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John Grimek performing one of his tried and true, favorite exercises - a good example of stuff that works. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
We're back in the saddle again after a
long Memorial Day Weekend here in the
So let's going with two quick updates -
and then talk about stuff that works.
The July-August Dinosaur Files
The July-August issue of The Dinosaur
Files has landed - and readers are
loving it. Go here to grab your copy:
It includes some great articles - but
my favorite is the one I wrote about
two lifters who took their barbell set
to a south Pacific island - way back in
the 1930's - and built a hut, planted
a garden, and lived on the island -
and trained hard and heavy - and
made some really incredible gains.
It's a true story, and it tells us quite
a lot about what really works when it
comes to building strength and muscle.
George F. Jowett's Progressive
Barbell Training Course
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This little gem dates back to the 1920's
or 30's - but I've issued it again in a
modern reprint edition. We have a very
limited number of copies, so if you want
one, act fast.
We don't have a special sales page, so
we'll have to do a simple work-around.
To order the Jowett course:
Order a copy of my Dinosaur Training
book - but include a note (or send me
an email) saying that you actually want
the Jowett course.
Be sure to include the note or send
the email so we know what you
actually want!!!
Progressive Barbell Training is a
great old-school course - with plenty
of line drawings that show you how
to how to perform all of the barbell
and dumbbell exercises in it.
Good stuff - stuff that works - and a
very nice link to the past.
Stuff that Works
Speaking of stuff that works . . . .
Here's a thought I had the other day:
If John Grimek were alive today, and he
was doing the very same workouts he did
back in 1939 and 1940 - right before he
won his first Mr. America title - when he
trained with Steve Stanko - and someone
filmed the workouts and posted them on
social media - no one would watch them.
Or perhaps they'd watch one or two and
then stop.
That's because Grimek and Stanko did
very basic workouts - using a very small
number of exercises - and doing pretty
much the same thing every time they
I mean, ask yourself this:
How many times can you watch someone
do squats, presses, cleans and snatches?
Even if it were Grimek and Stanko?
Even if they finished up with some dumb-
bell presses, it wouldn't be media-worthy
in the modern world - because it wouldn't
be new and different all the time - or novel
and exciting - or eye-catching and
But it would be effective - and it WAS
It was stuff that worked.
Not stuff that gets likes and looks on
social media.
Of course, social media has it's place. I'm
on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
YouTube - and I also run the Dinosaur
Training - Brooks Kubik Facebook Group -
and I'm an admin at John Wood's Strength
Secrets Facebook Group.
But I still have reservations about the
role of social media in strength training.
That's because the stuff that works just
isn't very exciting.
It's pretty much the same thing, week in
and week out, over and over - performed
with concentration, focus, and serious
I don't know how you capture that for
Is there a filter to highlight the level of
concentration you bring to a workout?
Or a way to capture the consistency it
takes to build serious strength and
The ability to stick to your program long
enough to make it work?.
And how do we show the other parts of
what it takes to get truly excellent results?
The healthy meals.
Avoiding junk food.
Getting enough rest and sleep.
Staying home and letting your body get
the rest it needs instead of going out and
partying until the wee hours of the
Maintaining a tranquil mind.
Cultivating a positive, optimistic, success-
oriented mindset.
Keeping a training journal.
Sticking to your program instead of always
trying something new and different.
As I said earlier - it's hard to capture
that in a video clip.
Anyhow, that's my thought on social media.
You may or may not agree - and you may
even disagree violently - and that's fine.
But it's food for thought - so I thought I
should share it with you.
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. For more about result-producing and effective
workouts, grab a copy of the book that started the
Dinosaur Revolution:
Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength
and Development
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:
"There's a big difference between getting
likes and looks and building serious
strength and power."
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: