Not everyone wants to do old-school, Retro Lifting the way I do it here at Dino Headquarters - but everyone wants to give something else a try - and when you read about it, you may want to join them! |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
The April issue of The Dinosaur Files
newsletter features a very unusual
It's called the 2-1 Workout.
I learned about it from an old-timer
way back in the late 1970's.
And get this - I've never heard about
anywhere else - and never read about
it - and never seen anyone else do it.
And that's saying a lot, because I've
been training and studying strength
training for over 50 years - and I've
pretty much read everything there is
to read about it.
Which means that the 2-1 workout is
a very unusual program.
But it's also a very good one.
So far, every email I've received with
feedback on the April Dino Files is
from a reader who wants to give it
a try.
You can check it out yourself - and
see if YOU want to give it a go.
It's right here - in the April issue of
The Dinosaur Files:
Also - if you missed the Oct, Nov, Dec,
Jan, Feb or March issues. you can grab
them here:
Oct, Nov, Dec and Jan issues
Feb issue
March issue
The Dinosaur Files comes in a down-
loadable PDF with immediate electronic
delivery. Once you have it, you can save
it on your pc or print it out (or do both).
If you don't have a printer and you need
a hard-copy, shoot me an email - we'll see
what we can do.
Also - if it's easier for you to purchase a
one year, 12-issue subscription, shoot me
an email - we can make that happen, as
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik