Hail to the Dinosaurs!
The name of the game is training - and
to get the most out of your training you
need to follow the right training course.
To help you do that, I'm doing a series
of new training courses.
Each course will give you a complete
training program - including the history
behind it, why it works, how and when
to use it, tips on exercise performance,
how to modify the program to suit your
own unique needs, a detailed Q and A
section, and the exact workouts to do.
Not only that, but each course comes
with a set of workout sheets that you
can use to keep detailed records of
your training when you use the
The first course in the series covers
old-school arm training, and gives
you a complete program for building
big, strong and power-packed upper
Of course, it also includes exercises
for the rest of your body - so it doubles
as a good all-around training program.
The program has three different work-
outs (Workouts A, B and C) - so you
get three different workout sheets -
along with a blank workout sheet
to use if you need to make any
changes to the program.
It comes to you as a downloadable
and printable PDF - so you get it
right away - with no waiting and
no postage charges.
Go here to grab the little monster -
and be sure to let me know how
you like it:
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik