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Like many old-time champions, Steve Reeves was the picture of health and vitality. And if you ever asked him how he was doing, he'd tell you in one word: "GREAT!" |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Two quick notes and then we'll talk iron.
1. Strength, Muscle and Power
It's the end of the line for Strength,
Muscle and Power.
We're down to our last box, and we're
not doing a reprint anytime soon - and
perhaps not ever. They're going fast, and
they'll be gone faster than you can say
"John Grimek."
If you want one, grab it now:
2. The John Wood Report
John Wood has a great 12-page special
report available in PDF format. It covers
the best Trap Bar exercises, some terrific
ideas for grip training, pinch grip training,
programing, rope climbing drills, finishers
and much more:
If you have a copy already, let me know
how you like the little monster.
3. The Power of Words
The other day I told you about a former
cardio-thoracic surgeon with 98 candles
on his birthday cake.
He retired at age 95 - and in the video I
watched he looked and sounded healthy
and fit at age 98. (He's over 100 today.)
In the video, he said that he was "98 years
of age."
As opposed to "98 years old."
And that's a big difference. If you think of
yourself as "X number of years old," you're
subconsciously thinking that you are old.
So try (for example), "60 years of age."
Or "60 years young."
Or even "60 years strong."
If someone asks me how I feel, I have to tell them the truth - I feel GREAT! And it's the result of smart training and smart eating. |
Similarly, make it a habit to give a strong,
powerful, high-energy response whenever
someone asks, "How are you?" or "How do
you feel?"
"Tired" is not a good answer.
Neither is "Not so good."
Because when you tell people you feel tired,
you also tell yourself that you are tired - and
you feel even more tired!
Why not get into the habit of saying:
"I feel like training!"
Or even "I feel like a million dollars - back
when a million dollars was real money."
And don't dismiss this - it really does make
a difference.
Back in the old days, many or most of the
top bodybuilders and weightlifters sounded
like walking advertisements for the strength
and health lifestyle.
They always felt great - and they always said
said so.
Google for footage from Jack Lalanne's popular
television show from the 50's - and get a sense
of his high-energy attitude and non-stop power
And that makes it a chicken and egg sort of
Which same first - the chicken or the egg?
And which came first - men like Grimek,
Stanko, and Jack Lalanne telling you they
feel GREAT - or the same men actually
feeling that way?
I don't know, but the safe answer seems to
be to do it all - train smart, eat smart AND
think smart - and use the right words when
anyone asks you how you feel.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the link again for Strength, Muscle
and Power - remember, we don't have many
left, so grab your copy while you can:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters - including links to
my PDF courses and my Kindle books:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day:
"Words matter, thoughts matter, and
actions matter."
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: