strength Athlete

By Matt Foreman. Paperback. Published in 2011. 182 pages. Good condition.

A collection of articles that cover training, competing and coaching Olympic weightlifting. Contains plenty of practical advice for any strength athlete. Written with passion and humor. A fast, fun, informative read - and totally and completely BS-free. Matt Foreman tells it like it is.

Price: $12.95 plus shipping and handling.


8. An Introduction to Olympic-Style Weightlifting

By John M. Cissik. Second edition, 1997. 132 pages, with numerous photographs and line drawings. Fair to good condition but very readable. Signed by the author. (An author's signature adds magic to any book.)

A detailed guide to Olympic weightlifting for beginners, with training programs designed to take the lifter from the beginning stage to National competition.

Price: $34.95 plus shipping and handling


9. Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Coaches and Athletes

By Gregg Everett. Second edition, 2009. Soft-cover. 422 pages. Many photos. Good condition, with a small tear at the top of the cover.

This is one of the most complete, and most detailed, books on Olympic weightlifting ever written, and covers everything you need to know about this fascinating sport.

A must for any competitor or coach - and one of the best guides available for any beginning weightlifter.

One of the top Masters-age weightlifters in the World (a 2015 Masters World Champion) taught herself how to lift by reading this book - and won the Master's World championship a mere two years later!

A great book, and highly recommended.

Price: $34.95 plus shipping and handling.


10.  The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power

By Anthony Ditillo.  Paperback. 140 pages. Modern reprint edition published by William F. Hinbern. Very good condition.

This is one of the classic books about strength and bulk training, by one of the most popular authors to ever write for Peary Rader's old Iron Man magazine.  Contains numerous training programs. Focuses on hard, heavy training on the basic exercises, with an old-school powerlifting focus. Includes plenty of great information on power rack training.

Perfect for those who compete in RAW powerlifting - perfect for cellar dwellers and garage gorillas - perfect for anyone who trains hard, heavy, and serious. 

Note: If you're a Ditillo fan, grab this book along with item no. 13, below. 

Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.


11. Remembering Muscle Beach: Where Hard Bodies Began

By Harold Zinkin, with Bonnie Hearn. Hard cover. 128 pages. Many stunning photos of the athletes and bodybuilders who made Muscle Beach the famous piece of real estate in the world.

This is a beautiful and inspiring book, with classic photos and best of all, it's written by one of the pioneers who created Muscle Beach. In other words, it's the inside story. And if you want to see what men and women looked like with 100-percent natural, drug-free training, this will be an eye-opener.

Excellent condition. A real treasure.

Price: $39.95 plus shipping and handling.


12. The Strongest Man in the World: Vasily Alexeyev

By Dmitry Ivanov. Translated by Anatol Kagan and Ariadne Esterhazy. With a foreword by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Published in 1979. Hard copy. 279 pages, with many photos. Good condition aside from a little aging on the cover and some yellowing (small brown spots) on the outer portion of the pages. No dust jacket. Very readable.

An inspiring biography of one of the most famous weightlifters of all time: the mighty Vasily Alexeyev.  World and Olympic champion, World and Olympic record holder, and the first man in history to clean and jerk 500 pounds.

This is another hard to find item - and another item where the photos alone are worth the price of the book. 

Price: $50.00 plus shipping and handling


13. The Development of Physical Strength

By Anthony Ditillo.  Paperback. 140 pages. Modern reprint edition published by William F. Hinbern. Very good condition.

This is the second book that collects Anthony Ditillo's old Iron Man articles (many of which also have appeared in Milo). Many of the training programs and workouts in this book were inspired by Ditillo's friend and training partner, a former Bulgarian weightlifter named Dezso Ban.

A very interesting guide to strength and power training as practiced in the 1970s and 1980s.

Price: $19.95 plus shipping and handling.


14. Hepburn's Law

By John A. Myles, in consultation with Doug Hepburn. Spiral bound. 54 pages. Many drawings. Cover photo of Doug Hepburn.

This is an original copy of a very popular course based on the training philosophy of World Weightlifting Champion and World record holder, Doug Hepburn - one of the strongest and most massively muscular men of all time.

The original course is hard to find now, so it's a true collector's item.

Price: $50.00 plus shipping and handling


15. Defying Gravity: How to Win at Weightlifting

By Bill Starr, author of The Strongest Shall Survive. First edition, 1981. Paperback. 120 pages. Many great photos. With an introduction by Dr. Ken E. Leistner. Good condition.

This is a classic book about training and competing in weightlifting and powerlifting. It is very rare and hard to find. The photos alone are well worth the price of the book.

This book is currently selling for prices ranging between $142.75 and $270.22 for a used copy in comparable condition, so you can see that it's a real collector's item. I want it to find a good home with one of my Dinosaurs, so I've priced it for much less than the other used copies on the market. 

Price: $100.00 plus shipping and handling


Also Available -- Strength and Health Magazine

Note: We also have some complete 12-issue sets of Strength and health magazine from the 1930s and 1940s. Go here to see the years and the prices:

That's it for now. If you have any questions, shoot me an email!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


Friday, March 18, 2016

Rare Strength and Health Magazines for Sale! (List No. 1)

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I thought I'd start the day with some big news for the Dino Nation.

I'm selling several 12-issue sets of Strength and Health magazine from the 1930s and 1940s. These are duplicate sets from the Dinosaur Training Research Library.


These rare issues of Strength and Health are gold-mines of strength training and muscle-building instruction, and they have tons of terrific photos of the old-time champions. They feature tons of photos and inside information about John Grimek, Steve Stanko, Bob Hoffman, John Terry, Gracie Bard, John Davis, Tony Terlazzo, Johnny Terpak,  and many of the other York Barbell Club champions of the 1930s and 1940s, and they give you detailed reports of the big contests and the record-setting lifts for each year. They include some of my all-time favorite articles, and they will give you many hours of fun reading. In fact, you'll probably want to read them over and over.

If you've read my Legacy of Iron books and wondered, "How did he know so much about the old-time champions?" the answer is - "I read about them in Strength and Health!"

Ditto for my John Grimek training course, for Black Iron: The John Davis Story, and for the Dinosaur Training Military Press and Shoulder Power Course - as well as many articles in The Dinosaur Files newsletter. The information comes right from the pages of Strength and Health. Each issue is a Time Machine taking you back to the Golden Age of Muscle and Might.

All of these wonderful magazines come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library, and I'll include a special certificate to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have some great old-time magazines to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.

In short,  these are true collector's items - and a wonderful treat for fans of old-school training. They'll be great addition to your strength training library.


Everything is first come, first served - meaning, the first person who shoots me an email asking to purchase a given set of Strength and Health back issues. (First" means the first email in my inbox at the email address given below.)

I have very limited number of full 12-issue sets for each year listed below, and we expect them to go fast, so if you're interested in one of the sets, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability.

Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

Also, please let me know if you use PayPal. PayPal is our preferred method of payment for special item orders.

If you prefer to pay by credit card or check, let me know and I'll get back to you to work out the details. Please do NOT send credit card info by email.

My email is:


We're selling 12-issue sets.  Each set covers one year.

We have either one or two complete sets of Strength and Health for each of the years listed below, priced as shown, along with (for some years) one set that is missing a single month.  If you order a set that is missing a single month, we'll include one issue of our choice from a different year so you get a total of 12 issues:

1937 -- $120 plus shipping and handling

Note: Only one full set for 1937 is left.

1938 -- $120 plus shipping and handling

Note: Only one full set for 1938 is left.

1939 -- $120 plus shipping and handling

1940 -- $100 plus shipping and handling

1941 -- $100 plus shipping and handling

Note: Only one full set for 1941 is left.

1942 -- $100 plus shipping and handling

1943 -- $100 plus shipping and handling

1944 -- $100 plus shipping and handling

Again, we expect these to go VERY fast - so if you want to order a 12-issue set, take immediate action.

Again, my email is:

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Old Books, Magazines and Courses for Sale! (List No. 1)

It's book sale time!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have a ton of duplicate books, courses and magazines about strength training, weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, physical culture, Iron Game history, boxing, wrestling, martial arts, diet,  nutrition, and related subjects, and I since I only need one copy of any particular item, I'm going to sell the rest of them.

We're setting up an eBay store to sell them on eBay, but in the meantime, let's get started on these.

Everything is first come, first served -- meaning, the first person who shoots me an email about a given item. ("First" means "the first email in my inbox.)

So if you're interested in anything, do not delay. Shoot me an email and ask about availability. Include your shipping address so we can calculate shipping and handling for you.

All of these come from the world-famous Dinosaur Training Research Library - and I'll include a letter to confirm this when I fill your order. Thus, you'll have something great to read AND you'll be owning a piece of Iron Game history.

My email is:

I'm putting photos of the different items on Instagram - go here to see them:

And now, without further ado, here are the first 12 items that I'm offering for sale:

1. The Daniels File

Published in 1989. 36 pages. 20 short chapters, covering a variety of topics re: powerlifting training and competition.  No photos. This appears to be a photo-copied booklet with a snap-on plastic binder.  (Meaning that I purchased what appears to be a photo-copy prepared by the author. I did not make the copy.) Written by Doug Daniels, who wrote for Powerlifting USA magazine.

This is an excellent booklet with solid, hard-core, old-school training advice. If you like powerlifting or old-school, heavy iron based on the squat, bench press and deadlift, you'll love this one. 

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


 2. Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

This is my book, published in soft copy in 2011. It's the same one we sell for $39.95 at my website. This copy has a very minor wrinkle at the top, so it's slightly damaged but otherwise as good as new.

If you don't mind the wrinkle at the top, this is a great buy and saves you a quick ten bucks.

PRICE: $29.95 plus shipping and handling


3. The Best Form of Bodybuilding

Written by Dennis B. Weis. A detailed 40-page booklet covering 70's-style bodybuilding. Includes photos of Boyer Coe, Kalman Szkalak, Chuck Sipes (training in his back yard!), Larry Gordan and Frank Zane.

Dennis Weis was a popular writer for Peary Rader's old Iron Man magazine, and went on to become one of the most prolific authors in Iron Game history.  He trained alone in an unheated garage in Alaska, and specialized in high rep squatting to stay warm! He competed in both powerlifting and bodybuilding contests, and he's still training today.

This is a terrific book for anyone who wants to know how the champions trained back in the 1970s - and what kind of training programs were taught back then.

Good condition, but the cover shows slight aging. (After all, it's an old booklet.)

PRICE: $20.00 plus shipping and handling


4. Development of Strength

Written by Harry Paschall, and originally published in the early 1950s. This is a modern reprint edition published by Bill Hinbern in 1976.  I believe I purchased it in the 1970s or 1980s.  This copy is a bit worn (because I've read it at least a dozen times), but it's very readable.

116 pages, with classic photos and Bosco drawings and cartoons by Harry Paschall.

Harry Paschall was one of my all-time favorite authors. I am selling this edition only because I have a more recent edition of Bill Hinbern's reprint, as well as a copy of the original edition.

PRICE: $10.00 plus shipping and handling


5. Olympic Weightlifting for Masters

Written by Matt Foreman, and published by Catalyst Athletics. 2014 edition. 192 pages, with photos.

This is a new book that I got for Christmas last year, and is in close to brand new condition, although I have read it twice.

Excellent overview of Olympic weightlifting for masters-age lifters. Includes interviews with top competitors in masters-age weightlifting, as well as workouts and training programs.  

This sells for $29.95 new; you can save $10.00 on this copy.

PRICE: $19.95 plus shipping and handling


6. Cinderella Man

Hard-cover. Written by Jeremy Schaap. Published in 2005. I purchased this $24.00 when new. I've read the book once or twice; otherwise, it's been on one of my bookshelves, so it's in excellent condition.

The movie, Cinderella Man, was based on this book.

Read the book, watch the movie, and be inspired to do some serious training. 

PRICE: $15.00 plus shipping and handling


7. The ABC's of Powerlifting

Soft cover, 110 pages, many rare photos. Written by Jim Witt, one of the founding fathers of powerlifting, and a man who won five national Masters weightlifting championships and seven National powerlifting championships.  Published in 1984.

This is one of the best books you'll ever find on old-school powerlifting and strength training. Highly recommended.

Hard to find. A real classic. In good condition, aside from some slight wear on the cover.

PRICE: $30.00 plus shipping and handling


8. Your Guide to Success in Powerlifting: The Squat

Written by Bradley J. Steiner. 16 page booklet with photos and drawings. Short and concise, but packed full of training wisdom from Bradley J. Steiner.

I think this was published in the 1970s or early 1980s. I've had this copy for over 30 years. It has a little bit of wear on the cover, but it's in good shape otherwise.

PRICE: $15.00 plus shipping and handling


9. Dempsey 

A great biography of the former World Heavyweight Champion - the legendary Jack Dempsey. As told to Bob Considine and Bill Slocum by "the man himself."

Hard copy. First edition.  249 pages, with photographs. Good condition.

I bought this terrific little book at a used book store while Trudi and I were on a vacation in San Francisco many years ago. I read it from cover to cover on the flight back to Louisville.  Yes, it's hard to put down.  After all, it gives you the inside story of the champ's greatest fights. And nothing beats hearing about it from the man who was in the ring, throwing the punches.

If you like old-time boxing and a hard-hitting, "tell it like is" narrative, then you'll like book.

PRICE: $25.00 plus shipping and handling

STATUS: SALE PENDING (email if interested and if it becomes available I will let you know)

10. Mastery of Hand Strength

The classic training manual for aspiring grip masters. Written by John Brookfield, and published by IronMind Enterprises. Forward by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. First edition, 1995. 106 pages, with photos.

This is my personal copy. It's 20 or 21 years old, but in good condition.

PRICE: $12.95 plus shipping and handling.


11. Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture

Matt Furey's modern reprint edition of the classic course from 1914. 112 pages, with many classic photos. Good condition.

Farmer Burns was the legendary trainer of World champion Frank Gotch - and probably ranks as one of the toughest, most rugged mat warriors who ever lived. Weighing only 170 pounds, he wrestled in over 6,000 professional matches and lost only seven of them!

By the way, in the 1980s, I met an older man who remembered seeing Farmer Burns and Frank Gotch come to town for a wrestling match when he was a little kid. He said they were the two toughest men he'd ever seen in his life. And I guess they were, because they made an impression that lasted over 80 years when I spoke to the old gent.

PRICE: $19.95 plus shipping and handling


12. Bench Assault: The Road to Maximum Power

By J.S. O'Brien. Billed as "the guaranteed program for a double bodyweight bench press."

A very detailed 34 page course, with a detailed training program and many excellent training tips. No photos - just tons of old-school, heavy iron training information, and a real warrior's approach to training and lifting.

This course is in good condition, but there's a stain from a coffee mug on the front cover. (I have no idea who put a coffee mug on top of the book, and if anyone says it was me, I will deny it on a stack of York 45s - the old-fashioned, thick kind.) 

PRICE: $19.95 plus shipping and handling