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The Rainy Day workout area at Dino Headquarters. |
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Three quick updates, and then we'll talk
1. Pruning the List
I'm going to be pruning the Dino email
list in a couple of days.
I'll try to delete only those email addresses
that don't appear to be active accounts.
But there are many emails to review, and
I'm sure I may make some mistakes.
If I delete you from the list but you still
want to receive the daily emails, please
sign back up at my website.
2. The May-June Dinosaur Files
It' s a terrific issue - jam-packed with
helpful training tips and workouts.
Articles include The Simplest Body-
weight Program in the World - The
Valhalla Challenge - The Deadlift
from Hell - and Bob Hoffman's
Favorite Workout.
Go here to grab the little monster:
3. The John Wood Report No. 4
John Wood just released this - and it's
very good - so be sure to grab a copy.
This issue includes articles on stone
lifting, sledge hammers, smashing
thru sticking points, a conditioning
workout from 1862, tips from Steve
Stanko and John Grimek, bench
press training, and a really tough
and effective arm training program.
4. Rainy Day Workouts
My current training quarters are about
as basic as they come.
We live in an old house in the Highlands
section of Louisville - which has been
converted to two living units. We rent
the top floor. It's the perfect size for
the two of us.
The basement has a washer and dryer,
amd not much else, so I keep my bar-
bells, plates, Trap bar, and squat stands
One of the barbells is an Eleiko bar that
I take outside and use for Olympic lifting.
I don't use it for squats because I don't
want to mess up the knurling.
I have a second barbell - a beater bar -
that I use for squats.
I also have a basic flat bench bench, and
a killer set of dumbbells that a friend gave
me. They're adjustable, so I can load them
to whatever I want.
The ceiling is very low, so if I want to
do overhead lifting I need to set up
shop outside - meaning that I lay some
1/2" heavy rubber stall mats down on
the driveway and lift there.
Works fine if you don't drop the weights,
and I don't drop them. I grew up in the
days of iron plates, and we never dropped
the bar. The high school coaches would
have killed us.
I also have a power rack. It doesn't fit
in the basement, so I put it outside.
So I really have two places to train - the
basement, and the drive-way.
Trudi has three. She also sets up shop
in the living room, using dumbbells, kettle-
bells, and rubber cables.
I do some things upstairs, as well, but
not anything heavy. Mainly stretching and
mobility work, so I don't count it as a
real training area.
It's been raining a lot over the past week,
so I've been dodging the storms and trying
to train in-between cloudbursts.
I mistimed it one day. Just as I was starting
my first set on the rubber mates in the drive-
way, it started to sprinkle.
I quickly moved everything into the base-
ment - which was a good thing, because
it started pouring for real.
And I had a great workout. It was a squat
day, and they work just as well inside as
they do outside.
Squats are squats no matter where you
do them.
Yesterday it rained in the afternoon, but
then the sun came out and started to dry
things off - so I went outside to train.
I had planned to do pull-ups on the power
rack, but of course the bar was pretty wet -
but that wasn't a problem - it's what towels
are for.
So I wiped the bar dry and did six fast super-
sets of pull-ups and one-arm dumbbell bench
presses - followed by other fun stuff with the
And I had another great workout.
I prefer to train outside, but it all depends
on the weather - and that's okay.
Weather happens. I can't control it. But no
matter what the weather is like, I can have
a fun, challenging, effective and result-
producing workout.
And fun, challenging, effective and result-
producing is the name of the game.
Of course, you're a Dino - so you already
know that - and you live it every time you
As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik
P.S. Chapter 14 of Strength, Muscle and
Power covers home gym training in detail -
and the other 28 chapters cover tons of other
topics - rest pause training, power rack
workouts, abbreviated workouts,sandbags,
barrels, finishers, heavy awkward objects,
grip training, specialization programs,
tendon and ligament strength, and much
Go here to grab the little monster:
P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:
Hard-copy and PDF
P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:
"It's all good and it all works - you just
have to knuckle down and train on a
regular and consistent basis."
- Brooks Kubik
We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle
bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: