Learning How to Train for Real Results

Almost everyone starts out by training the wrong way - and making the typical rookie mistakes - and that's not much fun at all. Once you learn to train the right way, you'll find that your workouts are ten times more fun and enormously more effective!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Three quick notes, and then we'll talk

1. Almost 5,000 Years of Training

We have a long thread going at the
Dinosaur Training - Brooks Kubik
Facebook Group - where the members
give their number of years of training
experience and we keep a running total.

Right now, we're close to 5,000 years
of combined experience - and that's a
big number.

If you use Facebook, please join the
group and add your number of years
of experience to the combined total.

I'd like to see it go up to 10,000 or

2. The John Wood Report, No. 2

is getting great reviews - and that's
no surprise, because it's a really good

You can grab it right here:


If you missed issue no. 1, it's right


3. The March Dino Files

is available right here - if you don't
already have it, grab it now:


And yes, the April issue will be ready
very soon. It's a good one - with tons
of valuable training tips.

4. Learning How to Train

On the training front, here's a great
email from Flint Long, a 65-year old
Dino who did things the wrong way
for many years - but then learned
how to train for real results:


I started when I was 19. Now I'm
65. For years I followed the split
routines in the magazines, but I
was natural (drug-free), and never
made the progress I hoped for.

I would pyramid four sets in the
typical order 12/10/8/6 reps.

I always tried to handle too much
weight, and didn't attach much
importance to good form.

Does that sound like a typical young
guy? I think it does!

After I started reading your stuff, I
focused on basic exercises such as
squats, deadlift, bench, and military

I train 3 days a week, using good form
and moderate weights. Sometimes I go
heavy and sometimes moderate, but
never light.

I seem to get stronger and to handle
progressively more weight by training
with moderate weight and perfect form,
as opposed to heavy weight and sloppy
form. (Less risk of injury, too.) Tell that
to the young guys doing squats on roller
skates, as you once put it.

I do 5 x 5, and I rarely train to failure.
I am stronger now than ever before in
my life. All my lifts are going up.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks for your report, Flint. It sounds
like you followed the typical path - muscle
media silliness and no results for many
years - and then you learned how to
train the right way - and now look where
you are!

I hope your message inspires others to
give Dino-style abbreviated training a
try. It will make all the difference in the
world for them.

Also - I hope that older readers will pay
careful attention to the nuts and bolts of
your current program - because it sounds
like it's working very well for you - and it
would work well for most or all of our
older Dinos.

To everyone - as always, thanks for
reading and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the
no. 1 book for older trainees. Go here
to grab your copy:


2.  My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF




P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: 

"Dino-style strength training has been
working great for trainees
around the
world for many years. Give it a try

and see what it does for you!"

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: