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Fred Rollon, the Human Anatomy Chart, shows us what real-world, drug-free muscle looks like - and how amazingly effective, old-school strength training and bodybuilding can be! |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Here's a quick heads up about an
excellent resource for real world,
no-nonsense, old-time strength
training and bodybuilding secrets.
David Webster, the longtime and
well-known Physical Culture expert
and former Scottish National Weight-
lifting Coach, wrote a detailed series
of courses on old-time training many,
many years ago.
He called it "The Complete Physique
Course" - which is a pretty good title,
I think - and which kind of shows you
that the program is pretty darn
They've been out of print and pretty
near impossible to find for many years,
but John Wood is now releasing them
again - on Kindle - in an approved,
authorized edition - and that means
that they're available again - for the
first time in many years.
The Complete Physique Course is broken
into a series of lessons.
Lessons 1 thru 4 cover the following
important topics:
Lesson 1 - Old-school bodyweight
Lesson 2 - Old-School bodybuilding
and bodypart specialization programs.
Lesson 3 - Training for sports - with
different programs and workouts for
many popular sports.
Lesson 4 - Olympic weightlifting (with
tons of training tips that have been
pretty much forgotten nowadays -
but that work amazingly well).
You can grab them right here:
The Complete Physique Course,
Lessons 1 and 2
The Complete Physique Course,
Lessons 3 and 4
I think you'll really enjoy these truly
excellent old courses - and I think
they'll give you a very good idea of
what old-school training was all about.
So check them out - leave a review
(reviews help spread the word) - and
let me know how you like them!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik