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Philadelphia's Louis Abele was a huge fan of the exercise we're going to talk about in today's Blog Post - and it helped make him one of the strongest men in the world! |
Two quick notes and then we'll talk iron - as
in, cover some questions I've been getting
about everyone's favorite exercise. (Can you
guess what it is?)
1. The September Dinosaur Files
I'm working on the little monster, and it's
going to be another great issue.
If you missed the last couple of issues, you
missed some good ones - but you can grab
them right here:
July-August Dinosaur Files
May-June Dinosaur Files
I do need more feedback on these two issues -
as well as workout reports and training updates
from the Dinos - so don't be shy - send me a
short email and let me know how you liked
the last two issues - and how your workouts
are going!
2. Winter Is Coming!
And that's a great reason to grab a Bosco
hoodie from John Wood:
Bosco Hoodie (Grey)
BTW, I'm not sure, but I bet these will add at
least 20 pounds to your squats and deadlifts.
After all, Bosco has been helping trainees
build serious strength and muscle for a very
long time!
3. Some Squat Questions
It must be The Year of the Squat because ever
since January 1, I've been getting a ton of squat
So I thought I should cover some of them in
today's email. Here are three of them.
Q. Which is better - doing bottom position back
squats or bottom position front squats in the
power rack?
A. I like bottom position back squats in the
power rack - meaning that you set the bottom
pins low enough that when you set the bar on
them and get under it, you are at the same
position you would be at the bottom of a
parallel squat (top of thighs parallel to the
floor). From there, you drive hard and stand
up with the weight.
I don't like bottom position squats. They're
much more awkward - especially if you don't
have the super mobility of an Olympic weight-
lifter - and few of us do, especially if we're
older Dinos or have any dings and dents that
affect our flexibility.
If you like front squats, try pause squats where
you start in the normal top position, squat down,
and pause for a count of two in the bottom
position before driving back up.
Q. Do I need a cambered bar for squats?
A. No, not at all. They're a good training tool,
but they're not necessary.
Q. What do you think of the Dave Draper Top
Squat device?
A I like it a lot. As a 61-year old Dino with tight
shoulders, It's a necessary tool for me. I can't
do back squats without it.
That's three questions - but I remembered
another one I've been getting - so here's a
little bonus question . . . .
Q. Do any of your books or courses have good
leg training routines - or good programs for
gaining muscular bodyweight?
A. There are 20 programs for building strength
and muscle mass in Chalk and Sweat. 10 of them
are leg specialization programs, and 10 of them
are back specialization programs:
Alternate between your favorite leg specialization
programs and your favorite back specialization
programs, and you will utterly transform your
Make no mistake about it - leg and back training
is the Royal Road to Herculean strength and
It's also what separates serious trainees from
the ones who aren't serious at all - as in, the
guys who do nothing but arm and chest work!
There are more questions, of course, and I'll try
to get to them in another email - but those are
enough for now.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. if you train today, make it a good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. If you're an older Dino, grab a copy of Gray
Hair and Black Iron - it's a must read for anyone
over the age of 35:
Gray Hair and Black Iron
P.S. 2. My new course on heavy partials is
selling like hotcakes - and readers are loving
it. Go here to grab a copy:
Dinosaur Strength and Power - Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials
P.S. 3. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 4. Thought for the Day:
"First, last and foremost - SQUAT!"
-- Brooks Kubik
Before you leave, be sure to check out our Kindle books - we have over 25 now - with more on the way!
Brooks Kubik's Kindle Books