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Guess who almost got selected to play the role of Superman - and who would have done a pretty good job at it. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Trudi and I were walking the other
day, and we met a friend who's a
dancer with the Louisville Ballet
Meaning that her job is to train for
8 to 10 hours a day - on her feet,
up and down - doing thousands of
reps of different leg exercises:
squats, jumps, sprints, hops, calf
raises, kicks, bouncing, and more.
No, it's not heavy squats, but it's a
tough workout, and you have to be
in seriously great condition to do it
day after day, year after year.
She was with her son - a miniature
dynamo who looks to be four or five
years old.
He was riding a small bicycle with
training wheels.
It had a Spiderman symbol on the
"Do you like Spiderman?" I asked
He nodded his head up and down.
"Do you know Spiderman's real
That was easy.
"Spiderman!" he said.
"No - I mean his real name - when
he's not wearing his Spiderman suit."
He thought about it very carefully
before answering.
Probably wasn't sure if he could trust
me. After all, this was top secret stuff.
If the Green Goblin ever found out,
Spidey would be in big trouble.
"Don't worry - I won't tell anyone," I
He continued to think about it.
I must have looked suspicious.
"I know it's a secret," I said. "We
don't want the bad guys to find
"Okay," he said."Peter Parker!"
"That's right!"
And then HE asked ME a question -
which was good, because I had pretty
much run out of questions for him. It's
been a long time since I read a Spider-
man comic, and I'm not up to date on
what everyone's favorite webslinger
is doing.
"Do you want to see how fast I can
go?" he asked.
"If your mom says it's ok."
Mom nodded.
"It's ok," she said.
We stepped aside and he took off, his
little legs pedaling furiously.
Before you knew it, he was half a block
He stopped, turned around, looked back
at us, and waved.
We waved back, and mom went down the
block to collect him, and Trudi and I went
on with our walk.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think
that little man is going to be an Iron
Slinger someday - and those little legs
are going to be doing some serious
squatting in about 15 or so years.
I also think it reminds us that we're born
to exercise. It comes naturally to us. We're
made for walking, running, lifting, moving
and carrying. Children know this - it's why
they're so active - but adults tend to forget
Which means that if you have kids or grand-
kids, it should be easy to get them into the
exercise habit. If they've ever seen YOU
training, they're probably itching to give
it a try.
And it also should be easy for YOU to get
into - and stay into - the exercise habit.
Heck, it's as fast, fun and easy as blasting
down the block on an official Spiderman
As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here are some great courses that
focus on some unusual but very
effective old-school training methods:
Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 1 - Strength Style
Arm Training with Doug Hepburn
A complete - and brand new - training
course that teaches you how to build
strong, powerful,and muscular arms -
using the training methods of the
legendary Doug Hepburn.
The Bone Strength Project
John Wood's unique program for building
your bones in order to increase your
potential for maximum muscle mass.
Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials
Another way of building your bones -
and strengthening your tendons and
ligaments - a must read for anyone
interested in maximum strength and
The May-June Dinosaur Files
Feature articles include:
The World's Simplest Bodyweight
The Deadlift from Hell
The Valhalla Challenge
Bob Hoffman's Favorite Training
P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:
"Start young and keep on going. If you're
not young, then start NOW and keep on
-- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: