Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Three quick notes - and then we'll talk about your
favorite exercises.
1. My fingers are NUMB from writing personal "Thank
You" notes to everyone who reserved a copy of Knife,
Fork, Muscle. Once we get the books from the printer,
we'll fire them on out at Dino-Double-Warp speed,
with the Thank You notes and the bonuses. I'll keep
you posted as I get more info from the printer.
I am writing many Thank You notes to readers who
bought the first edition of Dinosaur Training back
in 1996, when I signed and numbered every copy --
so that makes almost 20 years together. It's been
2. The order page for the new quarterly Dino Files
should go up very soon. I'll forward a link when it's
up there.
3. I'll be on the 1:00 hour with Carl Lanore's Super-
Human Radio today. Listen live or catch the download
later on.
And now -- I asked about your favorite exercises --
and you responded!
And you had some good ones:
Trap Bar deadlifts (very popular)
Handstand pushups (free-standing -- which is a bear)
Deadlift (with regular bar) (also very popular)
Back squats (super popular)
Bench press
Kettle-bell swings or snatches
Power cleans with barbell (a big favorite)
Back hyperextensions on a hyperextension bench
High bar squats
Military Press (popular!)
Two dumbbell clean and press (also very popular)
Parallel squats (powerlifting style)
Gorilla pushups (from Dinosaur Bodyweight
Pull-ups (quite popular)
Car or truck pushing
One-arm pushups
Barbell bent-over row or Pendlay row
Overhead squats
Bottom position squats
Heavy barbell curls (emphasis on "heavy")
Rope planks (from Dinosaur Bodyweight Training)
Walking on hands (another toughie)
Swinging on the flying rings at Venice Beach's outdoor
training area (that sounds like fun -- with great
werather - and great scenery)
Medicine ball exercises
Kettle-bell Turkish get-ups (or barbell, dumbbell
or sandbag ditto)
Spiderman crawling
Barbell split snatches (one of my current favorites --
and a favorite of Steve Stanko)
Barbell clean and press (one of John Grimek's favorites)
Sandbag bear hug and walk
The farmer's walk
Heavy hip belt squats (a John MacCallum favorite)
Log clean and press
Stone lifting
Two dumbbell curl and press ala Peter Cortese (a big
favorite of Grimek and Stanko)
Bottom position squat in the power rack
Sandbag curls (which reminds me -- anvil curls
are great fun)
Sledgehammer swings
Punching the heavy bag
Inverted rows
Heavy-duty wrist roller work
Snatch grip high pulls
One-hand dumbbell hang clean and push press
"All of them." (A very common response.)
and last but not least --
Car flip with a Smart car or Prius!
Thanks to everyone who fired out a response, and
as always, thanks for reading. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Hard training on your favorite exercises requires
plenty of high quality nutrition -- which is why I wrote
Knife, Fork, Muscle:
P.S. 2. Many of your favorite exercises come straight
from Dinosaur Dumbbell Training and Dinosaur Bodyweight
P.S. 3. My other books and courses -- and Dinosaur Training
DVD's - are right here:
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Make your training hard and
demanding, but make it fun." -- Brooks Kubik