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Reg Park was one of the strongest men in the world back in the 1950's - and also one of the most massively muscular men in the world. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
One quick note, and then we'll talk iron.
1. Dinosaur File Subscriptions
If you'd like a one year, 12-issue subscription
to the new monthly Dinosaur Files, shoot me
an email.
You can purchase a subscription for PDF or (if
you are in the USA) hard-copy.
If you prefer to grab each issue as it comes
out, that's fine, too. Go here to grab the Oct
and Nov issues:
I'm finishing up the Dec issue, and it will be
ready soon.
2. Twelve Keys to Strength and Muscle
Mass (Part 2)
Let's continue yesterday's email covering 12
tips to build strength and muscle mass. We did
three of them, so we'll continue with tip no. 4.
This is turning into a little mini-course. I hope
you enjoy it!
4. Train for strength to build mass.
To make significant gains in muscle mass, you
need to make BIG gains in strength.
Somehow, way too many guys in the modern
training world have come to believe that you
build muscle mass with high rep pumping
programs - and that there's no need to build
strength to build muscle mass.
That may be the case for guys who are using
huge amounts of roidskies and other dangerous
drugs, but it's absolutely wrong for drug-free
A drug-free, natural trainee needs to train to
increase his strength on the basic, compound
exercises we covered yesterday.
Over time, he should try to add 100 pounds to
his squat and deadlift, and at least 50 pounds
to all of his upper body exercises.
As your strength increases and you are able
to handle more weight in the basic, compound
movements, your muscle mass will increase
Nothing else is even possible.
And remember what I said the other day
about building tendon, ligament and bone
Heavy training builds your skeletal structure -
and that lays the foundation for more muscle
Building your skeletal structure also means
that you will improve your posture as a
direct result of your training - which means
that you will stand tall, move better, and
carry yourself with the power and majesty
of a lion.
That was John Grimek's secret - a strong,
powerful bone structure that allowed him
to walk and move with unparalleled
It made him the greatest bodybuilder of
his generation - and quite possibly, the
greatest all-natural bodybuilder of all
Of course, older trainees may not be able
to build the strength and power of a
younger man. That's fine. There's are
plenty of differences between age 50
or 60 and age 20.
But the basic formula is the same for
Whatever your age, train for strength -
and as sure as night follows day, your
muscular mass will increase as you
build your strength.
More to follow . . . .
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the no. 1 book for older
P.S. 2. My other books and courses -
and links to all of my e-books on Kindle
- are right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:
"Train for strength, eat smart, and
you'll do just fine."
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: