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Rich Abbott hitting a Master's record in the deadlift. This is what a lifetime of hard, regular, consistent training can do for you. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Let's continue with my series of
training tips based on Bradley J.
Steiner's preferred exercises, sets
and reps for what he called THE
We covered sets and reps for
pressing, squatting, power cleans,
power snatches and barbell bent-
over rowing last week. Now let's
continue with deadlifting and
high pulls.
Bent-legged Deadlifts
4 x 6
5 x 5
4 x 5
For working up to a max
1 x 6
1 x 5
1 x 3
1 x 2
1 x 1
1 x 1
Stiff legged deadlifts
2 x 10 - 12
3 x 8
1 x 8, 1 x 6, 1 x 5 (add weight on
each set)
Note: Steiner did not believe it was
necessary to do limit singles in the
stiff legged deadlift - and I agree.
Steiner also thought it was easy to
overtrain the low back by training
exclusively with bent-legged dead-
lifts. he preferred to mix things up,
which is why he suggested doing
power cleans, power snatches,
high pulls, and stiff legged
Of course, you wouldn't do all of
these in one workout - or even
in the same program.
The point was, don't rely exclusively
on the bent-legged deadlift for
building back power.
High pulls
Note that you can do high pulls with
a clean grip or a snatch grip, which-
ever you prefer. Of course, it's best
to do both - clean grip in one work-
out, and snatch grip in the next.
Beginners -
3 x 6
Advanced trainees -
1 x 6
1 x 4
1 x 3
1 x 3
1 x 2
(Add weight on each set.)
That finishes up the advice on sets
and reps for back exercises. We'll
talk about Steiner's advice on sets
and reps for bench pressing in
another email. Be looking for it!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Another terrific option for
training the back is old-school
dumbbell training - the kind I
teach in this little monster:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day
"No one ever said it was easy, and
if they did, they lied."
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: