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Powerful Chuck Sipes bending an iron bar in his strongman show. Sipes was every bit as strong and as powerful as he looked. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Two quick notes and then we'll talk
1. Old Books for Sale
I have some great ones for sale -
go to the Dinosaur Training Blog
to check them out:
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We have tons of great books for sale - including an autographed copy of Vol. 1 of The Illustrated History of Physical Culture - a very rare and truly excellent book. |
By the way, one of our older Dinos
said he can't open the link in his
daily email. That's because his
email system disabled the link.
He needs to copy the link and
paste it in his browser and do
an internet search for the Blog
Or - he needs to do an internet
search for:
brooks kubik dinosaur training
Or - he needs to go to the Dino
website and look for the link to
the Dinosaur Training Blog - it's
in the menu bar (over to the
2. Strength Training Q and A
Go here to grab volumes 1 and 2
in my new Strength Training Q
andA series:
Remember, you get a free issue
of the October 2017 Dino Files
when you order vol. 2 in the
series. (Hard-copy order gets you
a hard-copy Dino Files - PDF order
gets you a PDF Dino Files.)
3. Make the Most of What You
There's a great true story about the
famous bodybuilder and strongman,
Chuck Sipes.
Sipes was an IFBB Mr. America and
Mr. World winner - great physique -
and a real strongman. He used to
do strongman shows after his posing
routine. Broke chains, bent big iron
bars, and did other fun stuff. Very
Sipes bench pressed 585 pounds
back when a 600 pound bench
press was super-human. And he
only weighed around 220 pounds!
There's a great photo that shows
him lying under the back of a great
big pick-up truck - doing bench
press lockouts with the thing!
And - get this - Sipes did most of
his training at home - just like so
many Dinosaurs like to do!
Anyhow, Sipes grew up doing a lot
of hiking, camping, and lumberjack
work in the mountains of Northern
California and Oregon.
He kept on hiking and camping his
entire life.
One time, he and a friend were way
out in the mountains, and got caught
in a big snow storm.
Not to worry - they had a great little
survival tent, food, water, and plenty
of wood for the fire.
But they were stuck in the tent with
nowhere to go.
Sipes decided to pass the time with
a workout.
He didn't have any weights, of
course, but he didn't need them.
He did isometrics and dynamic
He did pushups, sit-ups, deep knee
bends and other calisthenics.
He had brought a rubber chest
expander, so he used that for
extra arm and shoulder work.
Sipes trained for several hours,
inside the tent, in the middle of
a raging blizzard - and he got a
terrific workout.
The next day, the men hiked back
down - and the following day Sipes
hit it hard and heavy in his home
That was a classic example of
making the most of what you
have - and it's an important
lesson for all of us.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Don't forget to check out the
old books for sale - there are some
really good ones that you probably
won't find anywhere else:
And also - be sure to grab vols
1 and 2 of the Strength Training
Q and A:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:
"Whatever you have is more than
enough for a terrific, result producing
workout. All you need to do is knuckle
down and use it!"
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: