Hail to the Dinosaurs!
There's a new year on the horizon, and
like all of you, I'm making plans for
Of course, it's all lifting-related:
1. Get down to the 94 kilo (207 lb.)
weight class for Olympic weightlifting
a. Currently I weigh 215, so that means
I need to cut about 8 pounds.
b. Meat, eggs, fresh salads and fresh
c. LOTS of meat - LOTS of eggs - LOTS of
fresh salads and veggies.
d. Did I mention that Trudi and I are very
popular customers at the local Farmer's
e. To drink: water, black coffee, and
herb tea.
2. Enter and compete in Masters weight-
lifting comps.
2a. The 2014 USA National Masters, the
2014 American Masters, and the 2014
Pan-American Masters.
2b. Should be lots and lots of fun.
3. Total at least 170 kilos in
a. Preferably 180 kilos.
b. 170 is the qualifying weight for the
Masters World Championships at my age and
weight, so it's a good goal to shoot for.
c. Especially for an old guy who trains
in his garage.
4. Qualify for and compete in the 2014
Pan-American Masters Weightlifting
a. The qualifying total is 150 kilos for
my age and weight.
5. Train hard, but smart, and stay injury-
a. Aches and pains, dings and dents, etc.
are not injuries, and at my age, they are
b. In 2013 I worked really hard on squat
snatches and my shoulders were sore all
year long. I've switched to split snatches
and my shoulders feel much better.
6. Write and publish at least one new book
for the Dino nation.
a. Heck, maybe two. You deserve it.
7. Teach the son and his wife how to do
Olympic lifting.
a. They're interested, so the time is
8. Teach the granddaughters how to do
Olympic lifting.
a. That zero weight kiddie barbell will
see some fun workouts in 2014.
9. Keep on looking until I find a lifting
suit that fits right.
a. If they make such a critter. I sort of
doubt it.
10. Help make 2014 the best year ever for
the Dino Nation.
a. Of course, I'll need some help on this
one - as in, some help from each and every
one of you!
Anyhow, that's the plan for 2014. What does
YOUR plan look like?
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For older trainees, here's the book
that will make 2014 the best year ever:
P.S. 2. My other books, courses and DVD's
are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Make a plan,
then make it happen." -- Brooks Kubik
A Barbell Christmas!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
We had a barbell Christmas here
at Dino Headquarters.
My daughter - who's a heck of an
artist - gave me a drawing of Doug
Hepburn. It now hangs in the sun
room where I can see it every
morning when I eat breakfast.
Good inspiration for heavy
Trudi gave me a couple of books
about training injuries, taping,
and trigger point therapy. Good
stuff to help keep an older Dino
in one piece.
She also gave me a book about the
evolution of the human body. It
should give some good insights
into optimum nutrition. And it
might help me understand how
Dinos - meaning you and me -
fit into the scheme of things.
I gave Trudi some new bumper plates
for her auxiliary gym in the
basement. She'll have lots of fun
with them.
One of the sons has set up a home
gym in his garage. We gave him and
his wife (who also trains) some
bumper plates and some rubber
matting. They'll put it to good
But the best present of all was
an old - circa 1962 - kiddie barbell
and dumbbell set. It uses short
lengths of pipe for the bars, and
the plates are hollow plastic,
sized to be the same as old time
cast iron exercise plates. The
idea is to load them with water,
and later, with sand, as the kid
grows stronger. You can adjust them
from one pound to 22 pounds.
The barbell set went to the five year
old granddaughters, although we keep
it here so they can train in our
living room when they come to
see us.
And before anyone objects and says
that they're too young to lift weights,
please understand - they'll be using
nothing but the empty plates for a
long, long time. It's about the same
as lifting a large doll or a medium
sized teddy bear.
Now, here's the neat part.
I competed in a small, local weight-
lifting contest on December 15 - and
we brought the granddaughters and
let them watch the meet.
It was the first time they'd seen a
live contest. The only other lifting
they had seen was me in the garage
every once in awhile, and the U.S.
National Championships live-streamed
back in the summer.
They liked watching the Nationals -
especially when "the girls" (their term,
not mine) were lifting. They thought it
was cool to see the girls lift more
(as they saw it) than the boys. They
also liked the outfits and the shoes.
At the local contest, there were three
lifters in the women's division. The
granddaughters paid careful attention
to them.
So back to Christmas morning. The girls
tore into their presents, and jumped up
and down when they saw the barbell.
"Do you know what that is?" asked Trudi.
"A barbell!" they shouted.
"Go ahead and lift it," said Trudi.
So granddaughter no. 1 reaches down and
grabs the bar - wide grip - and power
snatches it - then does an overhead
squat - goes all the way down - goes
back up - holds it overhead - and then
drops it down and forward onto the
platform, a/k/a the living room rug.
Then her sister power cleans the bar
and presses it overhead - and then
drops it onto the platform.
I think that means they were paying
attention at the contest.
The next time they're over here, we'll
start teaching them how to squat snatch.
And then we'll teach them the clean and
Again, with virtually no weight. Just to
practice the movement. Heck, they're
almost there already - and that's after
seeing one little lifting contest.
I'll keep you updated on what happens.
In the meantime, and as always, thanks
for reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. John Davis got started in lifting at
age 15 - and two years later he won the
World championship. Read about his life
and his lifting in Black Iron, The John
Davis Story:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Start them
young, and give them the gift of lifelong
strength and health." - Brooks Kubik
We had a barbell Christmas here
at Dino Headquarters.
My daughter - who's a heck of an
artist - gave me a drawing of Doug
Hepburn. It now hangs in the sun
room where I can see it every
morning when I eat breakfast.
Good inspiration for heavy
Trudi gave me a couple of books
about training injuries, taping,
and trigger point therapy. Good
stuff to help keep an older Dino
in one piece.
She also gave me a book about the
evolution of the human body. It
should give some good insights
into optimum nutrition. And it
might help me understand how
Dinos - meaning you and me -
fit into the scheme of things.
I gave Trudi some new bumper plates
for her auxiliary gym in the
basement. She'll have lots of fun
with them.
One of the sons has set up a home
gym in his garage. We gave him and
his wife (who also trains) some
bumper plates and some rubber
matting. They'll put it to good
But the best present of all was
an old - circa 1962 - kiddie barbell
and dumbbell set. It uses short
lengths of pipe for the bars, and
the plates are hollow plastic,
sized to be the same as old time
cast iron exercise plates. The
idea is to load them with water,
and later, with sand, as the kid
grows stronger. You can adjust them
from one pound to 22 pounds.
The barbell set went to the five year
old granddaughters, although we keep
it here so they can train in our
living room when they come to
see us.
And before anyone objects and says
that they're too young to lift weights,
please understand - they'll be using
nothing but the empty plates for a
long, long time. It's about the same
as lifting a large doll or a medium
sized teddy bear.
Now, here's the neat part.
I competed in a small, local weight-
lifting contest on December 15 - and
we brought the granddaughters and
let them watch the meet.
It was the first time they'd seen a
live contest. The only other lifting
they had seen was me in the garage
every once in awhile, and the U.S.
National Championships live-streamed
back in the summer.
They liked watching the Nationals -
especially when "the girls" (their term,
not mine) were lifting. They thought it
was cool to see the girls lift more
(as they saw it) than the boys. They
also liked the outfits and the shoes.
At the local contest, there were three
lifters in the women's division. The
granddaughters paid careful attention
to them.
So back to Christmas morning. The girls
tore into their presents, and jumped up
and down when they saw the barbell.
"Do you know what that is?" asked Trudi.
"A barbell!" they shouted.
"Go ahead and lift it," said Trudi.
So granddaughter no. 1 reaches down and
grabs the bar - wide grip - and power
snatches it - then does an overhead
squat - goes all the way down - goes
back up - holds it overhead - and then
drops it down and forward onto the
platform, a/k/a the living room rug.
Then her sister power cleans the bar
and presses it overhead - and then
drops it onto the platform.
I think that means they were paying
attention at the contest.
The next time they're over here, we'll
start teaching them how to squat snatch.
And then we'll teach them the clean and
Again, with virtually no weight. Just to
practice the movement. Heck, they're
almost there already - and that's after
seeing one little lifting contest.
I'll keep you updated on what happens.
In the meantime, and as always, thanks
for reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. John Davis got started in lifting at
age 15 - and two years later he won the
World championship. Read about his life
and his lifting in Black Iron, The John
Davis Story:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Start them
young, and give them the gift of lifelong
strength and health." - Brooks Kubik
Paper, Pencil and Iron!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
When you're serious about your
training, you're in it for the
long haul.
You're focused on life-long strength
and health.
Long term gains.
Long term progress.
You need to set high, demanding and
challenging goals for yourself --
and you need to work towards them
with relentless determination.
And your workouts should reflect that.
Every workout should be part of a long
chain of workouts, strung together by
your goals and your determination to
achieve them -- and every workout
should take you one step closer to
the achievement of your goals.
That's how champions train -- and that's
how to train like a champion.
And its how to achieve your true
potential in the Iron Game.
In fact, it's the only way to achieve
your true potential.
I call it championship thinking, and
it's one of the most important keys to
strength training success.
So try this.
Grab a paper and pencil. (You know, paper
and pencil. That old fashioned stuff your
grand-parents used.)
Sit down somewhere quiet, where you won't
be disturbed, and write down the five long
term goals that are most important to you.
Next, make a note of where you stand RIGHT
NOW on the road to each of your five long
term goals.
Simple example: long term goal to squat 500
pounds, and you currently squat 350 pounds.
You have 150 pounds to go.
Now create a series of realistic sub-goals
that will get you to your long-term goal.
Using the above example, your sub goals might
be a 400 pound squat, and then a 450 pound
Next, design a workout program that will lead
to the achievement of that first sub-goal.
Include light, heavy and medium workouts.
You don't need to go heavy all the time.
Remember, every workout is part of a chain
of workouts, leading TOGETHER to great
Then implement your plan.
That's an example of long term program
planning -- and it's an example of
championship thinking.
And it's how to climb to the very top of
the Iron Mountain.
You do it with paper, pencil and iron.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. I cover the mental aspects of strength
training in detail in Dinosaur Training and
in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Paper, pencil
and iron are all you need -- but you need all
three of them." -- Brooks Kubik
When you're serious about your
training, you're in it for the
long haul.
You're focused on life-long strength
and health.
Long term gains.
Long term progress.
You need to set high, demanding and
challenging goals for yourself --
and you need to work towards them
with relentless determination.
And your workouts should reflect that.
Every workout should be part of a long
chain of workouts, strung together by
your goals and your determination to
achieve them -- and every workout
should take you one step closer to
the achievement of your goals.
That's how champions train -- and that's
how to train like a champion.
And its how to achieve your true
potential in the Iron Game.
In fact, it's the only way to achieve
your true potential.
I call it championship thinking, and
it's one of the most important keys to
strength training success.
So try this.
Grab a paper and pencil. (You know, paper
and pencil. That old fashioned stuff your
grand-parents used.)
Sit down somewhere quiet, where you won't
be disturbed, and write down the five long
term goals that are most important to you.
Next, make a note of where you stand RIGHT
NOW on the road to each of your five long
term goals.
Simple example: long term goal to squat 500
pounds, and you currently squat 350 pounds.
You have 150 pounds to go.
Now create a series of realistic sub-goals
that will get you to your long-term goal.
Using the above example, your sub goals might
be a 400 pound squat, and then a 450 pound
Next, design a workout program that will lead
to the achievement of that first sub-goal.
Include light, heavy and medium workouts.
You don't need to go heavy all the time.
Remember, every workout is part of a chain
of workouts, leading TOGETHER to great
Then implement your plan.
That's an example of long term program
planning -- and it's an example of
championship thinking.
And it's how to climb to the very top of
the Iron Mountain.
You do it with paper, pencil and iron.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. I cover the mental aspects of strength
training in detail in Dinosaur Training and
in Dinosaur Bodyweight Training:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Paper, pencil
and iron are all you need -- but you need all
three of them." -- Brooks Kubik
The Squatting Imperative!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
All Dinos know about the importance of
the squat. It's one of the very best
exercises you can do.
It builds strength, it builds power,
and it builds muscle mass throughout
the entire body.
It strengthens your spine -- including
the upper spine.
It's a terrific conditioner.
It teaches you to fight -- to focus --
and to pour every ounce of determination
you possess into your training.
It builds character.
It triggers enormous increases in
It improves glandular function. In
other words,when you do heavy squats,
you produce more testosterone --
which is a very good thing, especially
for older trainees.
In other words, if you're serious about
your training, you MUST do squats. No way
around it.
I call that The Squatting Imperative.
But some trainees can't do squats.
Their shoulders are too banged up, and
they can't hold onto a heavy squat bar.
Don't laugh. That's me. That's why I do
front squats.
Yes, that's right. I can't do regular
back squats because I can't hold onto the
BUT -- and this is huge -- I can still
do squats!
I use the Dave Draper Top Squat. It's a
nifty little device that fits onto your
squat bar. There are handles that go to
the front. When you squat, you hold onto
the handles in front of you.
I bought my Top Squat several years ago,
and I REALLY like it.
And one day, I was talking about it with
my buddy, John Wood -- and it turns out
John had the same problem -- and guess
what --
-- the Top Squat did the trick for him!
Fast forward to September 2013.
Guess where you can grab the Dave Draper
Top Squat?
No, it's not from me. I sell books, courses
and DVD's (and shirts).
It's from John Wood.
And you can read more about it right here:
Now, I don't endorse very man products.
And I don't send you to someone else's
website unless it's someone I know -- and
unless it's a product I really like. And I
don't do it for any kind of affiliate fee
or similar payment.
I'm doing this because I really like the
Dave Draper Top Squat -- and because I
know John Wood. So this is a five star
recommendation. And I'm talking gold
Also, please note:
If you have shoulder problems and you
can't do squats, I want you to start
squatting again. I want you to work
the heck out of your squats -- just
like you used to do.
Squatting makes the world a better
place -- and we all need to do our
And that's why I endorse the Dave Draper
Top Squat.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the link again:
P.S. 2. Older trainees should combine the
top squat with the workouts in Gray Hair
and Black Iron -- they make a heck of a
tag team:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Squats are life."
-- Brooks Kubik
All Dinos know about the importance of
the squat. It's one of the very best
exercises you can do.
It builds strength, it builds power,
and it builds muscle mass throughout
the entire body.
It strengthens your spine -- including
the upper spine.
It's a terrific conditioner.
It teaches you to fight -- to focus --
and to pour every ounce of determination
you possess into your training.
It builds character.
It triggers enormous increases in
It improves glandular function. In
other words,when you do heavy squats,
you produce more testosterone --
which is a very good thing, especially
for older trainees.
In other words, if you're serious about
your training, you MUST do squats. No way
around it.
I call that The Squatting Imperative.
But some trainees can't do squats.
Their shoulders are too banged up, and
they can't hold onto a heavy squat bar.
Don't laugh. That's me. That's why I do
front squats.
Yes, that's right. I can't do regular
back squats because I can't hold onto the
BUT -- and this is huge -- I can still
do squats!
I use the Dave Draper Top Squat. It's a
nifty little device that fits onto your
squat bar. There are handles that go to
the front. When you squat, you hold onto
the handles in front of you.
I bought my Top Squat several years ago,
and I REALLY like it.
And one day, I was talking about it with
my buddy, John Wood -- and it turns out
John had the same problem -- and guess
what --
-- the Top Squat did the trick for him!
Fast forward to September 2013.
Guess where you can grab the Dave Draper
Top Squat?
No, it's not from me. I sell books, courses
and DVD's (and shirts).
It's from John Wood.
And you can read more about it right here:
Now, I don't endorse very man products.
And I don't send you to someone else's
website unless it's someone I know -- and
unless it's a product I really like. And I
don't do it for any kind of affiliate fee
or similar payment.
I'm doing this because I really like the
Dave Draper Top Squat -- and because I
know John Wood. So this is a five star
recommendation. And I'm talking gold
Also, please note:
If you have shoulder problems and you
can't do squats, I want you to start
squatting again. I want you to work
the heck out of your squats -- just
like you used to do.
Squatting makes the world a better
place -- and we all need to do our
And that's why I endorse the Dave Draper
Top Squat.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the link again:
P.S. 2. Older trainees should combine the
top squat with the workouts in Gray Hair
and Black Iron -- they make a heck of a
tag team:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Squats are life."
-- Brooks Kubik
Is this Overtraining?
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
A quick note before today's message:
I'll be on SuperHuman Radio today from
12:00 to 1:00 EST. Catch the show live
or listen to the download.
The SuperHuman Radio homepage is right
Hope you can join us!
On the training front, here's an email
from Rob Richley with a training question.
"Hi Brooks,
I always train before wok at 6:30am and
as I am pressed for time I prefer a 4 day
routine with only a few movements per
I`m currently doing this:
Mon - Incline DB press
Tue - Row or weighted pullup
Thursday - Press
Fri - Squat / Trap Bar Deadlift
Recently I`ve read this routine could
be bad for the shoulders because they
are actually being hit three times per
week on Mon, Tues and Thursday.
Is there any other way of structuring
it to keep it short and productive
without hitting the shoulders too
Rob -- Thanks for the email and the
question. It's similar to many emails
I get about workout frequency.
I do NOT think you're training your
shoulders too often!
The Mon and Tues workouts involve the
shoulders, but the only day where you
hit the shoulders hard with a direct
exercise is Thurs, when you do the
overhead press. That's not too much
work at all. Especially if you're
only doing one exercise per workout,
and using sensible sets and reps.
Now, if your shoulders are bothering
you, there's a problem and you need to
figure out what it is. It's not too
much training -- but it might be how
you perform your exercises, or you may
be going too heavy too often, or you may
need to change exercises a bit.
For example -- if you go heavy on the
DB incline press and lower the bells
too far to "get a stretch" - you can
hurt your shoulders. In fact, that's
not at all uncommon.
Or -- on weighted pull-ups, you might
drop too fast, twist as you pull your
body up, or stretch too much at the
bottom of the rep -- and hurt yourself.
Again, that's not uncommon.
Or -- you might find that barbell presses
are hard on your shoulders -- but push
presses are fine -- or dumbbell presses
are fine.
Anyhow, your program looks good. Don't
change it just because of something
you read on the interwebs. (Which is
a whole other discussion . . .you can't
imagine how many guys and gals get off
course because of stuff they read on
the interwebs. But we'll cover that
topic another day.)
To everyone -- as always, thanks for
reading, and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more advice about building
strong, powerful shoulders -- and about
avoiding shoulder problems -- grab this:
P.S. 2. For more about shoulder wreckers
and other exercises to avoid, grab this:
P.S. 3. Thought for the day: "Do what works,
and pay no attention to anything else."
-- Brooks Kubik
A quick note before today's message:
I'll be on SuperHuman Radio today from
12:00 to 1:00 EST. Catch the show live
or listen to the download.
The SuperHuman Radio homepage is right
Hope you can join us!
On the training front, here's an email
from Rob Richley with a training question.
"Hi Brooks,
I always train before wok at 6:30am and
as I am pressed for time I prefer a 4 day
routine with only a few movements per
I`m currently doing this:
Mon - Incline DB press
Tue - Row or weighted pullup
Thursday - Press
Fri - Squat / Trap Bar Deadlift
Recently I`ve read this routine could
be bad for the shoulders because they
are actually being hit three times per
week on Mon, Tues and Thursday.
Is there any other way of structuring
it to keep it short and productive
without hitting the shoulders too
Rob -- Thanks for the email and the
question. It's similar to many emails
I get about workout frequency.
I do NOT think you're training your
shoulders too often!
The Mon and Tues workouts involve the
shoulders, but the only day where you
hit the shoulders hard with a direct
exercise is Thurs, when you do the
overhead press. That's not too much
work at all. Especially if you're
only doing one exercise per workout,
and using sensible sets and reps.
Now, if your shoulders are bothering
you, there's a problem and you need to
figure out what it is. It's not too
much training -- but it might be how
you perform your exercises, or you may
be going too heavy too often, or you may
need to change exercises a bit.
For example -- if you go heavy on the
DB incline press and lower the bells
too far to "get a stretch" - you can
hurt your shoulders. In fact, that's
not at all uncommon.
Or -- on weighted pull-ups, you might
drop too fast, twist as you pull your
body up, or stretch too much at the
bottom of the rep -- and hurt yourself.
Again, that's not uncommon.
Or -- you might find that barbell presses
are hard on your shoulders -- but push
presses are fine -- or dumbbell presses
are fine.
Anyhow, your program looks good. Don't
change it just because of something
you read on the interwebs. (Which is
a whole other discussion . . .you can't
imagine how many guys and gals get off
course because of stuff they read on
the interwebs. But we'll cover that
topic another day.)
To everyone -- as always, thanks for
reading, and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more advice about building
strong, powerful shoulders -- and about
avoiding shoulder problems -- grab this:
P.S. 2. For more about shoulder wreckers
and other exercises to avoid, grab this:
P.S. 3. Thought for the day: "Do what works,
and pay no attention to anything else."
-- Brooks Kubik
The Key to Sustained Progress!
Hail to the dinosaurs!
Here's a question from Keith
Jacobson that highlights an
important issue -- several of
them, in fact.
Keith wrote:
"I've been using power rack
training to increase my bench
For the last month I've been
setting a PR in bottom position
bench every workout for a triple,
double and single, working the
movement twice a week.
Recently, I hit a 260 lb bottom
bench and since then I've had
two bench workouts where I
couldn't hit 265 and one where
I couldn't hit 260. (The 260 was
a maximal effort when I did get
I have two questions:
1. I was thinking of hitting singles
with 250 and adding a set or two
every workout, and once I got to
five singles, adding weight and
starting over. What do you think
about this?
2. Have you ever experienced a point
where you had to start making much
slower progress on a lift?
If you think this is the right
decision let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Keith Jacobson"
Keith -- Congrats on your progress --
you've done great on your power rack
Your progress follows the pattern of
many trainees when they switch to a
new workout, a new training method
or even a new exercise. They gain
in leaps and bounds at first --
and everything is GREAT -- but
then they start to slow down --
and often, those great gains turn
into very, very slow gains -- or
no more gains at all.
It happens to everyone -- and yes,
it's happened to me. Still does.
And always will. It's part of the
Iron Game.
What happens is this: you make great
progress at first because you're
doing something new and different,
and part of the progress is learning
how to do the exercise effectively.
A bottom position bench press, for
example, feels much different than
a standard bench press -- and it will
take some time to learn how to perform
it properly. During that "learning
period," the gains will be fast and
After the learning period, you need
to settle into some hard work and
extra effort to keep the gains
coming -- and you need to use a
"slow cooking" progression system.
The system you are thinking about
will work fine -- esp on bottom
position bench presses, which lend
themselves well to heavy singles.
Start with 250 x 1.
In the next workout, do 250 x 2 x 1.
In the next workout, 250 x 3 x 1.
And so on, until you are doing 250
x 5 x 1 -- and after that, add five
pounds to the bar and do 255 x 1 --
and repeat the process.
You also can use two different
progression paths. One week, do
singles. The next week, do sets of
5 -- or do 5/3/1 for your working
This is a good reason why no one
training program -- no single set/
rep system -- and no one progression
system -- will work for everyone --
or even work all the time for any
one person.
Our bodies are different, our
responses to exercise are different,
and our bodies and our responses to
exercise change over time -- so we
always have to be tinkering with
the dials to keep on going forward.
In this regard, note that some coaches
like to switch things up every three
or four weeks. Not huge changes --
you don't go from a Dino-style heavy
iron abbreviated workout to a bunny
blaster high rep low weight program
(not if you want to keep making
progress) --- but the kind of
changes we covered in this email.
Remember, when I talk about changes,
I mean sensible modifications within
the parameters of hard, heavy
training on the basic exercises.
I'm not giving you a license for
idiocy -- and if that sounds harsh,
it has to be. There is too much
idiocy out there -- and it's very
easy to fall prey to it.
Wow -- that turned out to be a long
email. But as I said at the beginning,
Keith's questions raised lots of
important issues.
As always, thanks for reading, and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more detail on progression
systems, specialization workouts,
power rack training, increasing your
bench press and tons of other topics,
grab a copy of Strength, Muscle and
P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Life's not
linear, but don't let it become circular."
-- Brooks Kubik
Answers to Your Training Questions!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Let's pull out the Dinosaur Mail bag and
answer some questions from Dinos.
Q. Can I combine barbell training with
kettlebell exercises?
A. Of course. Just be careful not to
overdo things.
For example . . .
Barbell training 3x per week and 2 or 3
days of kettlebell work on your "off"
days would be overdoing for most people.
Some of the young Dinos out there might
get away with it for awhile -- but for
most readers, it would be way too much
A better approach is to follow a 3
day per week program using Dino-style
abbreviated workouts, and replacing some
barbell exercises with kettlebell
Q. Can I do deadlifts one week and barbell
bent-over rowing the next week?
A. Sure. Several top powerlifters have
followed similar programs in the past. It
gives your back extra time to recover from
those heavy deadlift sessions.
Q. I've heard you can only digest about 30
grams of protein at any one meal, so you
should space things out and eat six or
seven meals a day. Is that true?
A. The human body didn't evolve to eat that
way. Our ancestors ate until they were full
whenever food was available. So the human
body can certainly handle big meals.
Also, if you're training hard -- meaning
lots of stand on your feet training, with
plenty of squatting, pushing and pulling --
then you'll need lots of protein AND you'll
digest it just fine.
So three meals a day will work fine.
Of course, some people prefer to eat
smaller meals more frequently -- if you
fall into that group, then go for it.
Those are just some of the many questions
that came in during the past couple of
days. I'll cover more questions from
readers in future emails. Be looking
for them!
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. if you train today,make it a
good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Lots of readers ask about old-school
dumbbell training. Here's something to
answer your questions:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Begin with the
question, not the answer." -- Brooks Kubik
Let's pull out the Dinosaur Mail bag and
answer some questions from Dinos.
Q. Can I combine barbell training with
kettlebell exercises?
A. Of course. Just be careful not to
overdo things.
For example . . .
Barbell training 3x per week and 2 or 3
days of kettlebell work on your "off"
days would be overdoing for most people.
Some of the young Dinos out there might
get away with it for awhile -- but for
most readers, it would be way too much
A better approach is to follow a 3
day per week program using Dino-style
abbreviated workouts, and replacing some
barbell exercises with kettlebell
Q. Can I do deadlifts one week and barbell
bent-over rowing the next week?
A. Sure. Several top powerlifters have
followed similar programs in the past. It
gives your back extra time to recover from
those heavy deadlift sessions.
Q. I've heard you can only digest about 30
grams of protein at any one meal, so you
should space things out and eat six or
seven meals a day. Is that true?
A. The human body didn't evolve to eat that
way. Our ancestors ate until they were full
whenever food was available. So the human
body can certainly handle big meals.
Also, if you're training hard -- meaning
lots of stand on your feet training, with
plenty of squatting, pushing and pulling --
then you'll need lots of protein AND you'll
digest it just fine.
So three meals a day will work fine.
Of course, some people prefer to eat
smaller meals more frequently -- if you
fall into that group, then go for it.
Those are just some of the many questions
that came in during the past couple of
days. I'll cover more questions from
readers in future emails. Be looking
for them!
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. if you train today,make it a
good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Lots of readers ask about old-school
dumbbell training. Here's something to
answer your questions:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Begin with the
question, not the answer." -- Brooks Kubik
Build Strength, Muscle and Power with PPF!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
When you go to the gym --- or to
the basement or the garage, or
wherever you train -- you should
focus on PPF.
What's PPF?
Three words:
In other words, do all your reps in
every set -- including your warmup
sets -- in perfect, precise form.
Now, please note -- perfect, precise
form does NOT mean slow motion reps
or time-controlled reps or "squeeze
it and feel it" bodybuilding style
reps. I'm NOT suggesting that you
make everything look like a slow
mo concentration curl.
And I'm not talking about using baby
weights in your exercises.
I'm talking about hard, heavy training
on the basic exercises -- squats, front
squats, deadlifts, Trap Bar deadlifts,
military presses, bench presses, incline
presses, barbell bent-over rowing, pull-
ups, standing barbell curls, the farmer's
walk, grip work, etc. The heavy-duty,
compound movements that build strength
and muscle.
But I'm insisting that you do them in
perfect, precise form.
When you use perfect, precise form in
your training, you put the effort on
the EXACT muscle groups you're trying
to train with any particular exercise.
That's quality training -- and it's
the way to strengthen your body in
the specific movement pattern you use
in any given exercise.
Perfect, precise form makes you work
harder and more efficiently. You get
more down in less time -- with fewer
exercises, fewer sets and fewer reps.
There's no wasted movement, and no
wasted time.
If you watch Olympic weightlifters
train, you see a great example of
perfect, precise form. The Olympic
lifts are total body exercises
performed at lightning speed --
and in perfect, precise form. In
fact, perfect, precise form is
necessary. You can't perform the
lifts without it.
Many trainees spend endless hours
searching for the secret program
that will somehow transform them
into a mountain of strength and
But all too often, their program is
fine. The problem is, they're not
training with perfect, precise form.
They're doing sloppy reps -- lazy
reps -- unfocused reps. And as a
result, they're not getting much
in the way of results.
Anyhow, today is Monday. Start the
week right. When you train, do it
the right way: with perfect, precise
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here are more keys to strength, muscle
and power:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Anything worth
doing is worth doing right, and that goes
double when there's iron on the bar."
-- Brooks Kubik
When you go to the gym --- or to
the basement or the garage, or
wherever you train -- you should
focus on PPF.
What's PPF?
Three words:
In other words, do all your reps in
every set -- including your warmup
sets -- in perfect, precise form.
Now, please note -- perfect, precise
form does NOT mean slow motion reps
or time-controlled reps or "squeeze
it and feel it" bodybuilding style
reps. I'm NOT suggesting that you
make everything look like a slow
mo concentration curl.
And I'm not talking about using baby
weights in your exercises.
I'm talking about hard, heavy training
on the basic exercises -- squats, front
squats, deadlifts, Trap Bar deadlifts,
military presses, bench presses, incline
presses, barbell bent-over rowing, pull-
ups, standing barbell curls, the farmer's
walk, grip work, etc. The heavy-duty,
compound movements that build strength
and muscle.
But I'm insisting that you do them in
perfect, precise form.
When you use perfect, precise form in
your training, you put the effort on
the EXACT muscle groups you're trying
to train with any particular exercise.
That's quality training -- and it's
the way to strengthen your body in
the specific movement pattern you use
in any given exercise.
Perfect, precise form makes you work
harder and more efficiently. You get
more down in less time -- with fewer
exercises, fewer sets and fewer reps.
There's no wasted movement, and no
wasted time.
If you watch Olympic weightlifters
train, you see a great example of
perfect, precise form. The Olympic
lifts are total body exercises
performed at lightning speed --
and in perfect, precise form. In
fact, perfect, precise form is
necessary. You can't perform the
lifts without it.
Many trainees spend endless hours
searching for the secret program
that will somehow transform them
into a mountain of strength and
But all too often, their program is
fine. The problem is, they're not
training with perfect, precise form.
They're doing sloppy reps -- lazy
reps -- unfocused reps. And as a
result, they're not getting much
in the way of results.
Anyhow, today is Monday. Start the
week right. When you train, do it
the right way: with perfect, precise
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here are more keys to strength, muscle
and power:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Anything worth
doing is worth doing right, and that goes
double when there's iron on the bar."
-- Brooks Kubik
A Dinosaur Treasure Tale!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
According to news reports, a man in
Northern Ireland named David Taylor
found a heavily tarnished, small
metal ring in a field.
He picked it up and took it home.
His wife thought it was a bull's
ring and told him to throw it away.
But he wasn't so sure.
So he got it checked out by an
Good decision.
Turns out the ring was solid silver.
More than that, it was an incredibly
rare Viking artifact. It dated back
to sometime between 950 and 1100.
It's an honest to goodness piece
of history -- and it's a very
valuable piece of treasure.
And what was David Taylor doing when
he found the silver ring?
According to the news reports, he
was lifting stones in a field owned
by his brother-in-law.
Note the wording.
Not moving stones. Not removing stones.
Not digging stones. Not building stone
He was LIFTING stones.
That sounds an awful lot like Dinosaur
Training -- and if that's what he was
doing, it's more proof that Dino Training
always brings good results!
So keep that in mind the next time you
train. Look around the weight stack extra
closely. You never know what you might
Heck, it might even be better than a silver
It might be a gold medal.
And that would be pretty darn good.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. It came out in 1996 and it's been
making people big and strong ever since.
If you don't already have a copy, grab
one today:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train for
strength, eat for health, and make every
day the best it can be." -- Brooks Kubik
According to news reports, a man in
Northern Ireland named David Taylor
found a heavily tarnished, small
metal ring in a field.
He picked it up and took it home.
His wife thought it was a bull's
ring and told him to throw it away.
But he wasn't so sure.
So he got it checked out by an
Good decision.
Turns out the ring was solid silver.
More than that, it was an incredibly
rare Viking artifact. It dated back
to sometime between 950 and 1100.
It's an honest to goodness piece
of history -- and it's a very
valuable piece of treasure.
And what was David Taylor doing when
he found the silver ring?
According to the news reports, he
was lifting stones in a field owned
by his brother-in-law.
Note the wording.
Not moving stones. Not removing stones.
Not digging stones. Not building stone
He was LIFTING stones.
That sounds an awful lot like Dinosaur
Training -- and if that's what he was
doing, it's more proof that Dino Training
always brings good results!
So keep that in mind the next time you
train. Look around the weight stack extra
closely. You never know what you might
Heck, it might even be better than a silver
It might be a gold medal.
And that would be pretty darn good.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. It came out in 1996 and it's been
making people big and strong ever since.
If you don't already have a copy, grab
one today:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train for
strength, eat for health, and make every
day the best it can be." -- Brooks Kubik
Never Is a Long Time!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Several readers took issue with my
recent email on slow cooking and with
other emails urging you to aim for
slow but steady progress.
"It will take too long!" they say.
So they keep on doing what they're
doing (that doesn't work for them
and never has) or they jump onto
the interwebs and zoom around and
look for the latest and greatest
ultra-madness, triple insanity mega-
muscle molecular massiveness muscle
blaster workout -- and they try that
for awhile, and that doesn't work
very well, either -- and then they
jump back onto the interwebs and
look for something even more awesome
to try.
And on and on it goes, and they spin
their wheels in the sands of time,
and someday they look back and realize
they never got anywhere.
So if you're thinking "Slow but steady
takes too long!" consider this.
"Longer is one thing. Never is something
entirely different. And longer always
beats never."
If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry -- but
I've been doing this a long, long time,
and I've gotten tons of feedback from
readers over the years, and I can tell
you this -- and it's based on feedback
from thousands of trainees:
1. Dino-style abbreviated training works.
2. Slow ans steady progression works.
3. You cannot FORCE progress. You have
to coax it.
4. If you try to force progress, you do
the crash and burn thing.
5. Crash and burn doesn't work very well.
6. You build real progress rep by rep and
pound by pound.
7. Plan to give your training the time you
need to make progress. It's not a 30 day
8. Training is a lifetime endeavor, so plan
for a lifetime of productive, effective
and enjoyable training.
9. Don't look at other guys and what they're
doing. Focus on YOU.
10. If in doubt, simplify.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more detail on sensible training and
productive workouts, grab Chalk and Sweat:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You're not
running a race. You're making slow but
steady progress to achieve a challenging
and demanding goal." -- Brooks Kubik
Several readers took issue with my
recent email on slow cooking and with
other emails urging you to aim for
slow but steady progress.
"It will take too long!" they say.
So they keep on doing what they're
doing (that doesn't work for them
and never has) or they jump onto
the interwebs and zoom around and
look for the latest and greatest
ultra-madness, triple insanity mega-
muscle molecular massiveness muscle
blaster workout -- and they try that
for awhile, and that doesn't work
very well, either -- and then they
jump back onto the interwebs and
look for something even more awesome
to try.
And on and on it goes, and they spin
their wheels in the sands of time,
and someday they look back and realize
they never got anywhere.
So if you're thinking "Slow but steady
takes too long!" consider this.
"Longer is one thing. Never is something
entirely different. And longer always
beats never."
If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry -- but
I've been doing this a long, long time,
and I've gotten tons of feedback from
readers over the years, and I can tell
you this -- and it's based on feedback
from thousands of trainees:
1. Dino-style abbreviated training works.
2. Slow ans steady progression works.
3. You cannot FORCE progress. You have
to coax it.
4. If you try to force progress, you do
the crash and burn thing.
5. Crash and burn doesn't work very well.
6. You build real progress rep by rep and
pound by pound.
7. Plan to give your training the time you
need to make progress. It's not a 30 day
8. Training is a lifetime endeavor, so plan
for a lifetime of productive, effective
and enjoyable training.
9. Don't look at other guys and what they're
doing. Focus on YOU.
10. If in doubt, simplify.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more detail on sensible training and
productive workouts, grab Chalk and Sweat:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You're not
running a race. You're making slow but
steady progress to achieve a challenging
and demanding goal." -- Brooks Kubik
That Was Then, This Is Now!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
As most readers know, I wrestled
in high school. That meant long
practices, and many, many hours
on the wrestling mat. We wrestled
five or six days per week, for up
to three hours. And sometimes we
did extra running and extra weight
training on top of the wrestling
workouts. It was a tough program.
Amazingly, we thrived on it. We
grew stronger, faster, more
explosive, more skilled and
much, much better conditioned.
By the end of the season, our
practices consisted of non-stop
wrestling for 90 minutes to two
hours for the varsity guys. The
coach started us off varsity
against varsity. You wrestled
the guy one weight class up. When
you had mashed each other into a
pulp, the coach moved you to
different mats and rotated other
wrestlers against you so you
were always facing a fresh
opponent. And you did that
for up to two hours.
It was pretty amazing -- but it
worked. We got to the point where
we could wrestle pretty much anyone
into the ground. And in dual meets
and tournaments, we never got tired.
Not even in the toughest of matches
against the toughest of opponents.
So there was a time in my life when
long, high volume, daily workouts
were perfect.
But that was a long time ago. Forty
years ago. I can't train that way
today. At age 56, I need a much more
conservative approach.
My workouts generally last under an
hour, and some last only 45 minutes.
I go hard and heavy some days, and
other days I take it easy.
I plan my workouts very carefully,
and I include some easy weeks to help
recover from the heavier sessions.
I limit the number of exercises in
any one workout, and I keep the total
volume fairly low in any one workout.
I focus on the most important exercises,
and I pretty much ignore the ones that
aren't as important.
It's a different approach than the one
I followed 40 years ago, back in those
high school wrestling days, but it's
an effective one.
It's also a manageable approach. Works
well if you work for a living.
And I'm not the only one. There are
thousands of older trainees around the
world who have found that the key to
successful training as you grow older
is to take things a bit easier. Train
hard, train heavy and train serious --
but train smart. Focus on recovery and
recuperation. Do things that your body
can handle. Train your muscles -- don't
just go out and destroy them.
It's a different approach -- but for
older trainees, it's the only approach
that works.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the bible
of strength training and muscle building
for anyone over the age of 35:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses --
and DVD's, t-shirts, sweat shirts and
hoodies -- are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train with
your brain, not your ego." -- Brooks Kubik
As most readers know, I wrestled
in high school. That meant long
practices, and many, many hours
on the wrestling mat. We wrestled
five or six days per week, for up
to three hours. And sometimes we
did extra running and extra weight
training on top of the wrestling
workouts. It was a tough program.
Amazingly, we thrived on it. We
grew stronger, faster, more
explosive, more skilled and
much, much better conditioned.
By the end of the season, our
practices consisted of non-stop
wrestling for 90 minutes to two
hours for the varsity guys. The
coach started us off varsity
against varsity. You wrestled
the guy one weight class up. When
you had mashed each other into a
pulp, the coach moved you to
different mats and rotated other
wrestlers against you so you
were always facing a fresh
opponent. And you did that
for up to two hours.
It was pretty amazing -- but it
worked. We got to the point where
we could wrestle pretty much anyone
into the ground. And in dual meets
and tournaments, we never got tired.
Not even in the toughest of matches
against the toughest of opponents.
So there was a time in my life when
long, high volume, daily workouts
were perfect.
But that was a long time ago. Forty
years ago. I can't train that way
today. At age 56, I need a much more
conservative approach.
My workouts generally last under an
hour, and some last only 45 minutes.
I go hard and heavy some days, and
other days I take it easy.
I plan my workouts very carefully,
and I include some easy weeks to help
recover from the heavier sessions.
I limit the number of exercises in
any one workout, and I keep the total
volume fairly low in any one workout.
I focus on the most important exercises,
and I pretty much ignore the ones that
aren't as important.
It's a different approach than the one
I followed 40 years ago, back in those
high school wrestling days, but it's
an effective one.
It's also a manageable approach. Works
well if you work for a living.
And I'm not the only one. There are
thousands of older trainees around the
world who have found that the key to
successful training as you grow older
is to take things a bit easier. Train
hard, train heavy and train serious --
but train smart. Focus on recovery and
recuperation. Do things that your body
can handle. Train your muscles -- don't
just go out and destroy them.
It's a different approach -- but for
older trainees, it's the only approach
that works.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the bible
of strength training and muscle building
for anyone over the age of 35:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses --
and DVD's, t-shirts, sweat shirts and
hoodies -- are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Train with
your brain, not your ego." -- Brooks Kubik
The Birthday Report
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
I'll begin with a great big THANK
YOU to everyone who sent in some
Happy Birthday wishes by email.
You helped make it an extra
special day.
The day went according to plan:
1. Great workout in the garage,
followed by
2. Steak and salad for dinner
Now, if you think about it, that's
not too different from any other
day here at Dino Headquarters.
And it's not too different from
any day in YOUR life.
That's the beauty of the Iron Game.
You make every day special.
You either start the day or finish
the day with a workout -- and then
you enjoy some great food. (Note:
food always tastes best if you
earn it -- and in our world,
you earn your meal by having
a great workout.)
If it's a non-training day, make
it special by doing some stretching,
going for a long walk, doing
some concentration and visualization
drills, curling up with a good
book about training, or watching
a good strength training DVD.
Even if you don't train, you should
think about training. Make it a part
of your life -- a part of every single
Heck, you can even dream about it.
In fact, if you're serious about your
training, you WILL dream about it.
And that's great. It shows that your
training has become firmly embedded
in your sub-conscious.
By the way, in case you're wondering,
I did open some presents after dinner.
1. Tommy Kono knee bands
2. Lifting belt
3. Some lifting books
4. Some lifting DVD's
5. Coffee mug from daughter
The coffee mug had nothing to do with
lifting, but I like coffee in the morning.
Anyhow, it was a most excellent birthday.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes!
We'll talk sets and reps tomorrow. But
as always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's how I celebrated my birthday
two years ago:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "When in
doubt, lift. If in serious doubt, lift
harder and heavier." -- Brooks Kubik
I'll begin with a great big THANK
YOU to everyone who sent in some
Happy Birthday wishes by email.
You helped make it an extra
special day.
The day went according to plan:
1. Great workout in the garage,
followed by
2. Steak and salad for dinner
Now, if you think about it, that's
not too different from any other
day here at Dino Headquarters.
And it's not too different from
any day in YOUR life.
That's the beauty of the Iron Game.
You make every day special.
You either start the day or finish
the day with a workout -- and then
you enjoy some great food. (Note:
food always tastes best if you
earn it -- and in our world,
you earn your meal by having
a great workout.)
If it's a non-training day, make
it special by doing some stretching,
going for a long walk, doing
some concentration and visualization
drills, curling up with a good
book about training, or watching
a good strength training DVD.
Even if you don't train, you should
think about training. Make it a part
of your life -- a part of every single
Heck, you can even dream about it.
In fact, if you're serious about your
training, you WILL dream about it.
And that's great. It shows that your
training has become firmly embedded
in your sub-conscious.
By the way, in case you're wondering,
I did open some presents after dinner.
1. Tommy Kono knee bands
2. Lifting belt
3. Some lifting books
4. Some lifting DVD's
5. Coffee mug from daughter
The coffee mug had nothing to do with
lifting, but I like coffee in the morning.
Anyhow, it was a most excellent birthday.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes!
We'll talk sets and reps tomorrow. But
as always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's how I celebrated my birthday
two years ago:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "When in
doubt, lift. If in serious doubt, lift
harder and heavier." -- Brooks Kubik
dino updates,
dinosaur training updates
Steak, Salad and Iron -- and Birthday Candles!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
It's my birthday today. I'm an
official age 56 -- as opposed to
age 56 in weightlifting years,
which is what I've been ever
since January 1.
And how, you might ask, will I
be celebrating the day?
Well, the schedule looks something
like this:
1. Send email to the Dinos.
2. Hit a hard workout in the garage,
a/k/a The Dino Dungeon.
3. Steak and salad for dinner.
3a. Large steak. Grilled rare.
That doesn't sound too terribly
different from any other workout
day -- but I'm looking forward to
Especially the workout.
Today's going to be a solid technique
today. I'll be working on the squat
style snatch -- starting with a broom-
stick, progressing to an empty bar --
and then gradually adding weight to the
bar and working up to perhaps 70 percent
of my one rep max.
I'll spend about an hour on the lifting
drills, followed by half an hour of
specialized stretching to help loosen
the joints and un-knot the tight spots.
That's how I'll earn the steak dinner.
The drilling and stretching is part of
an intensive program to develop perfect
form in the squat style snatch.
I'll combine it with specialized work on
the squat style clean and jerk (using the
split style jerk).
I've been working the lifts very hard
this year, and I've improved them
greatly -- but now it's time to take
them to the next level.
At my age, the squat style lifts are a
challenge. I should have learned them
when I was a teenager. Or at least when
was in my twenties. But, as they say,
better late than never.
And after all, 56 isn't that old. Isn't
70 the new 40?
Besides, if it were easy, why bother?
Anyhow, that's the report from Dino
headquarters. As always, thanks for
reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Today's a great day to order a book
or course from Dino Headquarters -- and/or
a Dinosaur Training t-shirt, or hoodie --
or one of my Dino DVD's:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Stretching your
body keeps you young, but stretching your
limits keeps you younger." -- Brooks Kubik
It's my birthday today. I'm an
official age 56 -- as opposed to
age 56 in weightlifting years,
which is what I've been ever
since January 1.
And how, you might ask, will I
be celebrating the day?
Well, the schedule looks something
like this:
1. Send email to the Dinos.
2. Hit a hard workout in the garage,
a/k/a The Dino Dungeon.
3. Steak and salad for dinner.
3a. Large steak. Grilled rare.
That doesn't sound too terribly
different from any other workout
day -- but I'm looking forward to
Especially the workout.
Today's going to be a solid technique
today. I'll be working on the squat
style snatch -- starting with a broom-
stick, progressing to an empty bar --
and then gradually adding weight to the
bar and working up to perhaps 70 percent
of my one rep max.
I'll spend about an hour on the lifting
drills, followed by half an hour of
specialized stretching to help loosen
the joints and un-knot the tight spots.
That's how I'll earn the steak dinner.
The drilling and stretching is part of
an intensive program to develop perfect
form in the squat style snatch.
I'll combine it with specialized work on
the squat style clean and jerk (using the
split style jerk).
I've been working the lifts very hard
this year, and I've improved them
greatly -- but now it's time to take
them to the next level.
At my age, the squat style lifts are a
challenge. I should have learned them
when I was a teenager. Or at least when
was in my twenties. But, as they say,
better late than never.
And after all, 56 isn't that old. Isn't
70 the new 40?
Besides, if it were easy, why bother?
Anyhow, that's the report from Dino
headquarters. As always, thanks for
reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Today's a great day to order a book
or course from Dino Headquarters -- and/or
a Dinosaur Training t-shirt, or hoodie --
or one of my Dino DVD's:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Stretching your
body keeps you young, but stretching your
limits keeps you younger." -- Brooks Kubik
Have You Hit Your Peak?
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
I got an email the other day from
a 38-year old Dino.
He's already worried about hitting
the big 4-0.
Specifically, he's worried that his
best lifting days are behind him.
I have a birthday coming up -- I'll
be 56 in real years. (I've been 56
in lifting years since January 1.)
And I thought, "Wow -- 38's just a
kid. He's got the best years of his
life in front of him."
Of course, he has to train right --
hard, heavy and serious -- and not
get side-tracked on the silly stuff --
but he ought to be having some great
workouts and making some great gains
in the next couple of years. Which
means he'll be better than ever at
age 40.
It reminds me of a time I was in the
school weight room back when I was in
law school. One of the undergraduates
was working out. He was a pretty strong
kid. Obviously serious about his
One of the other undergrads asked him --
and I kid you not, this really happened --
"What could you lift when you were
in your prime?"
"I don't know," said the other kid. "I'm
not there yet."
It was a good answer. Whatever your age,
you might want to file it away for
future reference.
Age 19 -- like those kids in the college
weight room -- don't sweat it, just train
hard (but smart) and enjoy the gains.
Age 38 -- don't sweat it, just train hard
(but smart) and enjoy the gains,.
Ag 56 -- don't sweat it, just train hard
(but smart) and enjoy the gains.
Age whatever -- same advice.
By the way, I hit an age 56 and 2013 PR
in the clean and jerk yesterday. The
train hard (but smart) stuff really
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the ultimate guide to Train
Hard (but Smart):
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "That stuff to
knock the gray out of your hair is fine, but
regular hard training is what keeps you
young." -- Brooks Kubik
I got an email the other day from
a 38-year old Dino.
He's already worried about hitting
the big 4-0.
Specifically, he's worried that his
best lifting days are behind him.
I have a birthday coming up -- I'll
be 56 in real years. (I've been 56
in lifting years since January 1.)
And I thought, "Wow -- 38's just a
kid. He's got the best years of his
life in front of him."
Of course, he has to train right --
hard, heavy and serious -- and not
get side-tracked on the silly stuff --
but he ought to be having some great
workouts and making some great gains
in the next couple of years. Which
means he'll be better than ever at
age 40.
It reminds me of a time I was in the
school weight room back when I was in
law school. One of the undergraduates
was working out. He was a pretty strong
kid. Obviously serious about his
One of the other undergrads asked him --
and I kid you not, this really happened --
"What could you lift when you were
in your prime?"
"I don't know," said the other kid. "I'm
not there yet."
It was a good answer. Whatever your age,
you might want to file it away for
future reference.
Age 19 -- like those kids in the college
weight room -- don't sweat it, just train
hard (but smart) and enjoy the gains.
Age 38 -- don't sweat it, just train hard
(but smart) and enjoy the gains,.
Ag 56 -- don't sweat it, just train hard
(but smart) and enjoy the gains.
Age whatever -- same advice.
By the way, I hit an age 56 and 2013 PR
in the clean and jerk yesterday. The
train hard (but smart) stuff really
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it
a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the ultimate guide to Train
Hard (but Smart):
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "That stuff to
knock the gray out of your hair is fine, but
regular hard training is what keeps you
young." -- Brooks Kubik
Slow Cooking, Dino Style!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
The other day I got an email from a
reader who is in his mid-fifties.
He's going back to squats after not
having done them for a long time.
He's using 135 pounds right now,
and the bar feels heavy, and he
thinks back to the day when he
handled a whole lot more than
that -- and he gets pretty
He feels like he ought to be
repping out with 315 instead
of 135.
Heck, they're the same numbers --
a 1, a 3 and a 5 -- just arranged
And 20 years ago, that 315 was a
walk in the park.
So he feels like quitting.
Instead, he sends me an email and
asks, "What should I do?"
Well, let me offer a couple of
Number 1 -- adopt the Dino mindset,
and view the current obstacle as an
Number 2 -- Focus on the here and
now, and on getting stronger NOW,
and forget about the past.
Number 3 -- Use the present opportunity
to do some long, slow, steady gaining.
You're regaining your former strength,
so it's going to be much easier than the
first time around. But your body is older,
and doesn't recover as fast as it did 20
30 years ago -- and you need to be sure
to avoid any injuries -- so you focus on
slow cooking.
Do 5 reps with 135.
In your next workout, do 2 x 5 with 135.
In the next, do 3 x 5 with 135.
In the fourth workout, add 5 pounds -- and
do 140 x 5.
Next workout -- 140 x 2 x 5.
After that -- 140 x 3 x 5.
And in the following workout, do 145 x 5.
That simple progression -- adding sets,
and then adding weight and dropping back
to one set -- and then adding sets
again -- will keep you gaining for
a long, long time.
When your gains finally slow down --
which may be when you're handling 225
or 250 pounds for 5 reps -- you change
to adding one rep per workout -- or
you reduce the weight increases from
5 pounds to 2 pounds -- or even one
Note that you do NOT need to do anything
extreme or heroic. You don't need to do
squats until your legs are a quivering
mass of jelly blobs -- you don's need to
do 77 assistance exercises -- you don't
need to train to failure -- and you don't
need to try to move mountains of iron.
You just need to focus on long, slow,
steady progression.
For an older lifter on the comeback
trail, that's the sensible way to do
So there you have it -- slow cooking,
Dino style. (And you probably thought
we we're going to talk about cooking
dinner. . . .)
By the way, this works for anything
and everything you do: squats, deadlifts,
presses, whatever. It's how you should
design your entire workout. Slow but
steady progression -- a long-term
approach for lifelong strength and
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about real world strength
training and muscle building, try these
great resources:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Slow and steady wins
the race -- and it also builds strength, muscle and
power." -- Brooks Kubik
The other day I got an email from a
reader who is in his mid-fifties.
He's going back to squats after not
having done them for a long time.
He's using 135 pounds right now,
and the bar feels heavy, and he
thinks back to the day when he
handled a whole lot more than
that -- and he gets pretty
He feels like he ought to be
repping out with 315 instead
of 135.
Heck, they're the same numbers --
a 1, a 3 and a 5 -- just arranged
And 20 years ago, that 315 was a
walk in the park.
So he feels like quitting.
Instead, he sends me an email and
asks, "What should I do?"
Well, let me offer a couple of
Number 1 -- adopt the Dino mindset,
and view the current obstacle as an
Number 2 -- Focus on the here and
now, and on getting stronger NOW,
and forget about the past.
Number 3 -- Use the present opportunity
to do some long, slow, steady gaining.
You're regaining your former strength,
so it's going to be much easier than the
first time around. But your body is older,
and doesn't recover as fast as it did 20
30 years ago -- and you need to be sure
to avoid any injuries -- so you focus on
slow cooking.
Do 5 reps with 135.
In your next workout, do 2 x 5 with 135.
In the next, do 3 x 5 with 135.
In the fourth workout, add 5 pounds -- and
do 140 x 5.
Next workout -- 140 x 2 x 5.
After that -- 140 x 3 x 5.
And in the following workout, do 145 x 5.
That simple progression -- adding sets,
and then adding weight and dropping back
to one set -- and then adding sets
again -- will keep you gaining for
a long, long time.
When your gains finally slow down --
which may be when you're handling 225
or 250 pounds for 5 reps -- you change
to adding one rep per workout -- or
you reduce the weight increases from
5 pounds to 2 pounds -- or even one
Note that you do NOT need to do anything
extreme or heroic. You don't need to do
squats until your legs are a quivering
mass of jelly blobs -- you don's need to
do 77 assistance exercises -- you don't
need to train to failure -- and you don't
need to try to move mountains of iron.
You just need to focus on long, slow,
steady progression.
For an older lifter on the comeback
trail, that's the sensible way to do
So there you have it -- slow cooking,
Dino style. (And you probably thought
we we're going to talk about cooking
dinner. . . .)
By the way, this works for anything
and everything you do: squats, deadlifts,
presses, whatever. It's how you should
design your entire workout. Slow but
steady progression -- a long-term
approach for lifelong strength and
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about real world strength
training and muscle building, try these
great resources:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Slow and steady wins
the race -- and it also builds strength, muscle and
power." -- Brooks Kubik
How to Stay Out of the IUSETA Club!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
I had a great workout last night.
I set two 2013 and age 56 PR's in
the snatch, using the split style
of lifting.
I had been working squat snatches
for most of the year, but switched
back to split style about a month
ago. It's much easier on my shoulders,
although it's hard on the lead knee.
(In other words, like most things
in life and lifting, it's a trade
Now, you might ask, "What's a 2013
and age 56 PR?"
It's a little something I do to help
stay motivated -- and to help avoid
the dreaded IUSETA Club.
The IUSETA Club was coined by Harry
Paschall when he was sometime in his
40's or 50's. He caught himself saying
"When I was younger, I used to lift
such and so." All his friends of the
same age did the same thing. Hence,
the "I Used to Lift Such and So
Club" -- which Harry shortened to
the IUSETA Club.
I could lift more at age 40 or 45 than
I can lift at age 56. But instead of
dwelling on what I USETA lift, I focus
on what I can lift now -- and I always
keep trying to improve my current
Thus, I keep track of my best lifts
for every training year, from Jan 1
to Dec 31. Those are my PR's for the
year. Hence, the 2013 PR.
I also track my PR's for my current
age. Hence, the age 56 PR.
And please note -- for purposes of
tracking my current age PR's, I use
the birthday system they use in Master's
weightlifting comps. Whatever age you'll
be on Dec 31 is your age for the entire
year. So even though my birthday isn't
until next week, I've been 56 since
Jan 1. (This drives Trudi crazy --
she can't understand why I say I'm
older than I really am. Hey, it's a
lifter thing.)
I also make things more interesting
(and more fun) by tracking PR's for
my top singles, PR's for doubles and
triples (which i rarely do), and PR's
for workouts where I do 5 singles with
my top weight for the day.
Last night, I worked up to 5 singles
in the snatch -- with more weight than
I've used for 5 x 1 any time this year
(or last year). So that was a 2013 and
age 56 PR.
On the final lift, I upped the weight
and hit my heaviest snatch of the year
(or of last year). So that was another
2013 and age 56 PR.
I also track my best lifts in each age
for master's weightlifting (e.g., age
55 to 59), and my best lifts at age
50 or older.
Younger lifters don't need to worry
about this kind of approach. Younger
lifters can focus on their absolute
PR's -- for singles, sets of multiple
reps, or a given number of sets for a
given number of reps per set.
But older trainees need to stay focused
on the present -- on what they can do
NOW and three months from NOW -- and
that's when keeping track of your PR's
for the current year and your current
age can really help.
And that's how to stay out of the
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the number one book on real
world, no nonsense strength training and
muscle building for older Dinos:
P.S. 2. This almost qualifies as a companion
DVD for Gray Hair and Black Iron -- we shot
it two years ago at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. My other books and courses are right
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Older is easy,
smarter is harder, stronger is hardest of
all -- but you can do it." -- Brooks Kubik
I had a great workout last night.
I set two 2013 and age 56 PR's in
the snatch, using the split style
of lifting.
I had been working squat snatches
for most of the year, but switched
back to split style about a month
ago. It's much easier on my shoulders,
although it's hard on the lead knee.
(In other words, like most things
in life and lifting, it's a trade
Now, you might ask, "What's a 2013
and age 56 PR?"
It's a little something I do to help
stay motivated -- and to help avoid
the dreaded IUSETA Club.
The IUSETA Club was coined by Harry
Paschall when he was sometime in his
40's or 50's. He caught himself saying
"When I was younger, I used to lift
such and so." All his friends of the
same age did the same thing. Hence,
the "I Used to Lift Such and So
Club" -- which Harry shortened to
the IUSETA Club.
I could lift more at age 40 or 45 than
I can lift at age 56. But instead of
dwelling on what I USETA lift, I focus
on what I can lift now -- and I always
keep trying to improve my current
Thus, I keep track of my best lifts
for every training year, from Jan 1
to Dec 31. Those are my PR's for the
year. Hence, the 2013 PR.
I also track my PR's for my current
age. Hence, the age 56 PR.
And please note -- for purposes of
tracking my current age PR's, I use
the birthday system they use in Master's
weightlifting comps. Whatever age you'll
be on Dec 31 is your age for the entire
year. So even though my birthday isn't
until next week, I've been 56 since
Jan 1. (This drives Trudi crazy --
she can't understand why I say I'm
older than I really am. Hey, it's a
lifter thing.)
I also make things more interesting
(and more fun) by tracking PR's for
my top singles, PR's for doubles and
triples (which i rarely do), and PR's
for workouts where I do 5 singles with
my top weight for the day.
Last night, I worked up to 5 singles
in the snatch -- with more weight than
I've used for 5 x 1 any time this year
(or last year). So that was a 2013 and
age 56 PR.
On the final lift, I upped the weight
and hit my heaviest snatch of the year
(or of last year). So that was another
2013 and age 56 PR.
I also track my best lifts in each age
for master's weightlifting (e.g., age
55 to 59), and my best lifts at age
50 or older.
Younger lifters don't need to worry
about this kind of approach. Younger
lifters can focus on their absolute
PR's -- for singles, sets of multiple
reps, or a given number of sets for a
given number of reps per set.
But older trainees need to stay focused
on the present -- on what they can do
NOW and three months from NOW -- and
that's when keeping track of your PR's
for the current year and your current
age can really help.
And that's how to stay out of the
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the number one book on real
world, no nonsense strength training and
muscle building for older Dinos:
P.S. 2. This almost qualifies as a companion
DVD for Gray Hair and Black Iron -- we shot
it two years ago at Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 3. My other books and courses are right
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Older is easy,
smarter is harder, stronger is hardest of
all -- but you can do it." -- Brooks Kubik
Three Feet and Fifteen Seconds!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Some people say that weightlifting
(or any kind of strength training)
is dangerous.
I disagree -- but you do need to
be careful.
Several days ago we had a storm
coming in. I had finished my
workout, but left the light on
in the garage. I didn't notice
it until I was out the door,
down the steps, across the
back yard and on the porch.
So I went turned around, walked
back to the garage, unlocked the
door, turned out the light,
locked the door again, and walked
back through the yard to the house.
Stepped onto the back porch, and
stopped -- and turned around. Not
sure why. I think I heard
And WHAM! -- just like that, a
huge branch from a neighbor's
enormous old oak tree came
hurtling down from above and
crashed into our back yard.
It was about as thick through
the middle as I am through the
chest -- and it was about ten
feet long -- and it was heavy.
Heavy enough to do some serious
damage if it fell on top of you.
And it fell right next to where
I had just been walking.
Missed me by three feet and
fifteen seconds.
The cats were on the back porch,
watching the rain come in. It
made them jump when it hit.
I have to tell you, something
like that makes you stop and
I looked at the shattered
wood, and I watched the rain,
and I thought about it for a
minute or two.
I've been answering lots of
questions about sets and reps
lately -- and about rest between
sets -- and how long a workout
should last. Guess I timed that
one just about right.
I went into the house.
Trudi was cooking dinner. It
smelled pretty good. Much better
than it would have smelled if I'd
been about fifteen seconds slower.
"How was your workout?" she asked.
"It was good," I said. "Real good."
The next time I trained was last
night. I hit an age 56 and 2013 PR
in the clean and jerk. It seemed
like the thing to do.
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. If you want to see what my workouts
look like, grab one or more of my Dinosaur
Training DVD's:
P.S. 2. My Dinosaur Training books and
courses are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Always give
110 percent. 100 percent is good, but you
can do better." -- Brooks Kubik
Some people say that weightlifting
(or any kind of strength training)
is dangerous.
I disagree -- but you do need to
be careful.
Several days ago we had a storm
coming in. I had finished my
workout, but left the light on
in the garage. I didn't notice
it until I was out the door,
down the steps, across the
back yard and on the porch.
So I went turned around, walked
back to the garage, unlocked the
door, turned out the light,
locked the door again, and walked
back through the yard to the house.
Stepped onto the back porch, and
stopped -- and turned around. Not
sure why. I think I heard
And WHAM! -- just like that, a
huge branch from a neighbor's
enormous old oak tree came
hurtling down from above and
crashed into our back yard.
It was about as thick through
the middle as I am through the
chest -- and it was about ten
feet long -- and it was heavy.
Heavy enough to do some serious
damage if it fell on top of you.
And it fell right next to where
I had just been walking.
Missed me by three feet and
fifteen seconds.
The cats were on the back porch,
watching the rain come in. It
made them jump when it hit.
I have to tell you, something
like that makes you stop and
I looked at the shattered
wood, and I watched the rain,
and I thought about it for a
minute or two.
I've been answering lots of
questions about sets and reps
lately -- and about rest between
sets -- and how long a workout
should last. Guess I timed that
one just about right.
I went into the house.
Trudi was cooking dinner. It
smelled pretty good. Much better
than it would have smelled if I'd
been about fifteen seconds slower.
"How was your workout?" she asked.
"It was good," I said. "Real good."
The next time I trained was last
night. I hit an age 56 and 2013 PR
in the clean and jerk. It seemed
like the thing to do.
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. If you want to see what my workouts
look like, grab one or more of my Dinosaur
Training DVD's:
P.S. 2. My Dinosaur Training books and
courses are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Always give
110 percent. 100 percent is good, but you
can do better." -- Brooks Kubik
Author, Dinosaur and Guinea Pig!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Everyone keeps asking, "When is your
next book coming out?"
The answer is -- as soon as I finish
That's not intended as a flip response.
It's the truth.
For several years, I did full-time
writing, and was able to give the
Dino Nation a ton of new books and
courses. Which was great for all of
But last October a friend at a small
law firm asked me if I'd consider
joining them to help on a big case
they were handling.
Now, I wasn't looking for legal work,
but this was a friend -- and when a
friend asks for help, you say "Yes."
So two hours later I was doing legal
work once again -- and then it became
LOTS of legal work -- and pretty soon
it was SUPER BUSY legal work -- and
only recently have I been able to
get back to writing. Not full-time
writing, but nights and weekends --
because I'm still doing the law job.
I'm working on several projects, but
my primary objective is too finish a
book on diet and nutrition for life-
long strength and health.
It's going slow, and it's taking a
long time to finish, but we're getting
And as part of my research for the
new book, I'm doing a little experiment,
using myself as the Guinea Pig.
I'm following the Dinosaur Diet to
the letter -- and I'm going to see
just how lean and muscular I can be --
while getting stronger and handling more
weight in the Olympic lifts than ever
When I was a 17-year old high school
wrestling champion I weighed 145 pounds
and I was cut to the bone. Lean and
strong, and in great shape. I could
wrestle for hours, and that's no
exaggeration because that's what
we did in practice.
My goal at age 56 is to be just as lean
and muscular -- but much stronger --
than I was when I was a high school
wrestling champion.
To get there, I'm working super hard
on Olympic weightlifting. No cardio,
no aerobics, no high rep gut work,
nothing but Olympic lifting.
Diet-wise, I'm following the Dinosaur
Diet -- a/k/a, the same diet I'll
be covering in the new book.
All of which makes me a triple threat:
Author, Dinosaur and Guinea Pig!
So stay tuned for updates on the
experiment -- and for status reports
on the book. I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, and as always, thanks
for reading and have a great day. If
you train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. If getting back into great shape --
or if staying in great shape -- sounds
like fun, grab this:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the day: "Anything good
is worth waiting for, but don't wait too
long before doing your squats."
-- Brooks Kubik
Everyone keeps asking, "When is your
next book coming out?"
The answer is -- as soon as I finish
That's not intended as a flip response.
It's the truth.
For several years, I did full-time
writing, and was able to give the
Dino Nation a ton of new books and
courses. Which was great for all of
But last October a friend at a small
law firm asked me if I'd consider
joining them to help on a big case
they were handling.
Now, I wasn't looking for legal work,
but this was a friend -- and when a
friend asks for help, you say "Yes."
So two hours later I was doing legal
work once again -- and then it became
LOTS of legal work -- and pretty soon
it was SUPER BUSY legal work -- and
only recently have I been able to
get back to writing. Not full-time
writing, but nights and weekends --
because I'm still doing the law job.
I'm working on several projects, but
my primary objective is too finish a
book on diet and nutrition for life-
long strength and health.
It's going slow, and it's taking a
long time to finish, but we're getting
And as part of my research for the
new book, I'm doing a little experiment,
using myself as the Guinea Pig.
I'm following the Dinosaur Diet to
the letter -- and I'm going to see
just how lean and muscular I can be --
while getting stronger and handling more
weight in the Olympic lifts than ever
When I was a 17-year old high school
wrestling champion I weighed 145 pounds
and I was cut to the bone. Lean and
strong, and in great shape. I could
wrestle for hours, and that's no
exaggeration because that's what
we did in practice.
My goal at age 56 is to be just as lean
and muscular -- but much stronger --
than I was when I was a high school
wrestling champion.
To get there, I'm working super hard
on Olympic weightlifting. No cardio,
no aerobics, no high rep gut work,
nothing but Olympic lifting.
Diet-wise, I'm following the Dinosaur
Diet -- a/k/a, the same diet I'll
be covering in the new book.
All of which makes me a triple threat:
Author, Dinosaur and Guinea Pig!
So stay tuned for updates on the
experiment -- and for status reports
on the book. I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, and as always, thanks
for reading and have a great day. If
you train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. If getting back into great shape --
or if staying in great shape -- sounds
like fun, grab this:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the day: "Anything good
is worth waiting for, but don't wait too
long before doing your squats."
-- Brooks Kubik
High Reps or Low Reps?
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Let's start the week with a training
question. This one is from Blake
Rosenbaum -- and it's a fairly
common question:
"From what I understand, you put
all of your focus into very high
weight and low reps. But I was
curious if the strength gained
from low rep high weight exercises
carried over to high rep exercises.
Example: you have gotten to the
point of being able to do a rep
or two of dips with 200 pounds
strapped on, would that strength
carry over to being able to do,
say, fifty reps of bodyweight
dips? etc.
I absolutely love the idea of getting
dinosaur strong but I also would like
to be able to do these motions all
day at lower weight if I needed to.
For example a farmer wouldn't be worth
much if he could carry a 500 pound
"weight" in each hand, but couldn't
carry his five hundred 50 pound bales
to his barn.
So if I want both types of strength,
would just the super heavy training
carry over well enough, or would it
be better to train HARD with heavy
weight one week and train HARD to
the point of absolute failure the
next? Or more clearly, what is the
best way to achieve both?
Thank you for your help,
Blake Rosenbaum"
Blake -- Thanks for your question.
I'm sure many readers have wondered
the same thing.
The answer lies in something called
the specificity principle.
If your goal is to be super strong
for low reps -- or for single rep
efforts in competition -- you need
to perform low reps with heavy weights
in your training.
If your goal is to do be able to
high reps with lighter weights --
or to perform high reps in bodyweight
exercises -- then you need to focus
on that kind of training.
In my experience, there's little
carry-over from low reps to high reps
and vice-versa. If you train for X,
you develop X -- and if you train for
Y, you develop Y. Training for X does
not develop Y.
The more difficult question is how to
achieve both the low rep strength and
the high rep strength (which is better
described as "muscular endurance").
You have several possible options:
1. Alternate between low rep workouts
and high rep workouts -- for example,
low reps on Mon, high reps on Wed, and
low reps on Friday. This works well for
many trainees.
1A. Do NOT try to do three heavy, low
rep workouts and three high rep workouts
in the same week -- that's way too much
2. Train on low reps (or on high reps)
exclusively until you've achieved a
high level of success, and then train
exclusively on the other. Some trainees
prefer to do this -- and it works well
for them.
3. Build low rep strength with heavy
training, and finish your workouts with
finishers -- such as the farmer's walk
and the sandbag carry. This will help
you build high levels of strength and
muscular endurance at the same time.
This is the approach I detail in my
books and courses, and it works great.
See Dinosaur Training, Strength, Muscle
and Power and Gray Hair and Black Iron
for details.
To everyone -- thanks for reading,
and have a great day -- and a great
week. If you train today, make it a
good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about those Dino-style
workouts, grab these power packed training
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Set your goal,
plan your strategy, and do the work."
-- Brooks Kubik
Let's start the week with a training
question. This one is from Blake
Rosenbaum -- and it's a fairly
common question:
"From what I understand, you put
all of your focus into very high
weight and low reps. But I was
curious if the strength gained
from low rep high weight exercises
carried over to high rep exercises.
Example: you have gotten to the
point of being able to do a rep
or two of dips with 200 pounds
strapped on, would that strength
carry over to being able to do,
say, fifty reps of bodyweight
dips? etc.
I absolutely love the idea of getting
dinosaur strong but I also would like
to be able to do these motions all
day at lower weight if I needed to.
For example a farmer wouldn't be worth
much if he could carry a 500 pound
"weight" in each hand, but couldn't
carry his five hundred 50 pound bales
to his barn.
So if I want both types of strength,
would just the super heavy training
carry over well enough, or would it
be better to train HARD with heavy
weight one week and train HARD to
the point of absolute failure the
next? Or more clearly, what is the
best way to achieve both?
Thank you for your help,
Blake Rosenbaum"
Blake -- Thanks for your question.
I'm sure many readers have wondered
the same thing.
The answer lies in something called
the specificity principle.
If your goal is to be super strong
for low reps -- or for single rep
efforts in competition -- you need
to perform low reps with heavy weights
in your training.
If your goal is to do be able to
high reps with lighter weights --
or to perform high reps in bodyweight
exercises -- then you need to focus
on that kind of training.
In my experience, there's little
carry-over from low reps to high reps
and vice-versa. If you train for X,
you develop X -- and if you train for
Y, you develop Y. Training for X does
not develop Y.
The more difficult question is how to
achieve both the low rep strength and
the high rep strength (which is better
described as "muscular endurance").
You have several possible options:
1. Alternate between low rep workouts
and high rep workouts -- for example,
low reps on Mon, high reps on Wed, and
low reps on Friday. This works well for
many trainees.
1A. Do NOT try to do three heavy, low
rep workouts and three high rep workouts
in the same week -- that's way too much
2. Train on low reps (or on high reps)
exclusively until you've achieved a
high level of success, and then train
exclusively on the other. Some trainees
prefer to do this -- and it works well
for them.
3. Build low rep strength with heavy
training, and finish your workouts with
finishers -- such as the farmer's walk
and the sandbag carry. This will help
you build high levels of strength and
muscular endurance at the same time.
This is the approach I detail in my
books and courses, and it works great.
See Dinosaur Training, Strength, Muscle
and Power and Gray Hair and Black Iron
for details.
To everyone -- thanks for reading,
and have a great day -- and a great
week. If you train today, make it a
good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about those Dino-style
workouts, grab these power packed training
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Set your goal,
plan your strategy, and do the work."
-- Brooks Kubik
Whack those Limitations!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
There was a big two page ad in the
New York Times a couple of days ago.
The headline was something like "When
you reach 50, you have to accept your
limitations -- or not!"
It was an ad for a Porsche or some
similar set of super-expensive
status wheels.
I'm 56, and I don't drive anything
remotely resembling super-expensive
status wheels -- but I do go out to
the garage and hit the iron hard and
heavy on a regular basis.
I guess that's another way of not
accepting age-related limitations.
Or flat-out whacking them. As in,
punching them in the mouth.
Of course, older trainees have to
train smart. Hard and heavy, but
One of the things I'm doing is to
train on a three-week cycle. Two
hard weeks followed by a recovery
week where I primarily work on form
and technique.
Week one -- hard and heavy. I do squat
snatches, squat style clean and jerks,
snatch grip high pulls, clean grip
high pulls, and front squats. I may
also do a special kind of flat-backed
deadlift for Olympic lifters, using
either a snatch grip or a clean grip.
Week two -- harder and heavier than
week one. Aim for progress in all
lifts and related exercises. Focus
on heavy weights in the snatch and
the clean and jerk.
Week three -- same lifts, same
exercises, but less weight and
less volume. Work on form and
technique in the squat snatch
and squat style clean and jerk.
Note that I use the same lifts
and the same exercises during
week three, the recovery week.
Don't change what you do in
week three -- change how you
do it.
I start things all over again
in week four.
It's a three-week mini-cycle --
and it works pretty well.
For older lifters, the three week
mini-cycle is a good way to help
stay fresh and focused -- and to
avoid the build-up of excessive
fatigue, stiffness and soreness.
I've designed the three-week cycle
for Olympic weightlifting because
that's what I'm doing now -- but it
works for any kind of training you
want to do.
And yes, you can drive the super-
expensive status wheels as much as
you want during week three -- or
ride your bike -- or walk -- or
head into town in that rusted out
pick-up truck with 450,000 miles
on it and the rear bumpers held
on with baling wire. Whatever
keeps you young, my friend.
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train
today, make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about real-world, sane
and sensible training advice for older
Dinos, grab a copy of Gray Hair and
Black Iron:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The best
wheels are more wheels on the squat bar."
-- Brooks Kubik
There was a big two page ad in the
New York Times a couple of days ago.
The headline was something like "When
you reach 50, you have to accept your
limitations -- or not!"
It was an ad for a Porsche or some
similar set of super-expensive
status wheels.
I'm 56, and I don't drive anything
remotely resembling super-expensive
status wheels -- but I do go out to
the garage and hit the iron hard and
heavy on a regular basis.
I guess that's another way of not
accepting age-related limitations.
Or flat-out whacking them. As in,
punching them in the mouth.
Of course, older trainees have to
train smart. Hard and heavy, but
One of the things I'm doing is to
train on a three-week cycle. Two
hard weeks followed by a recovery
week where I primarily work on form
and technique.
Week one -- hard and heavy. I do squat
snatches, squat style clean and jerks,
snatch grip high pulls, clean grip
high pulls, and front squats. I may
also do a special kind of flat-backed
deadlift for Olympic lifters, using
either a snatch grip or a clean grip.
Week two -- harder and heavier than
week one. Aim for progress in all
lifts and related exercises. Focus
on heavy weights in the snatch and
the clean and jerk.
Week three -- same lifts, same
exercises, but less weight and
less volume. Work on form and
technique in the squat snatch
and squat style clean and jerk.
Note that I use the same lifts
and the same exercises during
week three, the recovery week.
Don't change what you do in
week three -- change how you
do it.
I start things all over again
in week four.
It's a three-week mini-cycle --
and it works pretty well.
For older lifters, the three week
mini-cycle is a good way to help
stay fresh and focused -- and to
avoid the build-up of excessive
fatigue, stiffness and soreness.
I've designed the three-week cycle
for Olympic weightlifting because
that's what I'm doing now -- but it
works for any kind of training you
want to do.
And yes, you can drive the super-
expensive status wheels as much as
you want during week three -- or
ride your bike -- or walk -- or
head into town in that rusted out
pick-up truck with 450,000 miles
on it and the rear bumpers held
on with baling wire. Whatever
keeps you young, my friend.
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train
today, make it a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about real-world, sane
and sensible training advice for older
Dinos, grab a copy of Gray Hair and
Black Iron:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The best
wheels are more wheels on the squat bar."
-- Brooks Kubik
Dino Style Double Progression!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Here's a simple way to help keep
making regular, steady progress
in your training.
Vary your volume and intensity by
doing different sets and reps for
the same exercise in different
workouts -- and create two
parallel progress paths.
I call it Dino Style Double
Progression -- and it works
For example --
Let's say you train the Trap Bar
deadlift once a week -- and let's
say you can pull 350 for 3 x 5 in
good form. (No bouncing, no gutting
it up, just good, solid, perfect reps.)
So here's what you do for your
working sets (which will always
come after a series of progressively
heavier warm-up sets, such as 135 x 5,
185 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 5 and 315 x 5.)
In week one, you would do 3 x 5 with
350 for your working sets.
In week two, you would do 1 x 5 with
350, 1 x 3 with 360 and 1 x 1 with 370.
In week three, you go back to the 3 x 5
and do 3 x 5 with 355.
In week four, you would do 1 x 5 with
355, 1 x 3 with 365 and 1 x 3 with 370.
Art that point, the weights are going
to be feeling pretty heavy, so slow
the progression down by repeating each
workout two or three times before
adding weight.
The trick is, follow two different
progression paths -- one where you're
working to progress for 3 x 5 working
sets and the other where you're working
to progress with 1 x 5, 1 x 3 and 1 x 1
working sets.
The different set/rep schemes have a
different training effect, even though
you're doing the same exercise -- and
you keep your mind fresh by tackling
new challenges from week to week.
And yes, you can do this with other
set/rep systems. For example, 3 x 5
working sets in one workout and 5
heavy (but not max) singles for your
working sets in the next workout.
You also can use the add one rep per
workout progression that we've covered
in other recent emails to make progress
in both workouts.
Good stuff, sensible and effective, not
rocket science, but not mindless heaving
and pulling. A good combination of art
and science -- which is what strength
training is (or should be).
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. I cover other keys to great workouts
in Strength, Muscle and Power:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses --
including Dinosaur Training and Gray
Hair and Black Iron -- are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If training
was rocket science, we'd lift space ships
instead of barbells." -- Brooks Kubik
Here's a simple way to help keep
making regular, steady progress
in your training.
Vary your volume and intensity by
doing different sets and reps for
the same exercise in different
workouts -- and create two
parallel progress paths.
I call it Dino Style Double
Progression -- and it works
For example --
Let's say you train the Trap Bar
deadlift once a week -- and let's
say you can pull 350 for 3 x 5 in
good form. (No bouncing, no gutting
it up, just good, solid, perfect reps.)
So here's what you do for your
working sets (which will always
come after a series of progressively
heavier warm-up sets, such as 135 x 5,
185 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 5 and 315 x 5.)
In week one, you would do 3 x 5 with
350 for your working sets.
In week two, you would do 1 x 5 with
350, 1 x 3 with 360 and 1 x 1 with 370.
In week three, you go back to the 3 x 5
and do 3 x 5 with 355.
In week four, you would do 1 x 5 with
355, 1 x 3 with 365 and 1 x 3 with 370.
Art that point, the weights are going
to be feeling pretty heavy, so slow
the progression down by repeating each
workout two or three times before
adding weight.
The trick is, follow two different
progression paths -- one where you're
working to progress for 3 x 5 working
sets and the other where you're working
to progress with 1 x 5, 1 x 3 and 1 x 1
working sets.
The different set/rep schemes have a
different training effect, even though
you're doing the same exercise -- and
you keep your mind fresh by tackling
new challenges from week to week.
And yes, you can do this with other
set/rep systems. For example, 3 x 5
working sets in one workout and 5
heavy (but not max) singles for your
working sets in the next workout.
You also can use the add one rep per
workout progression that we've covered
in other recent emails to make progress
in both workouts.
Good stuff, sensible and effective, not
rocket science, but not mindless heaving
and pulling. A good combination of art
and science -- which is what strength
training is (or should be).
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. I cover other keys to great workouts
in Strength, Muscle and Power:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses --
including Dinosaur Training and Gray
Hair and Black Iron -- are right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "If training
was rocket science, we'd lift space ships
instead of barbells." -- Brooks Kubik
The Percentages Question!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Steve Holloway sent in the following
email in response to yesterday's
message about poundage progression
and breaking through sticking
points. (If you missed it, check
it out on the Dinosaur Training
"As always, great information, Brooks.
In regards to the warm up sets. What
percentage of your max lifts would you
suggest using for the warm up sets?
I have been training for nearly 20
years; but reading your articles and
listening to you on Super Human Radio
has re-lit my fire for the Iron Game.
Please keep up the great work.
Stay Strong,
Steve -- Thanks for your feedback and
your kind words, I'm glad to hear that
you're back in training. It's the best
thing you can do for yourself.
As far as warm-up weights go, I don't
base them on percentages. I base them
on how many warm-up sets I'll be doing
and what I'll be using for my working
set (or working sets, if I plan to do
multiple working sets).
Then all you do is figure out a good
starting weight and make even jumps to
get to your working weight.
For example -- if you're doing 200 pounds
for 3 x 5 in your working sets, and you
plan to do three warm-up sets, then
try something like this:
140 x 5
160 x 5
180 x 5
200 x 3 x 5
If you're going heavier, you can make
bigger jumps from set to set. For example,
if you're doing Trap Bar Deadlifts for
3 x 5 with 405, you might do something
like this:
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
325 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 3 x 5
The really important warm-up set is the
one before the first working set. You
need to make that set feel smooth and
easy -- but it has to be heavy enough
to get you ready for the working set,
and it can't be so light that it's a
big jump to the working set and the
working set feels impossibly heavy
on the first rep.
So don't sweat the percentages. Plan
on doing a logical progression that
starts out light and easy and builds
up in a sensible fashion to your
working set(s). The goal is to be
100 percent prepared for your working
set. Not tired, but energized -- and
ready for bear!
To everyone -- that's a common question.
I hope this helped to clear things up
for anyone who was wondering about it.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about sets, reps and how
to put them together into great workouts,
grab these books from Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
P.S. Thought for the Day: "Strength training's not
rocket science, but you do have to think things
through." -- Brooks Kubik
Steve Holloway sent in the following
email in response to yesterday's
message about poundage progression
and breaking through sticking
points. (If you missed it, check
it out on the Dinosaur Training
"As always, great information, Brooks.
In regards to the warm up sets. What
percentage of your max lifts would you
suggest using for the warm up sets?
I have been training for nearly 20
years; but reading your articles and
listening to you on Super Human Radio
has re-lit my fire for the Iron Game.
Please keep up the great work.
Stay Strong,
Steve -- Thanks for your feedback and
your kind words, I'm glad to hear that
you're back in training. It's the best
thing you can do for yourself.
As far as warm-up weights go, I don't
base them on percentages. I base them
on how many warm-up sets I'll be doing
and what I'll be using for my working
set (or working sets, if I plan to do
multiple working sets).
Then all you do is figure out a good
starting weight and make even jumps to
get to your working weight.
For example -- if you're doing 200 pounds
for 3 x 5 in your working sets, and you
plan to do three warm-up sets, then
try something like this:
140 x 5
160 x 5
180 x 5
200 x 3 x 5
If you're going heavier, you can make
bigger jumps from set to set. For example,
if you're doing Trap Bar Deadlifts for
3 x 5 with 405, you might do something
like this:
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
325 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 3 x 5
The really important warm-up set is the
one before the first working set. You
need to make that set feel smooth and
easy -- but it has to be heavy enough
to get you ready for the working set,
and it can't be so light that it's a
big jump to the working set and the
working set feels impossibly heavy
on the first rep.
So don't sweat the percentages. Plan
on doing a logical progression that
starts out light and easy and builds
up in a sensible fashion to your
working set(s). The goal is to be
100 percent prepared for your working
set. Not tired, but energized -- and
ready for bear!
To everyone -- that's a common question.
I hope this helped to clear things up
for anyone who was wondering about it.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about sets, reps and how
to put them together into great workouts,
grab these books from Dino Headquarters:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
P.S. Thought for the Day: "Strength training's not
rocket science, but you do have to think things
through." -- Brooks Kubik
Smash that Sticking Point!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Lots of readers can handle a particular
weight for a given number of reps -- let's
say 200 pounds for five reps in the bench
press -- but when they add five or ten
pounds to the bar they can only do two
or three reps.
Or they can do a single with a given
weight -- say 400 pounds in the Trap
Bar deadlift -- but when they load the
bar to 405 they can't budge it.
I get training questions about this
sort of thing all the time -- so it's
obviously a common problem.
It's also a problem that's easy to fix.
You simply need to do more work at your
current weight to truly MASTER the weight
before you try to go heavier.
For example:
If you do four progressively heavier
warm-up sets in the bench press and
finish with 200 pounds for five reps,
don;'t try to jump to 205 or 210 pounds
the next time you do benches.
Instead, do 4 x 5 progressively heavier
warm-ups followed by 200 x 5 and then
200 x 3.
In the next bench press workout, do
4 x 5 progressively heavier warm-up
sets followed by 200 x 5 and then 200
x 4.
Next bench press workout -- do the
4 x 5 warm-ups, and then do two sets
of five with 200 pounds.
In the next bench press workout, do
the 4 x 5 warm-ups, then do 2 x 5 with
200 pounds, and then do 200 x 3.
Same thing in the next bench press
workout, but do 200 x 4 for your final
Next bench press workout -- do 4 x 5
followed by 3 x 5 with 200 pounds.
In your next bench press workout, add
5 pounds to all sets (including the
warm-up sets) and do 205 x 5 for your
working set.
From there, build up to 205 for 3 x 5,
following the same one rep per workout
system outlined above.
In other words, don't try to go up in
weight too soon or too often. That only
leads to staleness, missed lifts and
burn-out. Instead, take your time and
train progressively. EARN the next
poundage increase, don't try to hurry
It's very simple, but very effective.
Try it and see!
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Doug Hepburn built World record
strength and power by following a
unique system very similar to what
I just shared with you:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Wherever
you're going, the best way to get there
is one step at a time." -- Brooks Kubik
Lots of readers can handle a particular
weight for a given number of reps -- let's
say 200 pounds for five reps in the bench
press -- but when they add five or ten
pounds to the bar they can only do two
or three reps.
Or they can do a single with a given
weight -- say 400 pounds in the Trap
Bar deadlift -- but when they load the
bar to 405 they can't budge it.
I get training questions about this
sort of thing all the time -- so it's
obviously a common problem.
It's also a problem that's easy to fix.
You simply need to do more work at your
current weight to truly MASTER the weight
before you try to go heavier.
For example:
If you do four progressively heavier
warm-up sets in the bench press and
finish with 200 pounds for five reps,
don;'t try to jump to 205 or 210 pounds
the next time you do benches.
Instead, do 4 x 5 progressively heavier
warm-ups followed by 200 x 5 and then
200 x 3.
In the next bench press workout, do
4 x 5 progressively heavier warm-up
sets followed by 200 x 5 and then 200
x 4.
Next bench press workout -- do the
4 x 5 warm-ups, and then do two sets
of five with 200 pounds.
In the next bench press workout, do
the 4 x 5 warm-ups, then do 2 x 5 with
200 pounds, and then do 200 x 3.
Same thing in the next bench press
workout, but do 200 x 4 for your final
Next bench press workout -- do 4 x 5
followed by 3 x 5 with 200 pounds.
In your next bench press workout, add
5 pounds to all sets (including the
warm-up sets) and do 205 x 5 for your
working set.
From there, build up to 205 for 3 x 5,
following the same one rep per workout
system outlined above.
In other words, don't try to go up in
weight too soon or too often. That only
leads to staleness, missed lifts and
burn-out. Instead, take your time and
train progressively. EARN the next
poundage increase, don't try to hurry
It's very simple, but very effective.
Try it and see!
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Doug Hepburn built World record
strength and power by following a
unique system very similar to what
I just shared with you:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "Wherever
you're going, the best way to get there
is one step at a time." -- Brooks Kubik
The First Rule for Older Trainees!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
The first rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
The second rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
The third rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
Now, when I say "stay in the game,"
I'm not talking about using that
stuff that knocks all the gray out
of your hair.
No, I'm talking about training.
I'm talking about training for the
rest of your life -- about sticking
to it -- about never giving up --
about never getting bored -- about
never saying to yourself, "I think
I'm too old for this weightlifting
stuff" -- about never throwing in
the towel -- about never (dare I
say it?) QUITTING.
Yeah, that's right.
I said it.
The dreaded Q word.
The worst four letter word in
Q - U -I - T.
It's something I never want to hear
you or any other Dinosaur say. In
fact, I don't want you to even think
about it. Not for a second.
Let me let you in on a secret.
When you're young, you train to become
a world or Olympic champion -- or the
greatest bodybuilder of all time -- or
the best of all time in your chosen
Your goal is to be the best of the best.
You train hard, and your work like
heck, and get some pretty good results.
Maybe you do become a World or Olympic
champion or a record holder. That kind
of thing has actually happened to some
of our Dinos over the years.
But maybe you never become the best of
the best -- but you keep on training --
and one day, you look in the mirror
and you see that gray stuff in your
hair, and you think, "Man, I'm never
gonna win that gold medal."
And at that point, some guys quit.
But other guys turn away from the
mirror and take a look at the other
guys their age -- the ones who don't
There -- do it now -- take a look at
What do they look like?
They look like crap.
They're soft and skinny -- or soft and
fat -- and they look twenty years older
than you do.
And do you know why?
It's not because of the Grecian Whatever
It's because YOU train and THEY don't.
So maybe you don't have a gold medal.
That doesn't matter.
What matters is this -- you've laid the
foundation for lifelong strength and
And now, all you have to do is carry
through on it.
In other words -- just keep training!
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the number one resource for
older trainees:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The secret is
hard work, heavy training and glue. The glue
helps you stick to it." -- Brooks Kubik
The first rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
The second rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
The third rule for older trainees
is to stay in the game.
Now, when I say "stay in the game,"
I'm not talking about using that
stuff that knocks all the gray out
of your hair.
No, I'm talking about training.
I'm talking about training for the
rest of your life -- about sticking
to it -- about never giving up --
about never getting bored -- about
never saying to yourself, "I think
I'm too old for this weightlifting
stuff" -- about never throwing in
the towel -- about never (dare I
say it?) QUITTING.
Yeah, that's right.
I said it.
The dreaded Q word.
The worst four letter word in
Q - U -I - T.
It's something I never want to hear
you or any other Dinosaur say. In
fact, I don't want you to even think
about it. Not for a second.
Let me let you in on a secret.
When you're young, you train to become
a world or Olympic champion -- or the
greatest bodybuilder of all time -- or
the best of all time in your chosen
Your goal is to be the best of the best.
You train hard, and your work like
heck, and get some pretty good results.
Maybe you do become a World or Olympic
champion or a record holder. That kind
of thing has actually happened to some
of our Dinos over the years.
But maybe you never become the best of
the best -- but you keep on training --
and one day, you look in the mirror
and you see that gray stuff in your
hair, and you think, "Man, I'm never
gonna win that gold medal."
And at that point, some guys quit.
But other guys turn away from the
mirror and take a look at the other
guys their age -- the ones who don't
There -- do it now -- take a look at
What do they look like?
They look like crap.
They're soft and skinny -- or soft and
fat -- and they look twenty years older
than you do.
And do you know why?
It's not because of the Grecian Whatever
It's because YOU train and THEY don't.
So maybe you don't have a gold medal.
That doesn't matter.
What matters is this -- you've laid the
foundation for lifelong strength and
And now, all you have to do is carry
through on it.
In other words -- just keep training!
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the number one resource for
older trainees:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The secret is
hard work, heavy training and glue. The glue
helps you stick to it." -- Brooks Kubik
The Steak Tree
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
So some food scientists have developed
an test-tube hamburgers -- hamburger
meat grown from stem cells.
Everyone's talking about it.
Some people think it's the greatest
thing since sliced bread. Others think
it's ridiculous. And some think it will
be how we feed the world in the not too
distant future -- assuming the soylent
green thing doesn't work.
Personally, I don't know and I don't
I grow my own steaks in the back yard
Not test-tube hamburgers. Real steaks.
Grass fed beef. The best in town.
Now, before you think I've flipped my
lid --- or that I've started cattle
ranching (or rustling), let me explain.
A couple of years ago, Trudi planted a
fig tree by the side of the house.
The darn thing grew, and now it's a
real fig tree, and it grows figs.
Fresh figs are delicious and wonderful
and awesome and an incredible treat.
They're also 100% carbs (i.e, sugar)
and we don't eat them.
And yet -- we have a fig tree with a
bunch of fresh figs.
What to do?
Last weekend, I went to the Farmer's
market and bought some grass fed beef
and pastured pork from one of the
farmers. By "some" I mean LOTS. It
takes plenty of high quality protein
to feed a Dinosaur.
The guy I buy the meat from is named
Stan. His wife, Leila, is a gourmet
chef and caterer. She sells spectacular
homemade soups, stews, quiches and other
goodies at the Market. We always buy
somethign from her, just because it
looks so darn good.
So there I was, buying a couple hundred
pounds of beef and pork from Stan
Well, not that much, but it was more
than the non-lifters -- a/k/a the
skinny people) were buying.
Leila's booth is right next to Stan's
booth. Stan was rummaging in his ice
boxes for a pork roast for me, and
Leila was enjoying a free moment
with no customers srtanding in line.
So I popped the question.
"Leila -- do you like figs?"
That brought an unexpected response.
"Like them? I LOVE them! I grew up
eating fresh figs from my grandmother's
fig tree."
"Well, we have a fig tree where
they'r ejust about ripe -- and we
don't eat them -- and we we're
wondering if -- "
"I'll take them!" she said.
So she gave me her number and told me
to call her when the figs were ripe.
So last night, I finished a killer
workout out in the Dino Dungeon (a/k/a
the garage), and when I walked back
to the house I swung over and checked
out the fig tree.
Ripe -- ripe and ready to pick.
So I grabbed a basket and picked a
big mess of them.
This afternoon, Trudi called Leila and
told her to come over and pick up her
When Leila came over, she brought three
thick, beautiful, steaks -- all of them
from Stan's wonderful grass-fed beef.
So Leila got the figs -- and Trudi got
the steaks -- and they're cooking right
now (or rather, one of them is) -- and
when I sign off I'm going to go devour
the thing. Every last bit of it.
And that's why I can say, "To heck with
the test-tube hamburgers -- I'm growing
steaks in the backyard!"
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. if you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Steaks are good, squats are good, and
here's something else that's good --
especially for the home gym Dinos:
P.S. 2. These are good, too:
P.S. 3. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Steak always tastes
better if you earn it --- and that means heavy
training." -- Brooks Kubik
So some food scientists have developed
an test-tube hamburgers -- hamburger
meat grown from stem cells.
Everyone's talking about it.
Some people think it's the greatest
thing since sliced bread. Others think
it's ridiculous. And some think it will
be how we feed the world in the not too
distant future -- assuming the soylent
green thing doesn't work.
Personally, I don't know and I don't
I grow my own steaks in the back yard
Not test-tube hamburgers. Real steaks.
Grass fed beef. The best in town.
Now, before you think I've flipped my
lid --- or that I've started cattle
ranching (or rustling), let me explain.
A couple of years ago, Trudi planted a
fig tree by the side of the house.
The darn thing grew, and now it's a
real fig tree, and it grows figs.
Fresh figs are delicious and wonderful
and awesome and an incredible treat.
They're also 100% carbs (i.e, sugar)
and we don't eat them.
And yet -- we have a fig tree with a
bunch of fresh figs.
What to do?
Last weekend, I went to the Farmer's
market and bought some grass fed beef
and pastured pork from one of the
farmers. By "some" I mean LOTS. It
takes plenty of high quality protein
to feed a Dinosaur.
The guy I buy the meat from is named
Stan. His wife, Leila, is a gourmet
chef and caterer. She sells spectacular
homemade soups, stews, quiches and other
goodies at the Market. We always buy
somethign from her, just because it
looks so darn good.
So there I was, buying a couple hundred
pounds of beef and pork from Stan
Well, not that much, but it was more
than the non-lifters -- a/k/a the
skinny people) were buying.
Leila's booth is right next to Stan's
booth. Stan was rummaging in his ice
boxes for a pork roast for me, and
Leila was enjoying a free moment
with no customers srtanding in line.
So I popped the question.
"Leila -- do you like figs?"
That brought an unexpected response.
"Like them? I LOVE them! I grew up
eating fresh figs from my grandmother's
fig tree."
"Well, we have a fig tree where
they'r ejust about ripe -- and we
don't eat them -- and we we're
wondering if -- "
"I'll take them!" she said.
So she gave me her number and told me
to call her when the figs were ripe.
So last night, I finished a killer
workout out in the Dino Dungeon (a/k/a
the garage), and when I walked back
to the house I swung over and checked
out the fig tree.
Ripe -- ripe and ready to pick.
So I grabbed a basket and picked a
big mess of them.
This afternoon, Trudi called Leila and
told her to come over and pick up her
When Leila came over, she brought three
thick, beautiful, steaks -- all of them
from Stan's wonderful grass-fed beef.
So Leila got the figs -- and Trudi got
the steaks -- and they're cooking right
now (or rather, one of them is) -- and
when I sign off I'm going to go devour
the thing. Every last bit of it.
And that's why I can say, "To heck with
the test-tube hamburgers -- I'm growing
steaks in the backyard!"
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. if you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Steaks are good, squats are good, and
here's something else that's good --
especially for the home gym Dinos:
P.S. 2. These are good, too:
P.S. 3. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day: "Steak always tastes
better if you earn it --- and that means heavy
training." -- Brooks Kubik
How to Have a Great Workout!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
People often ask me about warm-up sets.
Usually it's the newbies, but not always.
The question goes something like this:
"Dear Brooks,
On your 5 x 5 program, you say to do
four progressively heavier warm-up
sets, followed by one working set
with your heaviest weight for the
What's the point of doing so many
warm-up sets?
Why not just do the one heavy set?
After all, that's the only set that
builds strength and muscle -- right?
Your friend,
No Name Given"
My answer is always the same. It goes
something like this:
"Dear No name,
Thanks for your question. I think that
warm-up sets are vitally important --
and I think they have major strength
and muscle-building effects -- but
only if you do them the right way.
Once you reach the point where you're
handling a reasonable amount of weight
in any given exercise, you'll do far
better in it if you do several warm-up
sets before your heavy set. You'll
also reduce the risk of an injury
enormously. Lifting heavy with cold
muscles is an invitation to disaster.
Athletes in all sports perform
extended warm-ups before practice
and before competition. You should
do the same.
You also should use your warm-up sets
to establish precise movement patterns.
In other words, use the warm-up sets
as "rehearsal" for the heavy set. By
doing 15 to 20 warm-up reps (spread
over three to five warm-up sets) you
greatly increase the odds of performing
perfect reps in your heavy set.
Also -- and this is what separates a
truly successful trainee from the rest
of the world -- you should practice
concentration and visualization
drills between your warm-up sets.
After each warm-up set, load the bar,
then find a quiet place and stand or
sit and close your eyes -- and see
the next set. Watch yourself perform
the set from start to finish, rep by
rep, in perfect form, with total
focus and intensity.
Then, when it's time, do the set --
and do it perfectly -- exactly as you
visualized it.
Use the concentration and visualization
drills to tie your workout together.
Make it a unified series of mental
and physical efforts from start to
That's one of the most important benefits
of the 5 x 5 program or any other system
where you perform multiple sets of
progressively heavier warm-up sets
before you get to the heavy sets.
It's a perfect way to link your mind
and your body for the entire workout.
Remember -- perfect practice makes
perfect performance. Your warm-up
sets are an opportunity for perfect
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here are some great training courses for
super-effective workouts:
P.S. Go here for other terrific training books
and Dinosaur Training DVD's -- and the world
famous Legacy of Iron series:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "It's the little
things that make a difference." -- Brooks Kubik
People often ask me about warm-up sets.
Usually it's the newbies, but not always.
The question goes something like this:
"Dear Brooks,
On your 5 x 5 program, you say to do
four progressively heavier warm-up
sets, followed by one working set
with your heaviest weight for the
What's the point of doing so many
warm-up sets?
Why not just do the one heavy set?
After all, that's the only set that
builds strength and muscle -- right?
Your friend,
No Name Given"
My answer is always the same. It goes
something like this:
"Dear No name,
Thanks for your question. I think that
warm-up sets are vitally important --
and I think they have major strength
and muscle-building effects -- but
only if you do them the right way.
Once you reach the point where you're
handling a reasonable amount of weight
in any given exercise, you'll do far
better in it if you do several warm-up
sets before your heavy set. You'll
also reduce the risk of an injury
enormously. Lifting heavy with cold
muscles is an invitation to disaster.
Athletes in all sports perform
extended warm-ups before practice
and before competition. You should
do the same.
You also should use your warm-up sets
to establish precise movement patterns.
In other words, use the warm-up sets
as "rehearsal" for the heavy set. By
doing 15 to 20 warm-up reps (spread
over three to five warm-up sets) you
greatly increase the odds of performing
perfect reps in your heavy set.
Also -- and this is what separates a
truly successful trainee from the rest
of the world -- you should practice
concentration and visualization
drills between your warm-up sets.
After each warm-up set, load the bar,
then find a quiet place and stand or
sit and close your eyes -- and see
the next set. Watch yourself perform
the set from start to finish, rep by
rep, in perfect form, with total
focus and intensity.
Then, when it's time, do the set --
and do it perfectly -- exactly as you
visualized it.
Use the concentration and visualization
drills to tie your workout together.
Make it a unified series of mental
and physical efforts from start to
That's one of the most important benefits
of the 5 x 5 program or any other system
where you perform multiple sets of
progressively heavier warm-up sets
before you get to the heavy sets.
It's a perfect way to link your mind
and your body for the entire workout.
Remember -- perfect practice makes
perfect performance. Your warm-up
sets are an opportunity for perfect
As always, thanks for reading and
have a great day. If you train today,
make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here are some great training courses for
super-effective workouts:
P.S. Go here for other terrific training books
and Dinosaur Training DVD's -- and the world
famous Legacy of Iron series:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "It's the little
things that make a difference." -- Brooks Kubik
How to Turn a Bad Workout into a Good One!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
What do you do when you have a bad
Answer: You learn from it. You go
back to the drawing board and you
things through, and you figure out
how to have a great workout the next
And sometimes, a bad workout can be
the best thing ever.
Case in point.
I've been training very hard on my
Dino-style Olympic weightlifting
workouts. Lots of squat snatches,
lots of squat style cleans and
lots of split style jerks.
The squat style lifts are a real
challenge for an older lifter who
didn't do them when he was young
(which would be me). The squat style
lifts require tremendous flexibility,
and a unique combination of strength
and speed. They're not easy to do.
Anyhow, I'd been hitting things very
hard, and doing front squats and high
pulls along with the lifts -- and I
overdid things a bit, and woke up on
Saturday morning so sore and stiff it
was hard to walk.
I rested on Saturday and lifted again
on Sunday. I was still pretty sore and
stiff. But I thought I'd work it out
as I did my warm-ups.
My timing was off, my speed was half
of what it normally is, and it ended up
being impossible to do squat snatches.
I just couldn't drop into the squat
position to catch the weight. So I
missed weights I should have made
easily -- and I missed them badly.
It was a BAD workout.
Grumble, grumble. Unload the bar. Put
everything away. Turn out garage light,
lock the door, go inside, grumble to
wife, have dinner, and sort out what
went wrong.
It was such a bad workout I wondered
if I should stop trying to do squat
snatches and switch to split style
Grumble, grumble.
Last night, I tried again -- but I did
things differently. I did an extra
long warm-up, followed by MANY single
lifts with light weights to get my form
and timing down, and to help get my
knees, hips, thighs and ankles all
stretched out and loose.
I concentrated on a slow start, which
helps me get into position for the
second pull and the squat under. On
Sunday, I had been rushing things.
Last night, I took it slow at the
start of each lift.
Gradually, slowly, methodically, I
added weight to the bar -- and I ended
up hitting five perfect singles in the
squat snatch with a good weight.
So last night ended up being a pretty
good workout. Why? Because I learned from
the mistakes I made on Sunday -- and I
corrected them.
Now I look back on it, and Sunday's
workout wasn't all that bad. It was
merely -- educational. And educational
is okay.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Everyone makes mistakes, but successful
trainees learn from them. Here's a book that
offers plenty of from the trenches advice
for older trainees:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Think, but
don't overthink." -- Brooks Kubik
What do you do when you have a bad
Answer: You learn from it. You go
back to the drawing board and you
things through, and you figure out
how to have a great workout the next
And sometimes, a bad workout can be
the best thing ever.
Case in point.
I've been training very hard on my
Dino-style Olympic weightlifting
workouts. Lots of squat snatches,
lots of squat style cleans and
lots of split style jerks.
The squat style lifts are a real
challenge for an older lifter who
didn't do them when he was young
(which would be me). The squat style
lifts require tremendous flexibility,
and a unique combination of strength
and speed. They're not easy to do.
Anyhow, I'd been hitting things very
hard, and doing front squats and high
pulls along with the lifts -- and I
overdid things a bit, and woke up on
Saturday morning so sore and stiff it
was hard to walk.
I rested on Saturday and lifted again
on Sunday. I was still pretty sore and
stiff. But I thought I'd work it out
as I did my warm-ups.
My timing was off, my speed was half
of what it normally is, and it ended up
being impossible to do squat snatches.
I just couldn't drop into the squat
position to catch the weight. So I
missed weights I should have made
easily -- and I missed them badly.
It was a BAD workout.
Grumble, grumble. Unload the bar. Put
everything away. Turn out garage light,
lock the door, go inside, grumble to
wife, have dinner, and sort out what
went wrong.
It was such a bad workout I wondered
if I should stop trying to do squat
snatches and switch to split style
Grumble, grumble.
Last night, I tried again -- but I did
things differently. I did an extra
long warm-up, followed by MANY single
lifts with light weights to get my form
and timing down, and to help get my
knees, hips, thighs and ankles all
stretched out and loose.
I concentrated on a slow start, which
helps me get into position for the
second pull and the squat under. On
Sunday, I had been rushing things.
Last night, I took it slow at the
start of each lift.
Gradually, slowly, methodically, I
added weight to the bar -- and I ended
up hitting five perfect singles in the
squat snatch with a good weight.
So last night ended up being a pretty
good workout. Why? Because I learned from
the mistakes I made on Sunday -- and I
corrected them.
Now I look back on it, and Sunday's
workout wasn't all that bad. It was
merely -- educational. And educational
is okay.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make
it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Everyone makes mistakes, but successful
trainees learn from them. Here's a book that
offers plenty of from the trenches advice
for older trainees:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Think, but
don't overthink." -- Brooks Kubik
Squats Are Zen!
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World and Olympic champion Paul Anderson specialized on squats and military presses. It worked pretty well for him. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
The Small One went to the gym
and trained for many hours.
He bombed, blasted, and blitzed.
He did all the exercises he read
about in the muscle magazines.
He used all the machines -- some
of them twice!
He did high reps, peak contraction
and burns. Pumped everything to the
max. Double pumped his pecs. Triple
bumped his arms.
He finished with three hours of
Maxi-Mega Ultra Hypertrophy
Training for his bi's and tri's.
After his workout, he went to see
the Big Man.
The Big Man was training, too. He was
a strange exercise with many plates
on the bar.
The Small One watched him curiously.
When the Big Man had finished his set,
the Small One walked over to him.
"What are you doing, Big Man?" he
"Squats," said the Big Man.
"What are squats?" asked the Small
"Squats are zen," said the Big Man.
"I did 20 sets of Himalayan curls,"
said the Small One. "Are they zen?"
"They're probably not even Himalayan,"
said the Big Man as he loaded more
plates onto the squat bar.
"But why are squats zen?" asked the
Small One.
"Do squats today and tomorrow your
legs will give you the answer," said
the Big Man.
He taught the Small One how to do
squats. The Small One did five sets
of five reps.
The next day, the Small One's legs were
so sore he could barely walk. That was a
huge surprise. He wasn't sore anywhere
else. He trained for hours and hours
every day and never got sore. It was
something totally new.
"My legs are trying to tell me something,"
he said. "I wonder what!"
The Small One went to ask the Big Man.
"My legs are terribly sore," said the
Small One. "What does it mean?"
"It means that squats are zen," said
the Big Man.
Moral of the Story:
1. Strength training is zen.
2. 5 x 5 and similar sensible set/rep
systems are zen.
3. Hard work on basic exercises is zen.
4. Concentration, focus and intensity
are zen.
5. Muscle magazine silliness is not zen.
6. Himalayan curls are not zen -- even
if you do 20 sets of them.
7. Squats are zen.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Dinosaur Training is zen -- and you can
grab a copy right here:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here:
P.S. 3. Thought for the day: "Training
works better if you train for real."
-- Brooks Kubik
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