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Earle Liederman personally answered tens of thousands of training questions from men and boys around the world - or did he? |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Back in the early 1920's, a mail order
musclebuilding mogul named Earle
Liederman was so popular that his
office was flooded with hundreds
(or even thousands) of training
questions every single week.
He answered each and every one
of them - sort of.
The story goes that Liederman had
a huge office with a roomful of sec-
retaries, each seated in front of an
old-fashioned manual typewriter.
They had pre-written, "canned"
answers to all of the most common
training questions that came in the
"How can I build bigger arms?"
"How can I gain weight?"
"How can I lose weight?"
"How can I reduce the size of
my stomach?"
"How can I do more pull-ups?"
"How can I build my _______
(fill in the blank with any part
of the body).
"How can I get stronger?"
"How can I cure my colds (or
headaches, constipation or a
host of other common
The secretaries used the canned
answers to respond to virtually
every letter that Liederman
And some say that each letter
was even signed with a big, bold
powerful signature befitting the
number one physical culture
director in the world.
A strong, manly signature.
Copied perfectly by one of the
petite secretaries.
It's nearly 100 years later, and I
get tons and tons of training
questions. Not as many as Earle
Liederman, but plenty. And I don't
have any army of secretaries to
give pre-packaged answers.
For many years, I tried to answer
all the questions that I received.
And I did it for free - without any
But it's getting harder and harder
to do. There just aren't enough
hours in the day. And I have many
other things I need to keep the
Dino business healthy and strong.
As I see it, there are a couple of
1. Charge for answers to training
a. In other words, you shoot in a
question, pay for it in advance,
and get a personalized answer.
b. This isn't my no. 1 choice by
any means, but if enough of you
want it, we can make it happen.
2. Answer training questions in my
Strength Training Q and A courses,
which is great because it means that
all of you get the benefit of seeing
the answer.
It also means that you can get the
answer to your question for the cost
of the course - which is a pretty good
a. I've actually finished one course in
the series - with answers to 15
different training questions - and
you can grab it right here:
b. The second course in the series
is at the printer - and should be
printed and ready to mail to you
next week. It covers - get this -
20 different training questions.
c. Be looking for an order link to
grab course no. 2 very, very
3. Do a weekly podcast that
covers each week's training
a. If we did this, it would be a one
hour podcast, with a download link
for those who miss the live broad-
cast - and there would be a small
charge for it, since we'd have to
cover both my time and the various
hosting, technical and production
b. We might also do a transcript of
the podcast and make it available
in PDF format. Not sure about the
cost and the technology, but it's
probably something we could do.
Anyhow, I'd like to know what
YOU would like to see.
Shoot me an email and let me know
which of these options you like -
and if you have other ideas, please
let me have them!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Here's the link again for course
no. 1 in the Strength Training Q
and A series.
Note that it's available in your choice
of hard-copy, Kindle and PDF editions:
P.S. 2. As I mentioned, course no. 2
in the series will be ready very, very
soon. Be looking for an email with
the order link.
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: