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Every day is an opportunity to fall back or move forward. The choices you make determine which it will be. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Two quick notes, and then we'll talk
training - and cover the three most
important days in your life.
1. My Heavy Partials Course
My new course on heavy partials is
getting great reviews from Dinos
around the world. If you missed the
little monster, go here to grab it:
2. John Wood and Louis Cyr
Breaking news - look what John Wood
just released in the Kindle bookstore:
3. Yesterday, Today and
Someone in the Dinosaur Training
Facebook Group mentioned that he
had fallen off the training wagon
this summer - that his diet was
pretty bad now - and that he was
going to get back into it in
To which I said:
"Don't wait until September - start
In other words, if you didn't train
Don't wait until TOMORROW.
Do it TODAY.
Otherwise, yesterday, today and
tomorrow all became part of a long
list of missed workouts and missed
opportunities to build strength and
And I hope he took that message to
heart - because it's one of the most
important messages he's ever going
to see.
Most of you are training right now -
and you've been training regularly
and consistently for a long time.
You also watch your diet and make
sure you eat the foods that are good
for you - that you don't overeat - and
that you keep your weight where it
needs to be.
And again, you've been doing that
for a long time - perhaps for so
long that it's pretty much second
nature to you.
But others have stopped training -
or they've stopped managing their
diet and nutrition - or they've let the
years and the pounds add up, and
now they don't look or feel the way
they want to look and feel - or the
way they used to look and feel when
they were doing the right things.
If that's YOU, then pay very close
You need to start training again.
You need to do it regularly and
No more missed workouts.
No more, "I'll start tomorrow - or
I'll start next week - or next month."
"Start NOW!"
You don't have to make it super hard,
and you don't have to do any kind of
complex, complicated, or super-duper
You don't need to train for a long time,
30 to 60 minutes 3x a week will work
And you don't need very much in the
way of equipment.
In the May-June issue of The Dinosaur
Files, we cover The Simplest Bodyweight
Workout in the World.
It's a short, fast, twice a week workout
that will probably take you about 45
minutes to complete - and you don't
need any equipment other than a
place to do pull-ups.
In the same issue, I also give you
Bob Hoffman's Favorite Workout.
It's a barbell-only program that you
can do from start to finish in as little
as 10 or 15 minutes.
In the July-August issue of The Dino-
saur Files, we cover two more "No
Excuses" Workouts.
One of them takes 30 minutes.
The other takes 35 minutes.
And neither of them requires very
much in the way of equipment.
The July-August issue also includes
an article about two guys who took
their barbell and dumbbell set to
Fiji - and lived and trained there -
doing a very simple, old-school
training program.
And it worked pretty well. One of
them gained 35 pounds of muscle
on the program.
More proof - if more were needed -
that you don't need much in the
way of equipment to get truly
excellent results.
So go ahead - grab both issues of
The Dinosaur Files - and get started
RIGHT NOW on some productive and
effective old-school training:
July-Aug Dino Files
May-June Dino Files
Remember, if you need to get back
into it, then the best day to start was
If you didn't start back up yesterday,
start today.
Not tomorrow.
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: