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World and Olympic champion John Davis built plenty of strength and power with old-school, Dino-style training methods. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Two quick notes and then we'll talk
1. Strength and Health magazines
for Sale
Trudi and I want to move to the
Pacific Northwest next year, and
that means I need to clear out
all of my duplicate strength books
and magazines.
I'm starting with old issues of Bob
Hoffman's Strength and Health -
over 400 of them - at great prices
in special year by year sets.
Go here for the complete list:
Strength and Health mags
I'll be listing other items later
today and for the next week or
so - as you might imagine, I have
a ton of them - and I want to find
good homes for them - meaning,
I want them to go to Dinos.
2. The Dinosaur Files
Go here to grab the Sept-Oct and
Nov issues of The Dinosaur Files
strength training newsletter:
Nov 2018 Dino Files
Sept-Oct Dino Files
Meanwhile, I'm working away as
fast as Possible on the Dec issue -
and yes, it's going to be another
good one.
3. How to Build Herculean
Super Strength
45 years ago, Bradley J. Steiner wrote
a great little book with one of the best
titles in the history of the world:
"Powerlifting and the Development of
Herculean Super-Strength."
Good title, huh?
In the book, Steiner focused on building
four key areas:
1. Your legs and hips
2. Your back
3. Your shoulder girdle
4. Your chest
The theory was, if you built plenty of
strength and muscle mass in those four
key areas, you'd end up with plenty of
strength and muscle mass from head
to toe.
And it's a valid theory. It works. By
focusing on these four critical areas,
you build maximum strength and
muscle throughout your entire body.
And here's another tip. Or rather, three
of them. These come from me, but I
think Steiner would approve of them:
1. Power rack training
2. Rest-pause training
3. Heavy singles
Why do these help build Herculean
Because they let you train with HEAVY
And make no mistake about it -- heavy
weights are what it takes to build
Herculean super-strength.
That was true 45 years ago - and it's
still true today.
And it will always be true.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. My new training course on heavy
partials will help you build plenty of
strength and power:
Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials
Kindle edition
PDF edition
P.S. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:
"You build strength, muscle and
power rep by rep, set by set, pound
by pound and workout by workout."
-- Brooks Kubik
Before You Leave - Check These Out!
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books
We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:
We have over 25 books and courses in the Kindle store - including these little monsters:
For even more Kindle books by Brooks Kubik, visit: