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Paul Anderson may have been the strongest man who ever lived - but he probably would have been even stronger if he had followed the Bone Strength Program! |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
A couple of months ago I attended a
special invitation-only strength training
seminar hosted by my good friends,
John Wood and Kim Wood.
One of the highlights of the program
was John Wood's detailed review of
the Bone Strength Project.
The Bone Strength Project is pretty
much exactly what it sounds like.
John has devised a specialized
training program to strengthen,
thicken and add mass to his
skeletal structure.
In other words, to increase his
bone mass - and his bone strength.
The theory being, for every small
increase in bone density, your body
increases its potential for muscle
mass by something like six pounds.
Not to mention, thicker and stronger
bones help you avoid injuries.
And thicker and stronger bones help
you age better. You stand tall and
erect - and you walk like a man,
not an ape. Even at an advanced
John's been doing his special
program for a couple of years
now, and he had a ton of very
interesting findings to share
with us.
It was actually funny.
You had a roomful of 20 or 30
guys who have spent their entire
lives involved in serious strength
training - and they were literally
sitting on the edge of their seats,
straining to hear every word -
and making tons of notes - and
asking a bajillion questions.
Two things about the program:
1. It works. John shared his before
and after DEXA scans, and they
prove it.
a. They also shocked the heck out of
his doctor - because John is supposed
to be way too old to increase his bone
mass (or his height - which also
happened) - but hey, Iron Slingers
been shocking their doctors for a
long time, and why should we stop
2. The program is unlike anything
I've ever seen before - or read about -
or heard about.
a. Yeah, it's similar to things that
other people have done before - but
there's a very important difference,
and to my knowledge, John is the
only person who ever did what he's
doing in the way that he's doing it.
Anyhow, it's a GREAT program -
and it will definitely give you some
serious food for thought.
You can get the details in one of two
First, you can grab a copy of issue no.
4 of the Train Hard Bulletin - which
covers the Bone Strength Project
in detail.
It's available right here in a down-
loadable PDF for just about the price
of a fancy mocha frothy capucino
pumpkin pie latte coffee and a
cranberry banana muffin:
The other option is to join
The Iron League:
You see, issue no. 4 of the Train
Hard Bulletin is available for all
Iron League members - along
with tons of great strength training
and muscle building books, courses,
and magazines.
The Iron League also includes my
old Dinosaur Training DVD's - as
well as some other material of
mine that you won't find anywhere
So if you join the Iron League,
you get everything there is to
know about strengthening and
thickening your bones - along
with a library of other goodies.
Remember, building the muscles
is important.
But so is building the bones.
Always do both - and aim to make
both your muscles and your bones
as strong as possible.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik